With the amount of email you receive in a given day, it’s hard to keep them all straight, no matter how you organize your inbox. Today we show you how to use the Notes feature to help get better organized.

在一天之内收到的电子邮件数量很大,无论您如何组织收件箱,都很难保持它们的整齐。 今天,我们向您展示如何使用Notes功能来帮助您更好地组织。

One of the features in Outlook which isn’t talked about much and perhaps underutilized is Notes. Using notes while in Outlook can help you remember important ideas and organize your work. Here we look at using Notes in Outlook 2010 but the feature is available in Office 2002 and up.

Notes中很少谈论的功能之一,可能使用率不高。 在Outlook中使用笔记可以帮助您记住重要的想法并组织工作。 在这里,我们着眼于在Outlook 2010中使用Notes,但该功能在Office 2002及更高版本中可用。

Using Notes in Outlook 2010

在Outlook 2010中使用笔记

To access the Notes feature in Outlook 2010 click on the Notes button in the Navigation Pane.

要访问Outlook 2010中的Notes功能,请单击导航窗格中的Notes按钮。

You can also click the arrow button to show more or fewer items. This way you can have Notes appear as a larger button for easier access if you use it a lot.

您也可以单击箭头按钮以显示更多或更少的项目。 这样,如果您经常使用Notes,便可以将其显示为较大的按钮,以便于访问。

The Notes feature opens up and to create a new note click New Note from the Ribbon.

便笺功能打开,并要创建新便笺, 从功能区中单击“ 新建便笺 ”。

After you’ve created your note just close out of it and it will automatically save to your list.


Under the Home Tab in Current View, you’re able to change the view options of your notes. Here we have it set to Notes List so we can easily see the contents of the note and other detailed info.

在当前视图的主页选项卡下,您可以更改便笺的视图选项。 在这里,我们将其设置为“ 注释列表”,因此我们可以轻松地查看注释的内容和其他详细信息。

If you have them displaying as icons you can hover the mouse over the note and see a preview of its contents.


You can also sort your notes alphabetically in Icon View. Right click an empty area in the window and select Sort from the Context Menu.

您也可以在“图标视图”中按字母顺序对笔记进行排序。 右键单击窗口中的空白区域,然后从上下文菜单中选择“排序”。

In the Sort screen select Sort items by Subject and if you want it to be Ascending or Descending and click OK.

在“排序”屏幕中,选择“ 按主题对项目进行排序”,然后选择“升序”还是“降序”,然后单击“确定”。

There you go! Your notes are then sorted alphabetically. You can also sort them by Color, Contact, Icon…etc.

你去! 然后,您的笔记将按字母顺序排序。 您还可以按颜色,联系人,图标等对它们进行排序。

If you have a few notes open in Windows 7, you can easily access them from the Taskbar along with everything else you might have open in Outlook.

如果您在Windows 7中打开了一些便笺,则可以轻松地从任务栏访问它们,以及在Outlook中可能已经打开的所有其他内容。

Add New Note Button to Quick Access Toolbar


If you find you’re using the Notes feature a lot, you might want to add it to the Quick Access Toolbar. To add it, click the the dropdown menu and select More Commands.

如果发现您经常使用Notes功能,则可能需要将其添加到快速访问工具栏中。 要添加它,请单击下拉菜单,然后选择更多命令

Outlook Options will open up…dropdown the commands menu and select All Commands.

Outlook选项将打开…下拉命令菜单,然后选择“ 所有命令”

Then scroll down and highlight New Note and click the Add button.


You should see it under the Customize Quick Access Toolbar section, click OK to close out of Outlook Options.


Now you’ll see the New Note icon in the Quick Access Toolbar.


Click it and you’ll be able to create a new note while looking through your Inbox without going into the Notes section.


Email Notes


Another neat feature with Notes in Outlook is you can email them too. Right-click on the Note you want to send and select Forward.

Outlook中Notes的另一个简洁功能是您也可以通过电子邮件发送它们。 右键单击要发送的便笺,然后选择转发。

Now send it off as you would any other email.


You can also link Notes to your contacts. Open a note and click the icon in the upper left corner and select Contacts.

您还可以将Notes链接到您的联系人。 打开便笺,然后单击左上角的图标,然后选择通讯录。

Now type in the name of the contact who you want to link the note to or click the Contacts button to browse through your contacts list.


Move or Copy Notes to the Calendar or Other Folders


Sometimes you might want to move or copy your notes to another location in Outlook. Here we’ll look at copying a note to the Calendar. Select the Move dropdown menu from the Ribbon then select to move or copy it to another location.

有时您可能想将笔记移动或复制到Outlook中的其他位置。 在这里,我们将研究如何将笔记复制到日历。 从功能区中选择“移动”下拉菜单,然后选择将其移动或复制到另一个位置。

Choose where you want to move or copy it to…in this case the Calendar, then click OK.


The Calendar will open and you can then go through and schedule it how you want.Notes


Customize Your Notes


If you’re not happy with the appearance of the typical yellow look of your notes, they can be customized. Click on the File tab to access Backstage View and click on Options.

如果您对笔记的典型黄色外观不满意,可以对其进行自定义。 单击文件选项卡以访问Backstage视图,然后单击选项。

Click on Notes and Journal and under Notes options you can customize the color, font, and Size.


Here is an example of a Note after we customized the color, size, and font.




If you live in Outlook during the business day, and want a quick and easy way to jot down you thoughts, using the Notes feature can come in handy. This guide should definitely get you started understanding and using Notes in Outlook. What about you? Do you use the Notes feature? Do you find them to to be a helpful tool to better organize your work? Leave a comment and let us know.

如果您在工作日住在Outlook中,并且想要一种快速简便的方法来记下您的想法,则可以使用Notes功能。 本指南绝对应该使您开始了解和使用Outlook中的Notes。 你呢? 您使用笔记功能吗? 您是否发现它们是更好地组织工作的有用工具? 发表评论,让我们知道。

翻译自: https://www.howtogeek.com/howto/23223/beginners-guide-to-using-the-notes-feature-in-outlook/


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