/**************************************************************************** find command table entry for a command*/
cmd_tbl_t *find_cmd (const char *cmd)
{cmd_tbl_t *cmdtp;cmd_tbl_t *cmdtp_temp = &__u_boot_cmd_start; /*Init value */const char *p;int len;int n_found = 0;/** Some commands allow length modifiers (like "cp.b");* compare command name only until first dot.*/len = ((p = strchr(cmd, '.')) == NULL) ? strlen (cmd) : (p - cmd);for (cmdtp = &__u_boot_cmd_start;cmdtp != &__u_boot_cmd_end;cmdtp++) {if (strncmp (cmd, cmdtp->name, len) == 0) {if (len == strlen (cmdtp->name))return cmdtp;   /* full match */cmdtp_temp = cmdtp;    /* abbreviated command ? */n_found++;}}if (n_found == 1) {          /* exactly one match */return cmdtp_temp;}return NULL;  /* not found or ambiguous command */
}for (cmdtp = &__u_boot_cmd_start;cmdtp != &__u_boot_cmd_end;cmdtp++)u-boot.lds的链接脚本之中也能传递变量
{. = 0x00000000;. = ALIGN(4);.text      :{cpu/arm920t/start.o (.text)board/100ask24x0/boot_init.o (.text)*(.text)}. = ALIGN(4);.rodata : { *(.rodata) }. = ALIGN(4);.data : { *(.data) }. = ALIGN(4);.got : { *(.got) }. = .;__u_boot_cmd_start = .;.u_boot_cmd : { *(.u_boot_cmd) }__u_boot_cmd_end = .;. = ALIGN(4);__bss_start = .;.bss : { *(.bss) }_end = .;
}#define Struct_Section  __attribute__ ((unused,section (".u_boot_cmd")))#ifdef  CFG_LONGHELP#define U_BOOT_CMD(name,maxargs,rep,cmd,usage,help) \
cmd_tbl_t __u_boot_cmd_##name Struct_Section = {#name, maxargs, rep, cmd, usage, help}#else    /* no long help info */rep命令代表的是命令是否可重复
#define U_BOOT_CMD(name,maxargs,rep,cmd,usage,help) \
cmd_tbl_t __u_boot_cmd_##name Struct_Section = {#name, maxargs, rep, cmd, usage}        nand read.jffs2 0x30007FC0 kernel; bootm 0x30007FC0
U_BOOT_CMD(bootm,   CFG_MAXARGS,    1,  do_bootm,"bootm   - boot application image from memory\n","[addr [arg ...]]\n    - boot application image stored in memory\n""\tpassing arguments 'arg ...'; when booting a Linux kernel,\n""\t'arg' can be the address of an initrd image\n"
#ifdef CONFIG_OF_FLAT_TREE"\tWhen booting a Linux kernel which requires a flat device-tree\n""\ta third argument is required which is the address of the of the\n""\tdevice-tree blob. To boot that kernel without an initrd image,\n""\tuse a '-' for the second argument. If you do not pass a third\n""\ta bd_info struct will be passed instead\n"
);cmd_tbl_t __u_boot_cmd_bootm __attribute__ ((unused,section (".u_boot_cmd"))) =
{"bootm", CFG_MAXARGS, 1, do_bootm,  \
"bootm   - boot application image from memory\n", \"[addr [arg ...]]\n    - boot application image stored in memory\n""\tpassing arguments 'arg ...'; when booting a Linux kernel,\n""\t'arg' can be the address of an initrd image\n"}
在宏定义中  #是转化为字符串的意思
cmd_tbl_t __u_boot_cmd_bootm __attribute__ ((unused,section (".u_boot_cmd")))
因此只要是定义为  U_BOOT_CMD 类型的结构体都将被强制转化为 段的属性为  .u_boot_cmd     该属性在链接脚本中定义了
for (cmdtp = &__u_boot_cmd_start;cmdtp != &__u_boot_cmd_end;cmdtp++)


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