File: options.c

默认调用参数值:        1                  0            1

int  options_from_file(filename, must_exist, check_prot, priv)

char *filename;   #NOTE: 参数文件地址

int must_exist;    #NOTE: 参数文件是否必须存在

int check_prot;

int priv;


FILE *f;

int i, newline, ret, err;

option_t *opt;

int oldpriv, n;

char *oldsource;

uid_t euid;

char *argv[MAXARGS];


char cmd[MAXWORDLEN];

euid = geteuid();

if (check_prot && seteuid(getuid()) == -1) {     #NOTE:check_prot为0,不执行此分支

option_error("unable to drop privileges to open %s: %m", filename);

return 0;


f = fopen(filename, "r");   #NOTE:打开配置文件

err = errno;

if (check_prot && seteuid(euid) == -1) #NOTE: check_prot为0,不执行此分支

fatal("unable to regain privileges");

if (f == NULL) { #NOTE: 配置文件打开失败

errno = err;

if (!must_exist) {  #NOTE: 当必须存在标记为1时,不执行此分支,此解析函数返回0,pppd结束执行


if (err != ENOENT && err != ENOTDIR)

warn("Warning: can't open options file %s: %m", filename);

return 1;


option_error("Can't open options file %s: %m", filename);

return 0;


oldpriv = privileged_option;

privileged_option = priv;

oldsource = option_source;

option_source = strdup(filename);

if (option_source == NULL)

option_source = "file";

ret = 0;

while (getword(f, cmd, &newline, filename)) { #NOTE:读取配置文件,并将命令字存储在cmd变量中

opt = find_option(cmd);

if (opt == NULL) {

option_error("In file %s: unrecognized option '%s'",

filename, cmd);

goto err;


n = n_arguments(opt);

for (i = 0; i < n; ++i) {

if (!getword(f, args[i], &newline, filename)) {


"In file %s: too few parameters for option '%s'",

filename, cmd);

goto err;


argv[i] = args[i];


if (!process_option(opt, cmd, argv)) #NOTE:处理命令字选项

goto err;


ret = 1;



privileged_option = oldpriv;

option_source = oldsource;

return ret;


static option_t * find_option(name)

const char *name;


option_t *opt;

struct option_list *list;

int i, dowild;

for (dowild = 0; dowild <= 1; ++dowild) {

for (opt = general_options; opt->name != NULL; ++opt)

if (match_option(name, opt, dowild))

return opt;

for (opt = auth_options; opt->name != NULL; ++opt)

if (match_option(name, opt, dowild))

return opt;

for (list = extra_options; list != NULL; list = list->next)

for (opt = list->options; opt->name != NULL; ++opt)

if (match_option(name, opt, dowild))

return opt;

for (opt = the_channel->options; opt->name != NULL; ++opt)

if (match_option(name, opt, dowild))

return opt;

for (i = 0; protocols[i] != NULL; ++i)

if ((opt = protocols[i]->options) != NULL)

for (; opt->name != NULL; ++opt)

if (match_option(name, opt, dowild))

return opt;


return NULL;



File: pppd.h

enum opt_type {

o_special_noarg = 0,  #NOTE:无参数

o_special = 1,    #NOTE:特殊参数






};typedef struct {

char    *name;          #NOTE:参数选项名

enum opt_type type; #NOTE:参数选项类型

void    *addr;    #NOTE:参数选项变量地址

char    *description;   #NOTE:参数选项描述

unsigned int flags;       #NOTE:参数选项标识

void    *addr2;

int     upper_limit;

int     lower_limit;

const char *source;

short int priority;

short int winner;

} option_t;

#define OPT_VALUE       0xff    /* mask for presupplied value,flag的低8位为设置该标识后,该变量的值 */

