
class ToTensor(object):"""Convert a ``PIL Image`` or ``numpy.ndarray`` to tensor.Converts a PIL Image or numpy.ndarray (H x W x C) in the range[0, 255] to a torch.FloatTensor of shape (C x H x W) in the range [0.0, 1.0]if the PIL Image belongs to one of the modes (L, LA, P, I, F, RGB, YCbCr, RGBA, CMYK, 1)or if the numpy.ndarray has dtype = np.uint8In the other cases, tensors are returned without scaling."""def __call__(self, pic):"""Args:pic (PIL Image or numpy.ndarray): Image to be converted to tensor.Returns:Tensor: Converted image."""return F.to_tensor(pic)def __repr__(self):return self.__class__.__name__ + '()'class ToPILImage(object):"""Convert a tensor or an ndarray to PIL Image.Converts a torch.*Tensor of shape C x H x W or a numpy ndarray of shapeH x W x C to a PIL Image while preserving the value range.Args:mode (`PIL.Image mode`_): color space and pixel depth of input data (optional).If ``mode`` is ``None`` (default) there are some assumptions made about the input data:- If the input has 4 channels, the ``mode`` is assumed to be ``RGBA``.- If the input has 3 channels, the ``mode`` is assumed to be ``RGB``.- If the input has 2 channels, the ``mode`` is assumed to be ``LA``.- If the input has 1 channel, the ``mode`` is determined by the data type (i.e ``int``, ``float``,``short``)... _PIL.Image mode:"""def __init__(self, mode=None):self.mode = modedef __call__(self, pic):"""Args:pic (Tensor or numpy.ndarray): Image to be converted to PIL Image.Returns:PIL Image: Image converted to PIL Image."""return F.to_pil_image(pic, self.mode)def __repr__(self):format_string = self.__class__.__name__ + '('if self.mode is not None:format_string += 'mode={0}'.format(self.mode)format_string += ')'return format_string

可以从to_tensor()函数看到,函数接受PIL Image或numpy.ndarray,将其先由HWC转置为CHW格式,再转为float后每个像素除以255.

(1) transforms.ToTensor() 将numpy的ndarray或PIL.Image读的图片转换成形状为(C,H, W)的Tensor格式,且/255归一化到[0, 1.0]之间
PIL.Image:(R, G, B)


import torch
import cv2
from PIL import Image
from torchvision import transforms
image = cv2.imread('myimage.jpg')  # numpy数组格式(H,W,C=3),通道顺序(B,G,R)
image2 ='myimage.jpg')  # PIL的JpegImageFile格式(size=(W,H))
print(image.shape)  # (H,W,3)
print(image2.size)  # (W,H)
tran = transforms.ToTensor()  # 将numpy数组或PIL.Image读的图片转换成(C,H, W)的Tensor格式且/255归一化到[0,1.0]之间
img_tensor = tran(image)
img2_tensor = tran(image2)
print(img_tensor.size())  # (C,H, W), 通道顺序(B,G,R)
print(img2_tensor.size())  # (C,H, W), 通道顺序(R,G,B)



  1. img.tobytes()  将图片转化成内存中的存储格式
  2. torch.BytesStorage.frombuffer(img.tobytes() )  将字节以流的形式输入,转化成一维的张量
  3. 对张量进行reshape
  4. 对张量进行permute(2,0,1)
  5. 将当前张量的每个元素除以255
  6. 输出张量



  1. 将张量的每个元素乘上255
  2. 将张量的数据类型有FloatTensor转化成Uint8
  3. 将张量转化成numpy的ndarray类型
  4. 对ndarray对象做permute (1, 2, 0)的操作
  5. 利用Image下的fromarray函数,将ndarray对象转化成PILImage形式
  6. 输出PILImage


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