































① 省(部)级国家机关邀(聘)请的高级顾问以及执行中央或者地方与外国签署的国家级和省(部)级科技合作项目、重点工程协议、人才交流项目的高科技、高层次管理人员;

② 对国家及社会等有重大或者突出贡献的人员以及执行政府间无偿援助协议的人员;

③ 国家和省(部)级科研机构、重点高等院校聘用的学术、科研带头人以及有关单位聘用的具有副教授、副研究员以上职称或者享受同等待遇的学术、科研骨干;

④ 企业、事业单位中担任副总经理以上职务或者享受同等待遇的高级管理人员和重要专业技术人员;

⑤ 在郑投资300万美元以上的人员以及符合上述条件的外国企业或者其他经济组织派遣来中国的管理人员和专业技术人员;

⑥ 国际重要科学奖项的外国籍华人获得者和其他杰出、重要外国籍华人;

⑦ 第1项至第6项人员的配偶和不满18周岁的子女。


① 高层次人才申请居留许可须提供一类被授权单位公函,投资者申请居留许可须提供外商投资企业批准证书、营业执照、组织机构代码证、公司章程等证明文件;

② 河南省劳动和社会保障厅签发的《外国人就业证》或者河南省外国专家局签发的《外国专家证》原件及复印件;

③ 任职或所投资单位出具的单位公函;

④ 随行家属还需提供任职或者投资单位公函,配偶还需提供婚姻证明,子女还需提供亲属关系证明。



























二、申请时须回答有关询问并提供下列材料 (一)本人有效护照及签证的原件和复印件:




(五)河南出入境检验检疫局出具的《健康证明》原件(在郑居留1年以上且年满18周岁 首次申请时提交);









(二)填写《外国人签证、居留许可申请表» ;


(囚)在郑住宿登记证明原件(宾馆或住宿地派出所出具) ;


(六)须提供被投靠中国公民的本地常住户籍证明或在郑居住6个月以上的居住证明及居民 身份证原件及复印件:











(二)填写《外国人签证、居留许可申请表)) ;


(四)在郑住宿登记证明原件(宾馆或住宿地派出所出具) ;

(五)河南出入境检验检疫局出具的《健康证明》原件(在郑居留l年以上且年满18周岁 首次申请时提交) ;



(八)外籍配偶还须提供婚姻证明原件和l复印件,外籍子女还须提供山生证明或者亲属关系 证明原件和复印件。








(囚)在郑住宿登记证明原件(宾馆或住宿地派出所出具) ;

(五)河南出入境检验检疫局出具的《健康证明》原件(在郑居留1年以上且年满18周岁 首次申请时提交) ;

(七)须提供中国籍父母的本地常住户籍证明或者在郑居住6个片以上的居住证明及居民身 份证原什和|复印刊:






二、申请时须回答有关询问并提供下列材料 (一)本人有效护照及签证的原件和复印件;



(囚)在郑住宿登记证明原件(宾馆或住宿地派出所出具); (五)河南出入境检验检疫局出具的《健康证明》原件






























Instructions on applying for Residents Permit


Applying for Residents Permit for Employment and the Dependent Family Members

I. Eligibility

Foreigners with employment in China and their dependent family members.

II. Inquires and documents should be submitted when applying

(I)  Original valid Passport with visa and their photocopies;


(III)one recent 2-inch hatless colored photo;

(IV)Original Residence Registration Certificate in Zhengzhou(issued by hotels or local police station);

(V)The original Health Certificateissued by Henan Entry-Exit Inspection And Quarantine Bureau(foreigners over 18 staying in Zhengzhou for more than 1 year to submit for first application);

(VI)Supporting documents for applicant and reasons for applications;

1、Foreign teacher and expert and their dependent family members applying for Residents Permit

Foreign teachers employed in the Higher Educational Institute or other organizations in

Zhengzhou, or foreign experts and administrators directly employed by the Chinese

Government, or expert of national level employed by the government departments or state

owned research institutes, or foreign experts employed in the art, health and physical

education, etc. in Zhengzhou and their dependent family members (husband or wife, parents

and children under 18) should submit the following documents.