#define OPT_HEX         0x100   /* int option is in hex */

#defineOPT_NOARG      0x200   /* option doesn't take argument */

#define OPT_OR          0x400   /* for u32, OR in argument to value */

#define OPT_INC         0x400   /* for o_int, increment value */

#define OPT_A2OR        0x800   /* for o_bool, OR arg to *(u_char *)addr2 */

#define OPT_PRIV        0x1000  /* privileged option */

#define OPT_STATIC      0x2000  /* string option goes into static array */

#define OPT_NOINCR      0x2000  /* for o_int, value mustn't be increased */

#define OPT_LLIMIT      0x4000  /* check value against lower limit */

#define OPT_ULIMIT      0x8000  /* check value against upper limit */


#define OPT_ZEROOK      0x10000 /* 0 value is OK even if not within limits */

#define OPT_HIDE        0x10000 /* for o_string, print value as ?????? */

#define OPT_A2LIST      0x20000 /* for o_special, keep list of values */

#define OPT_A2CLRB      0x20000 /* o_bool, clr val bits in *(u_char *)addr2 */

#define OPT_ZEROINF     0x40000 /* with OPT_NOINCR, 0 == infinity */

#define OPT_PRIO        0x80000 /* process option priorities for this option */

#define OPT_PRIOSUB     0x100000 /* subsidiary member of priority group */

#define OPT_ALIAS       0x200000 /* option is alias for previous option */

#define OPT_A2COPY      0x400000 /* addr2 -> second location to rcv value */

#define OPT_ENABLE      0x800000 /* use *addr2 as enable for option */

#define OPT_A2CLR       0x1000000 /* clear *(bool *)addr2 */

#define OPT_PRIVFIX     0x2000000 /* user can't override if set by root */

#define OPT_INITONLY    0x4000000 /* option can only be set in init phase */

#define OPT_DEVEQUIV    0x8000000 /* equiv to device name */


#define OPT_A2PRINTER   0x10000000 /* *addr2 printer_func to print option */

#define OPT_A2STRVAL    0x20000000 /* *addr2 points to current string value */

#define OPT_NOPRINT     0x40000000 /* don't print this option at all */


option_t general_options[] = {

{ "debug", o_int, &debug, "Increase debugging level", OPT_INC | OPT_NOARG | 1 },

{ "-d", o_int, &debug,"Increase debugging level",OPT_ALIAS | OPT_INC | OPT_NOARG | 1 },

{ "kdebug", o_int, &kdebugflag,"Set kernel driver debug level", OPT_PRIO },

{ "nodetach", o_bool, &nodetach,"Don't detach from controlling tty", OPT_PRIO | 1 },

{ "-detach", o_bool, &nodetach,"Don't detach from controlling tty", OPT_ALIAS | OPT_PRIOSUB | 1 },

{ "updetach", o_bool, &updetach,"Detach from controlling tty once link is up",OPT_PRIOSUB | OPT_A2CLR | 1, &nodetach },

{ "master_detach", o_bool, &master_detach,"Detach when we're multilink master but have no link", 1 },

{ "holdoff", o_int, &holdoff,"Set time in seconds before retrying connection",OPT_PRIO, &holdoff_specified },

{ "idle", o_int, &idle_time_limit,"Set time in seconds before disconnecting idle link", OPT_PRIO },

{ "maxconnect", o_int, &maxconnect,"Set connection time limit",OPT_PRIO | OPT_LLIMIT | OPT_NOINCR | OPT_ZEROINF },

{ "domain", o_special, (void *)setdomain,"Add given domain name to hostname",OPT_PRIO | OPT_PRIV | OPT_A2STRVAL, &domain },

{ "file", o_special, (void *)readfile,"Take options from a file", OPT_NOPRINT },

{ "call", o_special, (void *)callfile,"Take options from a privileged file", OPT_NOPRINT },

{ "persist", o_bool, &persist,"Keep on reopening connection after close", OPT_PRIO | 1 },

{ "nopersist", o_bool, &persist,"Turn off persist option", OPT_PRIOSUB },

{ "demand", o_bool, &demand,"Dial on demand", OPT_INITONLY | 1, &persist },

{ "--version", o_special_noarg, (void *)showversion,"Show version number" },

{ "--help", o_special_noarg, (void *)showhelp,"Show brief listing of options" },

{ "-h", o_special_noarg, (void *)showhelp,"Show brief listing of options", OPT_ALIAS },

{ "logfile", o_special, (void *)setlogfile,"Append log messages to this file",OPT_PRIO | OPT_A2STRVAL | OPT_STATIC, &logfile_name },

{ "logfd", o_int, &log_to_fd,"Send log messages to this file descriptor",OPT_PRIOSUB | OPT_A2CLR, &log_default },

{ "nolog", o_int, &log_to_fd,"Don't send log messages to any file",OPT_PRIOSUB | OPT_NOARG | OPT_VAL(-1) },

