
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>///*图的结构定义============*///
#define MAX 500
typedef struct arcnode
{int adjvex;struct arcnode *next;int value;
} arcnode;
typedef struct vnode
{int date;arcnode *firstac;
} vnode;
typedef struct
{vnode vlist[MAX];int vexnum,arcnum;int kind;
} algraph;
typedef int elem;
typedef struct queueNode{elem data;struct queueNode* next;
queueNode* initQueue(queueNode *head)
{head = (queueNode*)malloc(sizeof(queueNode));if(!head) exit(0);head->next = NULL;return head;
queueNode* enQueue(queueNode* head,elem data)
{queueNode* p = (queueNode*)malloc(sizeof(queueNode));if(!p) exit(0);p->data = data;p->next = NULL;queueNode* pr = head;while(pr->next){pr = pr->next;}pr->next = p;return head;
elem deQueue(queueNode* head)
{if(!head->next) return -1;queueNode* p = head->next;elem temp = p->data;head->next = p->next;free(p);return temp;
int empty(queueNode* head)
{return head->next ? 0 : 1;
///*========================*/////图的创建 noProblem
void creGraph(algraph* al)
{int i,j;scanf("%d%d%d",&al->kind,&al->vexnum,&al->arcnum);for(i = 0; i < al->vexnum; i ++){scanf("%d",&al->vlist[i].date);al->vlist[i].firstac = NULL;}for(j = 0; j < al->arcnum; j ++){int a,b;scanf("%d %d",&a,&b);arcnode* p = (arcnode*)malloc(sizeof(arcnode));p->next = NULL;for(i = 0; i < al->vexnum; i ++){if(al->vlist[i].date == b){p->adjvex = i;break;}}for(i = 0; i < al->vexnum; i ++){if(al->vlist[i].date == a){arcnode* pr = al->vlist[i].firstac;if(!pr){al->vlist[i].firstac = p;break;}while(pr->next) pr = pr->next;pr->next = p;break;}}}printf("UDG has been created successfully.\n");
//输出邻接表  noProblem
void printList(algraph *al)
{putchar('\n');int i;for(i = 0;i < al->vexnum;i ++){printf("jiedian:%d ",al->vlist[i].date);arcnode *p = al->vlist[i].firstac;while(p){printf("next:%d value:%d ",p->adjvex,p->value);p = p->next;}putchar('\n');}
void desGraph(algraph* al)
{int i;for(i = 0;i < al->vexnum;i ++){arcnode* pr = al->vlist[i].firstac;arcnode* p =NULL;while(pr){p = pr;pr = pr->next;free(p);}free(&al->vlist[i].date);}al->arcnum = 0;al->vexnum = 0;al->kind = -1;
//查找节点图中的下标  noProblem
int local(algraph* al,int ch)
{int i;for(i = 0; i < al->vexnum; i ++){if(al->vlist[i].date == ch)return i;}printf("顶点输入错误!!!");return -1;
//返回特定节点的值 noProblem
int GetVex(algraph* al,int v)
{int i;for(i = 0;i < al->vexnum;i ++){arcnode* p = al->vlist[i].firstac;while(p){if(p->adjvex == v){return p->value;}p = p->next;}}return -1;
//对图中的节点v赋值 noProblem
void PutVexing(algraph* al,int v,int value)
{int i;for(i = 0;i < al->vexnum;i ++){arcnode *p = al->vlist[i].firstac;while(p){if(p->adjvex == v){p->value = value;}p = p->next;}}
//求图中顶点v的第一个邻接顶点 noProblem
void FirdtAdjVexf(algraph* al,int v)
{int i;for(i = 0;i < al->vexnum;i ++){if(al->vlist[i].date == v){printf("FirstNext:%d",al->vlist[i].firstac->adjvex);}}
void InsertVex(algraph* al,int v)
{al->vlist[al->vexnum].date = v;al->vlist[al->vexnum].firstac = NULL;al->vexnum ++;
//在图中增添弧,如果是无向的,还应添加对称点 noProblem
//1.有向图 2.无向图 3.有向网 4.无向网
void InsertArc(algraph* al,int v,int w)
{int i ;arcnode* p = (arcnode*)malloc(sizeof(arcnode));if(!p) exit(0);p->adjvex = w;for(i = 0;i < al->vexnum;i ++){if(al->vlist[i].date == v){p->next = al->vlist[i].firstac;al->vlist[i].firstac = p;al->arcnum ++;break;}}if(al->kind == 2 || al->kind == 4){arcnode* pr = (arcnode*)malloc(sizeof(arcnode));if(!pr) exit(0);pr->adjvex = v;for(i = 0;i < al->vexnum;i ++){if(al->vlist[i].date == w){pr->next = al->vlist[i].firstac;al->vlist[i].firstac = pr;al->arcnum ++;break;}}}
//删除顶点v即相关的弧  noProblem
void DeleteVex(algraph* al,int v)
