

class Font(object):"""Character properties object, providing font size, font name, bold,italic, etc. Corresponds to ``<a:rPr>`` child element of a run. Alsoappears as ``<a:defRPr>`` and ``<a:endParaRPr>`` in paragraph and``<a:defRPr>`` in list style elements."""def __init__(self, rPr):super(Font, self).__init__()self._element = self._rPr = rPr@propertydef bold(self):"""Get or set boolean bold value of |Font|, e.g.``paragraph.font.bold = True``. If set to |None|, the bold setting iscleared and is inherited from an enclosing shape's setting, or asetting in a style or master. Returns None if no bold attribute ispresent, meaning the effective bold value is inherited from a masteror the theme."""return self._rPr.b@bold.setterdef bold(self, value):self._rPr.b = value@lazypropertydef color(self):"""The |ColorFormat| instance that provides access to the color settingsfor this font."""if self.fill.type != MSO_FILL.SOLID:self.fill.solid()return self.fill.fore_color@lazypropertydef fill(self):"""|FillFormat| instance for this font, providing access to fillproperties such as fill color."""return FillFormat.from_fill_parent(self._rPr)@propertydef italic(self):"""Get or set boolean italic value of |Font| instance, with the samebehaviors as bold with respect to None values."""return self._rPr.i@italic.setterdef italic(self, value):self._rPr.i = value@propertydef language_id(self):"""Get or set the language id of this |Font| instance. The language idis a member of the :ref:`MsoLanguageId` enumeration. Assigning |None|removes any language setting, the same behavior as assigning`MSO_LANGUAGE_ID.NONE`."""lang = self._rPr.langif lang is None:return MSO_LANGUAGE_ID.NONEreturn self._rPr.lang@language_id.setterdef language_id(self, value):if value == MSO_LANGUAGE_ID.NONE:value = Noneself._rPr.lang = value@propertydef name(self):"""Get or set the typeface name for this |Font| instance, causing thetext it controls to appear in the named font, if a matching font isfound. Returns |None| if the typeface is currently inherited from thetheme. Setting it to |None| removes any override of the themetypeface."""latin = self._rPr.latinif latin is None:return Nonereturn latin.typeface@name.setterdef name(self, value):if value is None:self._rPr._remove_latin()else:latin = self._rPr.get_or_add_latin()latin.typeface = value@propertydef size(self):"""Read/write |Length| value or |None|, indicating the font height inEnglish Metric Units (EMU). |None| indicates the font size should beinherited from its style hierarchy, such as a placeholder or documentdefaults (usually 18pt). |Length| is a subclass of |int| havingproperties for convenient conversion into points or other lengthunits. Likewise, the :class:`pptx.util.Pt` class allows convenientspecification of point values::>> font.size = Pt(24)>> font.size304800>> font.size.pt24.0"""sz = self._rPr.szif sz is None:return Nonereturn Centipoints(sz)@size.setterdef size(self, emu):if emu is None:self._rPr.sz = Noneelse:sz = Emu(emu).centipointsself._rPr.sz = sz@propertydef underline(self):"""Read/write. |True|, |False|, |None|, or a member of the:ref:`MsoTextUnderlineType` enumeration indicating the underlinesetting for this font. |None| is the default and indicates theunderline setting should be inherited from the style hierarchy, suchas from a placeholder. |True| indicates single underline. |False|indicates no underline. Other settings such as double and wavyunderlining are indicated with members of the:ref:`MsoTextUnderlineType` enumeration."""u = self._rPr.uif u is MSO_UNDERLINE.NONE:return Falseif u is MSO_UNDERLINE.SINGLE_LINE:return Truereturn u@underline.setterdef underline(self, value):if value is True:value = MSO_UNDERLINE.SINGLE_LINEelif value is False:value = MSO_UNDERLINE.NONEself._element.u = value


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