ART-Pi Smart 开发板开箱及爱之初次体验

首先, 感谢RT=Thread给的试用机会, 感谢熊大的指导.
本文ART-Pi Smart开箱及初次体验内置应用




开箱后,包装内全家福,包装内自带了两根 Type-C 线和一根网线。开发板整体接口还是很丰富的:SDIO、USB、ETH、LCD、Camera。


ART-Pi Smart 开发板简介

ART-Pi Smart 开发板是RT-Thread联合百问科技出品,用于学习和评估RT-Thread Smart微内核操作系统。

gitee 文档代码仓库地址 :

  • i.MX6ULL, Cortex-A7, 800MHz
  • RW007 WiFi
  • SDIO TF Card slot
  • USB Host
  • USB OTG with Type-C
  • Ethernet port x1
  • USB UART x1
  • RGB888 FPC connector
  • Camera FPC connector
  • D1 for 3.3 v power-on
  • Two user LEDs
  • Three push-buttons (user, reset and boot)


  • GPIO

    • UART
    • I2C
    • SPI
    • QSPI
    • RTC
    • TIMER
    • PWM
    • SDRAM
    • ETH
    • WIFI
    • LCD


插入 Type-C (两条Type-C线都插上)电源和网线,打开终端,波特率设置为 115200


U-Boot 2017.03-g002b758ac9-dirty (Nov 24 2021 - 20:08:02 +0800)CPU:   Freescale i.MX6ULL rev1.1 696 MHz (running at 396 MHz)CPU:   Industrial temperature grade (-40C to 105C) at 38CReset cause: WDOGModel: Freescale i.MX6 ULL 14x14 EVK BoardBoard: MX6ULL 14x14 EVKDRAM:  512 MiBMMC:   FSL_SDHC: 0, FSL_SDHC: 1*** Warning - bad CRC, using default environmentDisplay: TFT7016 (1024x600)Video: 1024x600x24In:    serialOut:   serialErr:   serialswitch to partitions #0, OKmmc1(part 0) is current deviceNet:   eth1: ethernet@020b4000, eth0: ethernet@02188000 [PRIME]Normal BootHit any key to stop autoboot:  0reading /kernel/rtthread.bin1149312 bytes read in 73 ms (15 MiB/s)## Starting application at 0x80001000 ...\ | /- RT -     Thread Smart Operating System/ | \     5.0.0 build Dec 15 20212006 - 2020 Copyright by rt-thread teamlwIP-2.1.2 initialized![15] E/drv.enet: emac device init success[20] I/I2C: I2C bus [i2c3] registered[24] I/I2C: I2C bus [i2c4] registered[83] E/drv.enet:PHY Link down, please check the cable connection and link partner setting.[94] I/SDIO: SD card capacity 31166976 KB.[156] I/SDIO: emmc card capacity 3817472 KB.found part[0], begin: 2098176, size: 500.0MBfound part[1], begin: 526386176, size: 1.0GBfound part[2], begin: 1600128000, size: 10.0MBfound part[3], begin: 1610613760, size: 200.0MB[266] I/touch: rt_touch init success[270] I/gt911: touch device gt911 init success[275] I/sal.skt: Socket Abstraction Layer initialize success.emmc file system initialization done![1758] I/ wlan init success
[1763] I/WLAN.lwip: eth device init ok name:w0
[1768] I/ wlan init success
[1773] I/WLAN.lwip: eth device init ok name:w1rw007 sn: [rw00700000000fc584a2c5001]
rw007 ver: [RW007_2.1.0-a7a0d089-57][5247] D/drv.enet: enet1 link up[5789] W/WLAN.mgnt: F:rt_wlan_connect L:1091 not find ap! ssid:rt-thread
hello rt-smart!
/sd/ wi-fi configuration file not exist in sd card!
[5807] I/ TCPServer Waiting for client on port 5555...[5814] I/ MCF link port(3) register successfully.
msh />[5850] I/mcf.trans: MCF(V0.1.0) initialized successfully.
[5855] I/urpc: uRPC(V0.1.0) initialize successfully.
[5861] I/mcf.trans: MCF protocol started successfully.