{ "nologfd", o_int, &log_to_fd,"Don't send log messages to any file descriptor",OPT_PRIOSUB | OPT_ALIAS | OPT_NOARG | OPT_VAL(-1) },

{ "linkname", o_string, linkname,"Set logical name for link",OPT_PRIO | OPT_PRIV | OPT_STATIC, NULL, MAXPATHLEN },

{ "ifname", o_string, use_ifname,"Set physical name for PPP interface",OPT_PRIO | OPT_PRIV | OPT_STATIC, NULL, IFNAMSIZ },

{ "maxfail", o_int, &maxfail,"Maximum number of unsuccessful connection attempts to allow",OPT_PRIO },

{ "ktune", o_bool, &tune_kernel,"Alter kernel settings as necessary", OPT_PRIO | 1 },

{ "noktune", o_bool, &tune_kernel,"Don't alter kernel settings", OPT_PRIOSUB },

{ "connect-delay", o_int, &connect_delay,"Maximum time (in ms) to wait after connect script finishes",OPT_PRIO },

{ "unit", o_int, &req_unit,"PPP interface unit number to use if possible",OPT_PRIO | OPT_LLIMIT, 0, 0 },

{ "dump", o_bool, &dump_options,"Print out option values after parsing all options", 1 },

{ "dryrun", o_bool, &dryrun,"Stop after parsing, printing, and checking options", 1 },

{ "child-timeout", o_int, &child_wait,"Number of seconds to wait for child processes at exit",OPT_PRIO },

{ "set", o_special, (void *)user_setenv,"Set user environment variable",OPT_A2PRINTER | OPT_NOPRINT, (void *)user_setprint },

{ "unset", o_special, (void *)user_unsetenv,"Unset user environment variable",OPT_A2PRINTER | OPT_NOPRINT, (void *)user_unsetprint },

{ "ip-up-script", o_string, path_ipup,"Set pathname of ip-up script",OPT_PRIV|OPT_STATIC, NULL, MAXPATHLEN },

{ "ip-down-script", o_string, path_ipdown,"Set pathname of ip-down script",OPT_PRIV|OPT_STATIC, NULL, MAXPATHLEN },

{ "ipv6-up-script", o_string, path_ipv6up,"Set pathname of ipv6-up script",OPT_PRIV|OPT_STATIC, NULL, MAXPATHLEN },

{ "ipv6-down-script", o_string, path_ipv6down,"Set pathname of ipv6-down script",OPT_PRIV|OPT_STATIC, NULL, MAXPATHLEN },


{ "multilink", o_bool, &multilink,"Enable multilink operation", OPT_PRIO | 1 },

{ "mp", o_bool, &multilink,"Enable multilink operation", OPT_PRIOSUB | OPT_ALIAS | 1 },

{ "nomultilink", o_bool, &multilink,"Disable multilink operation", OPT_PRIOSUB | 0 },

{ "bundle", o_string, &bundle_name,"Bundle name for multilink", OPT_PRIO },

#endif /* HAVE_MULTILINK */

{ "nomp", o_bool, &multilink,"Disable multilink operation", OPT_PRIOSUB | OPT_ALIAS | 0 },

#ifdef PLUGIN

{ "plugin", o_special, (void *)loadplugin,"Load a plug-in module into pppd", OPT_PRIV | OPT_A2LIST },



{ "pass-filter", o_special, setpassfilter,"set filter for packets to pass", OPT_PRIO },

{ "active-filter", o_special, setactivefilter,"set filter for active pkts", OPT_PRIO },



{ "precompiled-pass-filter", 1, setprecompiledpassfilter,"set precompiled filter for packets to pass", OPT_PRIO },

{ "precompiled-active-filter", 1, setprecompiledactivefilter,"set precompiled filter for active pkts", OPT_PRIO },



{ "maxoctets", o_int, &maxoctets,"Set connection traffic limit",OPT_PRIO | OPT_LLIMIT | OPT_NOINCR | OPT_ZEROINF },

{ "mo", o_int, &maxoctets,"Set connection traffic limit",OPT_ALIAS | OPT_PRIO | OPT_LLIMIT | OPT_NOINCR | OPT_ZEROINF },

{ "mo-direction", o_special, setmodir,"Set direction for limit traffic (sum,in,out,max)" },

{ "mo-timeout", o_int, &maxoctets_timeout,"Check for traffic limit every N seconds", OPT_PRIO | OPT_LLIMIT | 1 },