(1)The original Foreigner Work Permits from Henan Labor and Social Security Department

or Foreign Expert Certificate from Henan Foreign Expert Bureau and its photocopy;

(2)Certified letter from the employer;

(3)the photocopy of state owned organization legal person registration certificate or

photocopy of Permit for Running School and Private Running Business Registration

 Certificate with their organization code; First time applicants should submit photocopy

of Certificate of Employment of Foreign Expert with photocopy of Regulation on

 Running Schools;

(4)The dependent family members should submit Marriage Certificate for spouse, certificate of relations for parents and Birth Certificate for children. If the dependent family members apply for Resident Permit on their own, they should submit the employee’s original Passport and Resident Permit and their photocopies;

2、When Foreigners working in international companies in Zhengzhou and their dependent family members applying for Resident Permit, the following documents should be submitted.

(1) Certified letter from the employer;

(2) The original Foreigner Work Permits from Henan Labor and Social Security Department

and the photocopy, or Foreign Expert Certificate from Henan Foreign Expert Bureau and

photocopy, or the original approval documents for performance issued by Henan Culture


(3) The photocopy of valid Operating Certificate of the employer, the original Organization

Code and Tax Registration Certificate with their photocopies; First time applicant should

submit company regulations;

(4) The dependent family members should submit certified letter of the employer, Marriage

Certificate for spouse, certificate of relations for parents and children under 18;

3、The resident representatives of foreign companies in Zhengzhou and their dependent family members applying for Resident Permit

When foreigners working as representatives of foreign companies in Zhengzhou and their dependent family members (husband or wife, parents and children under 18) applying for Resident Permit, the following documents should be submitted;

(1) Certified letter from the employer;

(2) The original Foreigner Work Permits from Henan Labor and Social Security Department

and its photocopy, or Foreign Expert Certificate from Henan Foreign Expert Bureau and

its photocopy;

(3) The original valid Tax Registration Certificate and Organization Code with their


(4) The original Registration Certificate of Resident Representatives of Foreign Company,

the Approval Letter of Representatives of Foreign Insurance Institute, the Approval Letter

   of Representatives of Foreign Financial Institute and the Working ID for Resident

   Representatives of Foreign Company with their photocopies;

(5)The original valid Passport and visa with their photocopies of the dependent family

members, the valid original Passport and visa of the representative, certified letter from

the employer, Marriage Certificate for spouse, Relation Certificate for parents

and Birth Certificate for children under 18;

4、Professionals and investors applying for Resident Permit

(1)Professionals and investors include the following people:

① The senior consultants invited by Provincial (Ministerial) level of government, or the

senior administrators working for cooperation program, Key projects, talents exchange

programs of national or ministerial level signed by the central government with other


② People who contribute greatly to the country and the society and people working

voluntarily for aid between governments;

③ Academic and researching leading personnel specially appointed by national or

Provincial (ministerial) research institutes or Key Higher Educational Institutes; The

associate professors or above or associate researchers or above employed by related


④ Senior Administrators in private or state owned companies, such as deputy General

Managers or above or other talents enjoying the same allowance;

⑤ People investing over 3 million US Dollar in Zhengzhou and the administrators or

technicians sent by these investors or organizations;

⑥ Oversea Chinese with other nationalities awarded key international wards and other

distinguished Oversea Chinese with other nationalities;

⑦ The husband or wife and children under 18 of the people mentioned from term 1 to 6;

(2)Documents to be submitted

① Certified letter issued by the employer, the approval letter of foreign investment, valid Operating Certificate, the Organization Code and company regulations, etc.;

② The original Foreigner Work Permits from Henan Labor and Social Security Department

and the photocopy, or Foreign Expert Certificate from Henan Foreign Expert Bureau

and photocopy;

③ Certified letter from the employer;

④ For the dependent family members, the certified letter from the employer,Marriage

Certificate for spouse, Relation Certificate for children;

5、Foreign resident reporters in Zhengzhou and their dependent family members applying for Resident Permit

Foreign reporters with J-1 entry visa, should submit the following documents for obtaining Residents Permit:

(1)Certified letter from the employer;

(2)The original Working ID for Resident Reporters issued by the Press Department of the

Ministry of Foreign Affairs and its photocopy; photocopy of Foreign Resident Press

 Organizations Certificate and its Organization Code;

(3)Certified letter from the foreign affair office of Henan Provincial Council;

(4)For the dependent family members, the certified letter from the employer, Marriage

Certificate for spouse, Relation Certificate for parents and Birth Certificate for

children; When the dependent family members applying for Resident Permit on

their own, the original passport and visa of the resident reporters and their photocopies

should be submitted;

When foreign resident reporters with J- enter visa applying for Resident Permit, a certified letter from the Press of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs or the foreign affair office of Henan Provincial Council should be submitted.

