
JTCalendar is a calendar control for iOS easily customizable.

JTCalendar 是一个很容易定制的日历的控件。


Basic usage - 基本使用方法

You have to create two views in your UIViewController.


The first view is JTCalendarMenuView, it represents the months.


The second view is JTCalendarContentView, the calendar itself.


Your UIViewController must implement JTCalendarDataSource

你的UIViewController 必须实现JTCalendarDataSource代理。

#import <UIKit/UIKit.h>#import "JTCalendar.h" @interface ViewController : UIViewController<JTCalendarDataSource> @property (weak, nonatomic) IBOutlet JTCalendarMenuView *calendarMenuView; @property (weak, nonatomic) IBOutlet JTCalendarContentView *calendarContentView; @property (strong, nonatomic) JTCalendar *calendar; @end

JTCalendar is used to coordinate calendarMenuView and calendarContentView.

JTCalendar 是用来定位calendarMenuView与 calendarContentView的。

@implementation ViewController- (void)viewDidLoad
{[super viewDidLoad];self.calendar = [JTCalendar new]; [self.calendar setMenuMonthsView:self.calendarMenuView]; [self.calendar setContentView:self.calendarContentView]; [self.calendar setDataSource:self]; } - (void)viewDidAppear:(BOOL)animated { [super viewDidAppear:animated]; [self.calendar reloadData]; // Must be call in viewDidAppear } - (BOOL)calendarHaveEvent:(JTCalendar *)calendar date:(NSDate *)date { return NO; } - (void)calendarDidDateSelected:(JTCalendar *)calendar date:(NSDate *)date { NSLog(@"%@", date); } @end 

Switch to week view


If you want see just one week at time you can switch when you want between the weekMode.


self.calendar.calendarAppearance.isWeekMode = YES;
[self.calendar reloadAppearance];



When you change the mode, it doesn't change the height of calendarContentView, you have to do it yourself. See the project in example for more details.


Customize the design


You have a lot of options available for personnalize the design. Check the JTCalendarAppearance.h file for see all options.


self.calendar.calendarAppearance.calendar.firstWeekday = 2; // Monday
self.calendar.calendarAppearance.ratioContentMenu = 1.;
self.calendar.calendarAppearance.menuMonthTextColor = [UIColor whiteColor];
self.calendar.calendarAppearance.dayCircleColorSelected = [UIColor blueColor]; self.calendar.calendarAppearance.dayTextColorSelected = [UIColor whiteColor]; [self.calendar reloadAppearance];



The call to reloadAppearance is expensive, reloadAppearance is call by setMenuMonthsView andsetContentView.

调用reloadAppearance 开销很大,setMenuMonthsView 与andsetContentView会调用reloadAppearance 方法

For better performance define the appearance just after instanciate JTCalendar.

BAD example:

self.calendar = [JTCalendar new];[self.calendar setMenuMonthsView:self.calendarMenuView];
[self.calendar setContentView:self.calendarContentView]; [self.calendar setDataSource:self]; self.calendar.calendarAppearance.calendar.firstWeekday = 2; // Monday self.calendar.calendarAppearance.ratioContentMenu = 1.; self.calendar.calendarAppearance.menuMonthTextColor = [UIColor whiteColor]; self.calendar.calendarAppearance.dayCircleColorSelected = [UIColor blueColor]; self.calendar.calendarAppearance.dayTextColorSelected = [UIColor whiteColor]; [self.calendar reloadAppearance]; // You have to call reloadAppearance

GOOD example:

self.calendar = [JTCalendar new];self.calendar.calendarAppearance.calendar.firstWeekday = 2; // Monday
self.calendar.calendarAppearance.ratioContentMenu = 1.;
self.calendar.calendarAppearance.menuMonthTextColor = [UIColor whiteColor]; self.calendar.calendarAppearance.dayCircleColorSelected = [UIColor blueColor]; self.calendar.calendarAppearance.dayTextColorSelected = [UIColor whiteColor]; [self.calendar setMenuMonthsView:self.calendarMenuView]; [self.calendar setContentView:self.calendarContentView]; [self.calendar setDataSource:self]; // You don't have to call reloadAppearance

You may also want to open your calendar on a specific date, by defaut it's [NSDate date].

你也许想在打开日历的时候定位到指定的日期,默认值是[NSDate date]

[self.calendar setCurrentDate:myDate];


  • iOS 7 or higher
  • Automatic Reference Counting (ARC)


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