

This application example is split into two parts describing two similar application examples.(两个例子)

Both examples use of the inter-timers synchronization to generate an N-pulse waveform but with a small difference:

• Within the first application example, covered by the part 1 of this section, an N-pulse waveform is generated on the output and the complementary output of TIM1 timer channel 1. At the end of the N-pulse waveform generation, the TIM1 timer channel 1 outputs keep their last (互补)where the channel 1 output is low and its complementary output is high.

• Within the second application example, covered by the part 2 of this section, an Npulse waveform is generated on the output and the complementary output of TIM1 timer channel 1. At the end of the N-pulse waveform generation, the TIM1 timer channel 1 outputs should be both low. This can be achieved by using the commutation feature built-in the STM32 timers. This feature is detailed in the second part of this chapter.

1 Timer synchronization overview(定时器同步方法)

Some of the STM32 timers are linked together internally for inter-timer synchronization or chaining.


The STM32 timer peripherals featuring the inter-timers synchronization capability have only one synchronization output signal named TRGO (abbreviation for “Trigger Out”).


They also have four synchronization inputs (named ITRx where x ranges from 1 to 4) connected to the other STM32 timers synchronization outputs. The reference manual for any STM32 microcontroller lists the inter-timers connection matrix.


Note that only the timers featuring the master/slave controller unit support the inter-timer synchronization (with only few exceptions). For example, the TIM2 timer peripheral features a master/slave controller unit and it can be synchronized with other STM32 timer peripherals.


The TIM2 can trigger events inside other timers through its synchronization TRGO output signal. In this case the TIM2 timer peripheral is acting as a master timer. TIM2 timer peripheral can also be configured to be triggered by other timer synchronization output signals;


in this case the TIM2 timer peripheral is acting as a slave timer. A timer peripheral can act as a slave timer and as a master timer simultaneously.


The TIM11 timer peripheral is an example of timer peripheral that does not feature a master/slave controller unit. It does not feature a synchronization of TRGO output signal, but it is able to act as master timer for some other timer peripherals. This is possible through the usage of the TIM11 timer channel output as synchronization output signal. The TIM11 timer channel output is connected to other timer peripherals synchronization inputs.

定时器11 这是没有master/slave的定时器单元。他没有TRGO的同步输出信号。但是,他具备作为master定时的能力。通过TIM11的使用输出一个同步信号,然后,把这个同步信号连接到其他的定时器的输入上。

1.1 Timer-master configuration(主定时器配置和控制的方式)

When a timer peripheral is configured as a master timer, its corresponding synchronization TRGO output signal may output a synchronization pulse next to any of the timer events listed below.



Note that the presented list is not exhaustive and only the most common modes are listed. The list of master modes may vary from one microcontroller family to another:(本文举例也许对其他版本的MCU并不详尽)


Reset: the UG bit from the EGR register is used as a trigger output (TRGO)

设置UG bit为1 ,


第一种情况,就是主从定时器,通过RESET UG位的方式,重置之前的预设定值。

1.1.2 使能

Enable: the counter enable signal is used as a trigger output (TRGO). It is used to start several timers at the same time, or to control a window in which a slave timer is enabled

Counter 使能信号被用作TRGO。被用于同时启动多个Timer,或者控制一个窗口让从timer使能。


1.1.3 更新

Update: the update event is selected as trigger output (TRGO). For example, a master timer can be used as a prescaler for a slave timer

更新事件作为TRGO,例如,Master timer用于从timer的prescaler

1.1.4 比较脉冲

Compare pulse: the trigger output sends a positive pulse when the CC1IF flag is set (even if it was already high) as soon as a capture or a compare match occurs


OC1Ref: OC1REF signal is used as trigger output (TRGO)

OC1Ref,Output compare 1 Reference. 输出比较查看寄存器。



OC2Ref: OC2REF signal is used as trigger output (TRGO)

OC3Ref: OC3REF signal is used as trigger output (TRGO)

OC4Ref: OC4REF signal is used as trigger output (TRGO)

To configure the timer event or internal signal to be used as a synchronization output, the right value should be written to the MMS (master mode selection) control bit-field within the TIMx_CR2 timer control register 2.


1.2 Timer-slave configuration(定时从模式配置)

Each timer peripheral that embeds a master/slave controller unit features four synchronization inputs already connected to the other timers synchronization outputs.


Note that only one synchronization input can be active at each time and the TS (trigger selection) control bit-field is used to select which synchronization input is the active one.




TIM1 可以被2,3,4,5来作为从timer被触发。

The detection of an active edge on the synchronization input of one timer peripheral may trigger one of timer event inside the peripheral like an “update event” and counter reset, or counter increment.


This depends on the configured value into the SMS (slave mode selection) control bit-field within the timer slave mode control register (TIMx_SMCR).


To select which synchronization input to use, the slave timer is connected to the master timer through the input trigger.

1.3 STM32 timer-commutation feature(定时器的通讯功能 - 预加载设计)

The commutation feature is used in combination with the preload feature to change the timer channel-configuration in perfect synchronization with timer external events that are fed into it through one of its internal or external inputs.


The configuration to which this refer, can be for example channel output mode, channel enabled/disabled or other. ITRx inputs are an example of internal inputs and ETR, TI1, or TI2 are examples of external inputs.

As stated in Section 1: Basic operating modes of STM32 general-purpose timers, the OCxM, CCxE and CCxNE control bit-fields feature the preload capability.

OCxM: output compare mode x:



CCxE 使能


When the preload feature on these bit-fields is enabled, any write access to them does not change the timer channel operating mode. The reason is that the write operation is performed on the preload instances of these control bit-fields. Their active instances, which effectively control the timer channel output mode, remain unchanged.Each ITRx is connected internally to another timer, and this connection is specific for each STM32 product.


As soon as a commutation event is generated inside the timer, the content of the preload instances of these control bit-fields is transferred into the active instances and consequentially the channel output mode may be changed.


Depending on the configuration of the CCUS control bit-field within the timer control register 2 (TIMx_CR2), the commutation event can be generated after detecting an active edge on the timer trigger input signal (TRGI).

通过配置CCUS,可以将timer trigger input signal (TRGI).设定为边缘触发。

In particular, it can be generated after detecting an active edge on the timer active synchronization ITRx input of the timer peripheral (ITRx inputs are part of the sources of TRGI signal).

再特殊一点,就是当探测到一个ITRX 定时器的活动边沿的时候,产生输出。

This capability may be used to make one timer control when a commutation event on a second timer should be triggered through inter-timers synchronization. Alternatively, the commutation event may be generated by software through the setting of the COMG control bit-field within the TIMx_EGR timer register.


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