Applying for Residence Permit for Studying

I. Criteria

Foreign students study in Zhengzhou.

II. Enquires and documents to be submitted

1. The original valid passport and visa and their photocopies;


3. One recent 2-inch colored photo;

4. The original residence certificate in Zhengzhou (issued by hotel or local police station);

5. The health certificate issued by Entry-Exit Inspection and Quarantine Bureau (foreigners over 18 staying in Zhengzhou for more than 1 year to submit for first application);

6. For students with X entry visa, a certified letter issued by international students management office of the University stating study period and the original Admission and its photocopy should be submitted;

7. For students with L or F entry visa, JW201 or JW202 (the Visa Application for Study in China) should be submitted;

8. The photocopy of state owned organization legal person registration certificate or photocopy of Permit for Running School and Private Running Business Registration Certificate and photocopy of organization code;

9. Notice to foreign students under 18

a) If the parents of the applicant have obtained resident permit in Zhengzhou, the applicant can apply for Resident Permit as dependent family member;

b) For children of oversea Chinese with other nationalities under 18, they have to apply for L visa as children of other nationalities;

c) All other applicant, except what mentioned in term 1 and 2 , have to apply for Resident Permit as students with guardian in Zhengzhou;


Applying for Residence Permit for Visiting

I. Criteria

The spouse, parents and children under 18 of Chinese citizens and foreigners with Chinese Permanent Residence Permit

II. Enquires and documents to be submitted

1. The original valid passport and visa and their photocopies;


3. One recent 2-inch colored photo;

4. The original residence certificate in Zhengzhou (issued by hotel or local police station);

5. The health certificate issued by Entry-Exit Inspection and Quarantine Bureau (foreigners over 18 staying in Zhengzhou for more than 1 year to submit for first application);

6. When visiting Chinese citizens, the original household register or residence certificate and ID of the visited and their photocopies should be submitted;

7. When visiting foreigners with Chinese Permanent Residence Permit, the original Chinese Permanent Residence Permit and its photocopy should be submitted;

8. The marriage certificate for foreign spouse, Relation Certificate for foreign parents and Birth Certificate or Relation Certificate for foreign children;

Applying for Residence Permit for Dependence

I. Criteria

Foreigners over 60, with no other lineal relative abroad, coming to stay with their lineal relatives in Zhengzhou for dependence.

II. Enquires and documents to be submitted

1. The original valid passport and visa and their photocopies


3. One recent 2-inch colored photo.

4. The original residence certificate in Zhengzhou (issued by hotel or local police station).

5. The health certificate issued by Entry-Exit Inspection and Quarantine Bureau (foreigners over 18 staying in Zhengzhou for more than 1 year to submit for first application)

6. The lineal relative’s original household register or residence certificate (proof of living in Zhengzhou for more than 6 months) and ID of the visited and their photocopies should be submitted;

7. When the lineal relative is a foreigner with Chinese Permanent Residence Permit, then the original Chinese Permanent Residence Permit and residence certificate (proof of living in Zhengzhou for more than 6months) and their photocopies should be submitted;

8. The original Page 2 of the Notarized Certificate of Relation and its photocopy;

9. The original Notarized Certificate stating that the dependent has no other lineal relative outside of China and its photocopy;

10. The original Notarized Certificate stating the dependent and the lineal relative’s finance income (the lowest living cost is ensured for the dependent) and its photocopy;

11. The original Notarized Certificate stating the house renting or owner of house of the dependent or the lineal relative and its photocopy;

Applying for Residence Permit for Person Purchasing House and Their Dependent Family Members

I. Criteria

Oversea Chinese over 60 with other nationality, purchasing house in Zhengzhou and their foreign spouses and children under 18.

