
  • 操作步骤
  • 关键类与接口方法定义
    • 方法
  • 示例代码


  1. 人脸检测
  2. 人脸关键点检测
  3. 人脸对齐


  1. 人脸检测类 : dlib.fhog_object_detectordlib.cnn_face_detection_model_v1,前者基于HOG模型,后者基于CNN模型,前者检测方法调用为__call(img)__ ->dlib.rectanglesrun(img,upsample_num,threshold)->(dlib.rectangles,List[scores:int],List[int]),后者检测方法调用为__call(img)__->dlib.mmod_rectangles
  2. 关键点检测类: dlib.shape_predictor,预测调用方法__call__(self,image, box: dlib.rectangle)->dlib.full_object_detection
  3. 检测结果类 : dlib.full_object_detection, 常用方法 part(self, idx: int)->dlib.point 单个关键点信息 、parts(self)->dlib.points 所有的关键点信息
  4. 关键点类:dlib.point关键点,成员包含x,y,dlib.points关键点列表


  1. 获取单个人脸对齐结果


get_face_chip(img: numpy.ndarray[(rows,cols,3),uint8], face: _dlib_pybind11.full_object_detection, size: int=150, padding: float=0.25) -> numpy.ndarray[(rows,cols,3),uint8]Takes an image and a full_object_detection that references a face in that image and returns the face as a Numpy array representing the image.  The face will be rotated upright and scaled to 150x150 pixels or with the optional specified size and padding.
  1. 获取多个人脸对齐结果
get_face_chips(img: numpy.ndarray[(rows,cols,3),uint8], faces: _dlib_pybind11.full_object_detections, size: int=150, padding: float=0.25)->listTakes an image and a full_object_detections object that reference faces in that image and returns the faces as a list of Numpy arrays representing the image.  The faces will be rotated upright and scaled to 150x150 pixels or with the optional specified size and padding.


import dlib
import numpy as npfrom cv2 import cv2# step 1. create face detect and shape predict model
face_detector_model_path = '../models/mmod_human_face_detector.dat'
face_detector = dlib.cnn_face_detection_model_v1(face_detector_model_path)  # dlib.cnn_face_detection_model_v1
shape_model_path = r'../models/shape_predictor_68_face_landmarks.dat'
face_shape_predictor = dlib.shape_predictor(shape_model_path)  # dlib.shape_predictor# step 2. get all face detections
image_path = "sample.jpg"
img = dlib.load_rgb_image(image_path)
detections = face_detector(img, 1)  # dlib.mmod_rectangles# step 3. fetch one of all face detections, and if it's mmod_rectangle , convert to rectabgle
detection = detections[0]  # dlib.mmod_rectangle
# the mmod_rectangle contains two parts : confidence and rect# step 4. get one face shape and return a single object name full_object_detection
shape = face_shape_predictor(img, detection.rect)  # dlib.full_object_detection# step 5. get one aligned face
image = dlib.get_face_chip(img, shape, size=150, padding=0.45) # numpy.ndarray# Optionally: get all the aligned faces that was detected in the first place
faces = [face.rect for face in detections]
# Get the aligned face images
# faces = dlib.full_object_detections()
# faces.append(shape)
# Optionally:
images = dlib.get_face_chips(img, faces, size=160, padding=0.25)


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  8. 人脸对齐(五)--ESR算法

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  9. 机器学习--详解人脸对齐算法SDM-LBF

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