在终端输入命令 help (tab键,用法与)查看帮助信息(会列出相关应用)

msh />helpRT-Thread shell commands:
reboot           - reboot system
cpu_usage        - display cpu usage
dbg              - dbg
memcheck         - check memory data
memtrace         - dump memory trace information
gic_dump         - show gic status
list_page        - show page info
list_fd          - list file descriptor
lsof             - list open files
mount            - mount<device><mountpoint><fstype>
unmount          - unmount the mountpoint
hello            - say hello world
clear            - clear the terminal screen
version          - show RT-Thread version information
list_thread      - list thread
list_sem         - list semaphore in system
list_event       - list event in system
list_mutex       - list mutex in system
list_mailbox     - list mail box in system
list_msgqueue    - list message queue in system
list_memheap     - list memory heap in system
list_mempool     - list memory pool in system
list_timer       - list timer in system
list_device      - list device in system
list             - list all symbol in system
help             - RT-Thread shell help.
ps               - List threads in the system.
free             - Show the memory usage in the system.
ls               - List information about the FILEs.
cp               - Copy SOURCE to DEST.
mv               - Rename SOURCE to DEST.
cat              - Concatenate FILE(s)
rm               - Remove(unlink) the FILE(s).
cd               - Change the shell working directory.
pwd              - Print the name of the current working directory.
mkdir            - Create the DIRECTORY.
mkfs             - format disk with file system
df               - disk free
echo             - echo string to file
set              - set or show environment variable
list_channel     - list IPC channel information
list_process     - list process
kill             - send a signal to a process
killall          - kill processes by name
list_shm         - show share memory info
sys_log          - sys_log 1(enable)/0(disable)
ifconfig         - list the information of all network interfaces
ping             - ping network host
dns              - list and set the information of dns
netstat          - list the information of TCP / IP
pwm_enable       - pwm_enable pwm1 1
pwm_disable      - pwm_disable pwm1 1
pwm_set          - pwm_set pwm1 1 100 50
date             - get date and time or set [year month day hour min sec]
wifi             - wifi command.

执行用户 app。用户 app 存放在目录 /root/bin 目录下

msh /root/bin>pong.elf &msh /root/bin>
Pong: wait on the IPC channel: 3msh /root/bin>ping
msh /root/bin>ping.elf
msh /root/bin>
Ping: send count = 0
Pong: receive count = 0
Pong: reply count = 0
Ping: receive the reply 0Ping: send count = 1
Pong: receive count = 1
Pong: reply count = 1
Ping: receive the reply 1Ping: send count = 2
Pong: receive count = 2
Pong: reply count = 2
Ping: receive the reply 2Ping: send count = 3
Pong: receive count = 3
Pong: reply count = 3
Ping: receive the reply 3Ping: send count = 4
Pong: receive count = 4
Pong: reply count = 4
Ping: receive the reply 4Ping: send count = 5
Pong: receive count = 5
Pong: reply count = 5
Ping: receive the reply 5Ping: send count = 6
Pong: receive count = 6
Pong: reply count = 6
Ping: receive the reply 6Ping: send count = 7
Pong: receive count = 7
Pong: reply count = 7
Ping: receive the reply 7