{int i,j;for(i = 0;i < al->vexnum;i ++){if(al->vlist[i].date == v){for(j = i;j < al->vexnum - 1;j ++){al->vlist[j] = al->vlist[j + 1];}al->vexnum --;break;}}for(i = 0;i < al->vexnum;i ++){arcnode* pr = al->vlist[i].firstac;arcnode* p = al->vlist[i].firstac;while(pr){if(pr->adjvex == v){if(p == pr)//第一个节点符合条件时{al->vlist[i].firstac = pr->next;free(pr);al->arcnum --;break;}p->next = pr->next;free(pr);al->arcnum --;break;}p = pr;pr = pr->next;}}
//删除弧,如果是无向的,还要删除对称弧  noProblem
void DeleteArc(algraph* al,int v,int w)
{int i;int vIndex,wIndex;for(i = 0;i < al->vexnum;i ++){if(al->vlist[i].date == v)vIndex = i;if(al->vlist[i].date == w)wIndex = i;}arcnode *p = al->vlist[vIndex].firstac;arcnode *pr = al->vlist[vIndex].firstac;while(p){if(p->adjvex == wIndex){if(p == pr){al->vlist[vIndex].firstac = p->next;free(p);al->arcnum --;break;}pr->next = p->next;free(p);al->arcnum --;break;}pr = p;p = p->next;}if(al->kind == 2 || al->kind == 4){p = al->vlist[wIndex].firstac;pr = al->vlist[wIndex].firstac;while(p){if(p->adjvex == vIndex){if(p == pr){al->vlist[wIndex].firstac = p->next;free(p);al->arcnum --;break;}pr->next = p->next;free(p);al->arcnum --;break;}pr = p;p = p->next;}}
//深度优先遍历 noProblem
void dnf(algraph* al,int i);
int visited[MAX];
void dnfTrave(algraph* al)
{int i;for(i = 0; i < al->vexnum; i ++)visited[i] = 0;for(i = 0; i < al->vexnum; i ++)if(!visited[i]) dnf(al,i);
void dnf(algraph* al,int i)
{visited[i] = 1;printf("%d ",al->vlist[i].date);arcnode *p = al->vlist[i].firstac;while(p){if(!visited[p->adjvex])dnf(al,p->adjvex);p = p->next;}
//广度优先遍历 noProblem
void BFSTraverse(algraph* al)
{int i;for(i = 0;i < al->vexnum;i ++)visited[i] = 0;queueNode* head = NULL;head = initQueue(head);for(i = 0;i < al->vexnum;i ++){if(!visited[i]){visited[i] = 1;printf("%d ",al->vlist[i].date);head = enQueue(head,i);while(!empty(head)){arcnode *p = al->vlist[deQueue(head)].firstac;while(p){if(!visited[p->adjvex]){visited[p->adjvex] = 1;printf("%d ",al->vlist[p->adjvex].date);head = enQueue(head,p->adjvex);}p = p->next;}}}}}
//求顶点v的度 noProblem
int FindDegree(algraph* al,int v)
{int count = 0;int i = 0;int vIndex;arcnode *p = NULL;for(i = 0;i < al->vexnum;i ++){if(al->vlist[i].date == v){vIndex = i;break;}}for(i = 0;i < al->vexnum;i ++){p = al->vlist[i].firstac;while(p){if(p->adjvex == vIndex){count ++;break;}p = p->next;}}p = al->vlist[vIndex].firstac;while(p){count ++;p = p->next;}return count;
int FindOutDegree(algraph* al,int v)
{int count = 0;int i = 0;int vIndex;arcnode *p = NULL;for(i = 0;i < al->vexnum;i ++){if(al->vlist[i].date == v){vIndex = i;break;}}p = al->vlist[vIndex].firstac;while(p){count ++;p = p->next;}return count;
int FindInDegree(algraph* al,int v)
{int count = 0;int i = 0;int vIndex = -1;arcnode *p = NULL;for(i = 0;i < al->vexnum;i ++){if(al->vlist[i].date == v){vIndex = i;break;}}if(vIndex == -1) printf("节点入度计算错误,没有该节点");for(i = 0;i < al->vexnum;i ++){p = al->vlist[i].firstac;while(p){if(p->adjvex == vIndex){count ++;break;}p = p->next;}}return count;
int main()
{algraph al;creGraph(&al);printf("DFS traverse: ");dnfTrave(&al);putchar('\n');printf("BFS traverse: ");BFSTraverse(&al);putchar('\n');printf("The degree of each vertex: ");int i = 0;for(i = 0;i < al.vexnum;i ++){printf("%d: ",al.vlist[i].date);printf("%d",FindOutDegree(&al,al.vlist[i].date)+FindInDegree(&al,al.vlist[i].date));if(i != al.vexnum-1) printf(", ");}return 0;
3 8 9
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
1 2
1 3
2 4
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4 8
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3 7
6 7*/


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