II. Enquires and documents to be submitted

1. The original valid passport and visa and their photocopies


3. One recent 2-inch colored photo.

4. The original residence certificate in Zhengzhou (issued by hotel or local police station).

5. The health certificate issued by Entry-Exit Inspection and Quarantine Bureau (foreigners over 18 staying in Zhengzhou for more than 1 year to submit for first application)

6. The original proof of purchasing house or flat in Zhengzhou and its photocopy;

7. The original proof of financial income (Draft, bank book and cash card, etc.), or Notarized Financial Guarantee or income self-protection book and their photocopies.

8. The original Marriage Certificate for foreigner’s spouse and Birth Certificate or Relation Certificate for foreign child and their photocopies;

Applying for Residence Permit for Supporting Parents

I. Criteria

Oversea Chinese over 18 with other nationality come to China to support the Chinese citizen parents without any other child in China

II. Enquires and documents to be submitted

1. The original valid passport and visa and their photocopies


3. One recent 2-inch colored photo.

4. The original residence certificate in Zhengzhou (issued by hotel or local police station).

5. The health certificate issued by Entry-Exit Inspection and Quarantine Bureau (foreigners over 18 staying in Zhengzhou for more than 1 year to submit for first application)

6.       The Chinese citizen parent’s original household register or residence certificate (proof of living in Zhengzhou for more than 6 months) and ID card and their photocopies;

7.       A notarized Certificate stating the relation and that the parents have no other child in China.

8. The notarized Certificate stating financial income, property ownership Building and proof of

house renting;

Applying for Residence Permit for Fostering

I. Criteria

The children under 18 of oversea Chinese with other nationality.

II. Enquires and documents to be submitted

1. The original valid passport and visa and their photocopies


3. One recent 2-inch colored photo.

4. The original residence certificate in Zhengzhou (issued by hotel or local police station).

5. The health certificate issued by Entry-Exit Inspection and Quarantine Bureau (foreigners over 18 staying in Zhengzhou for more than 1 year to submit for first application)

6. The original or photocopy of the applicant’s Birth Certificate.

7         The photocopies of the applicant’s parents’ Passports. If both parents or anyone of them are Chinese,the proof of settlement outside of China and their photocopy of Passports should be submitted;

8.       The authorization letter from the parent stating the person responsible for fostering and the time period of fostering and so on;

9.       The identity documents of the person responsible for fostering and a notarized written guarantee letter stating that the person will take the responsibility of the fostered child on behalf of the parents and ensure his or her leaving china on time.


Notice on other concerned issues

1. Other than submitting the mentioned documents above, the public security department can ask the applicant to be interviewed and provide more documents when necessary.

2. For applicant with new Passport to apply for Residents Permit, the following documents should be submitted:

(1) In the case of Passport loss, a report from the Exit and Entrance Administration Division of Public Security Bureau or letter from the respected embassies or consulates should be submitted;

(2) In the case of Passport expiring or no visa page left, the Passport used in the last entry should be submitted;

(3) For babies born in China with their own passports, Birth Certificates and the photocopies of the parents’ Passports should be submitted;

3. All documents issued outside of China should be notarized by the local Chinese Embassy;

4. Anyone with X, Z, or J-1 entry visa should apply for Resident permit within 30 days of entering into China

5. The residence permit can be applied by the employer on behalf of the applicant. However, first time application should be done in person;

6. In case of any change to the Resident Permit(reason, Passport number, address, employer, or dependent), application should be submitted to the Exit and Entrance Administration Division of Public Security Bureau within 10 days;

7. For foreign students stopping studying or foreign workers stopping working in Zhengzhou, their Residents Permit should be cancelled and related visa issued;

8. Foreigners with residence permit in China can stay in China while the Resident permit is valid with multiple entries;

9. Foreigners staying in China illegally or committing crimes will be taken legal action against by the public security bureau;

10. When foreigner applying for Residence Permit, a certain fee should be paid according to the regulations of concerned government authorities;

11. The expiring date of the Resident permit will finally be decided by the Exit and Entrance

Division of Public Security Bureau;

12. The Exit and Entrance Division of Public Security Bureau reserve the right to refuse issuing Resident Permit and stop or cancel the existing ones;


Required working time

5 working days

Consult and Inquiring

Further information can be obtained at the reception of Exit-Entry Administration Division of Zhengzhou Public Security Bureau.

1) Or call the Information and consultation number: 69625956;

2) Or log on the website of Exit-Entry Administration Division of Zhengzhou Public Security Bureau via the following link: http://www.zzcrj.com;


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