扫描wifi SSID

msh />wifi scanSSID                      MAC            security    rssi chn Mbps------------------------------- ----------------- -------------- ---- --- ----
SunWIFI 48:0e:ec:cf:50:75 OPEN -29 7 4294
SunshineSilicon 4e:0e:ec:cf:50:75 WPA2_MIXED_PSK -30 7 4294
DIRECT-09SCX-3400 02:15:99:a0:b1:56 WPA2_AES_PSK -54 7 4294
YYH401 c0:b4:7d:90:a4:68 WPA2_AES_PSK -71 6 4294
SunshineSilicon cc:08:fb:19:74:7e WPA2_AES_PSK -73 1 4294
TP-LINK_12F0 04:95:e6:f1:bd:51 WPA2_AES_PSK -73 3 4294
360WiFi-501 a8:6b:7c:c8:35:a2 WPA2_AES_PSK -73 11 4294
ChinaNet-Ut5M 08:6b:d1:fb:49:d0 WPA2_MIXED_PSK -73 11 4294
DIRECT-2a-Pantum P2200 Series 14:6b:9c:e7:28:ed WPA2_MIXED_PSK -75 11 4294
huawei-惠惠 ac:bd:70:d5:2b:2c WPA2_AES_PSK -76 6 4294
ChinaNet-sGGV cc:90:e8:39:c9:a5 WPA2_MIXED_PSK -79 5 4294
yys c8:5b:a0:ef:13:94 WPA2_AES_PSK -79 11 4294
WirelessNet 50:1d:93:68:f4:d0 WPA2_MIXED_PSK -80 1 4294
MERCURY_A34C 5c:de:34:9a:a3:4c WPA2_AES_PSK -81 11 4294
ChinaNet-2.4G-0770 fc:60:9b:12:07:72 WPA2_MIXED_PSK -83 1 4294
嘉源轩 30:a2:c2:78:8d:ba WPA2_MIXED_PSK -84 1 4294
ChinaNet-xmPj 18:52:82:40:78:9d WPA2_AES_PSK -84 8 4294
ChinaNet-2.4G-6646 ac:e3:42:a0:66:4c WPA2_AES_PSK -86 11 4294
502 b8:80:35:c0:57:07 WPA2_AES_PSK -87 11 4294
TP-LINK_AB70 54:a7:03:b2:ab:70 WPA2_AES_PSK -87 11 4294


msh />wifi join SunshineSilicon ********************
[274154] I/WLAN.mgnt: wifi connect failed!
msh />wifi join SunshineSilicon ********************
[283828] I/WLAN.mgnt: wifi connect failed!
msh />wifi join SunshineSilicon ********************
[288510] I/WLAN.mgnt: wifi connect failed!
msh />wifi join SunshineSilicon ********************
[294185] I/WLAN.mgnt: wifi connect failed!

连接wifi 基本失败,好像过很久 自动会连接上

msh /root>[4864107] I/WLAN.mgnt: wifi connect success ssid:SunshineSilicon
[4868116] I/WLAN.lwip: Got IP address :


插网线后, 获取IP,也比较慢







LED 屏体验




本想用udb push到板子上,几次尝试,都失败,还是用古法,下载到SD卡,断电插卡,再重新上电


msh />cd sd


msh /sd>ls
Directory /sd:
AlmVoice            <DIR>
zmaee               <DIR>
@Playlists          <DIR>
My Music            <DIR>
Photos              <DIR>
Videos              <DIR>
sdl_test.elf        1046388
men.bmp             2094054
w.bmp               12183750
1002.bmp            1907166
1001.bmp            2195030
qin.BMP             230454
200.bmp             2423206
1.bmp               2512854
hello.elf           216012


msh /sd>sdl_test.elf -h
msh /sd>screen: lcd - 0x00202000, size 522240
screen: bpp 32, width - 480, height - 272Usage: sdl_test.elf optionoption:-l      draw line-r      draw a rectangle-t      draw a rectangle with texture-p      draw a bmp picture with texture


msh /sd>sdl_test.elf -l
msh /sd>screen: lcd - 0x00202000, size 522240
screen: bpp 32, width - 480, height - 272


msh /sd>sdl_test.elf -r
msh /sd>screen: lcd - 0x00202000, size 522240
screen: bpp 32, width - 480, height - 272



msh /sd>sdl_test.elf -p men.bmp
msh /sd>screen: lcd - 0x00202000, size 522240
screen: bpp 32, width - 480, height - 272


ART-Pi Smart启动速度快,用户程序与内核分离,可以独立开应用,很棒的设计.但有点美中不足,网络连接速度太慢了.





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