{ NULL }


option_t auth_options[] = {

{ "auth", o_bool, &auth_required,"Require authentication from peer", OPT_PRIO | 1 },

{ "noauth", o_bool, &auth_required,"Don't require peer to authenticate", OPT_PRIOSUB | OPT_PRIV,&allow_any_ip },

{ "require-pap", o_bool, &lcp_wantoptions[0].neg_upap,"Require PAP authentication from peer",OPT_PRIOSUB | 1, &auth_required },

{ "+pap", o_bool, &lcp_wantoptions[0].neg_upap,"Require PAP authentication from peer",OPT_ALIAS | OPT_PRIOSUB | 1, &auth_required },

{ "require-chap", o_bool, &auth_required,"Require CHAP authentication from peer",OPT_PRIOSUB | OPT_A2OR | MDTYPE_MD5,&lcp_wantoptions[0].chap_mdtype },

{ "+chap", o_bool, &auth_required,"Require CHAP authentication from peer",OPT_ALIAS | OPT_PRIOSUB | OPT_A2OR | MDTYPE_MD5,&lcp_wantoptions[0].chap_mdtype },

#ifdef CHAPMS

{ "require-mschap", o_bool, &auth_required,"Require MS-CHAP authentication from peer",OPT_PRIOSUB | OPT_A2OR | MDTYPE_MICROSOFT,&lcp_wantoptions[0].chap_mdtype },

{ "+mschap", o_bool, &auth_required,"Require MS-CHAP authentication from peer",OPT_ALIAS | OPT_PRIOSUB | OPT_A2OR | MDTYPE_MICROSOFT,&lcp_wantoptions[0].chap_mdtype },

{ "require-mschap-v2", o_bool, &auth_required,"Require MS-CHAPv2 authentication from peer",OPT_PRIOSUB | OPT_A2OR | MDTYPE_MICROSOFT_V2,&lcp_wantoptions[0].chap_mdtype },

{ "+mschap-v2", o_bool, &auth_required,"Require MS-CHAPv2 authentication from peer",OPT_ALIAS | OPT_PRIOSUB | OPT_A2OR | MDTYPE_MICROSOFT_V2,&lcp_wantoptions[0].chap_mdtype },


{ "refuse-pap", o_bool, &refuse_pap,"Don't agree to auth to peer with PAP", 1 },

{ "-pap", o_bool, &refuse_pap,"Don't allow PAP authentication with peer", OPT_ALIAS | 1 },

{ "refuse-chap", o_bool, &refuse_chap,"Don't agree to auth to peer with CHAP",OPT_A2CLRB | MDTYPE_MD5,&lcp_allowoptions[0].chap_mdtype },

{ "-chap", o_bool, &refuse_chap,"Don't allow CHAP authentication with peer",OPT_ALIAS | OPT_A2CLRB | MDTYPE_MD5,&lcp_allowoptions[0].chap_mdtype },

#ifdef CHAPMS

{ "refuse-mschap", o_bool, &refuse_mschap,"Don't agree to auth to peer with MS-CHAP",OPT_A2CLRB | MDTYPE_MICROSOFT,&lcp_allowoptions[0].chap_mdtype },

{ "-mschap", o_bool, &refuse_mschap,"Don't allow MS-CHAP authentication with peer",OPT_ALIAS | OPT_A2CLRB | MDTYPE_MICROSOFT,&lcp_allowoptions[0].chap_mdtype },

{ "refuse-mschap-v2", o_bool, &refuse_mschap_v2,"Don't agree to auth to peer with MS-CHAPv2",OPT_A2CLRB | MDTYPE_MICROSOFT_V2,&lcp_allowoptions[0].chap_mdtype },

{ "-mschap-v2", o_bool, &refuse_mschap_v2,"Don't allow MS-CHAPv2 authentication with peer",OPT_ALIAS | OPT_A2CLRB | MDTYPE_MICROSOFT_V2,&lcp_allowoptions[0].chap_mdtype },


{ "require-eap", o_bool, &lcp_wantoptions[0].neg_eap,"Require EAP authentication from peer", OPT_PRIOSUB | 1,&auth_required },

{ "refuse-eap", o_bool, &refuse_eap,"Don't agree to authenticate to peer with EAP", 1 },

{ "name", o_string, our_name,"Set local name for authentication",OPT_PRIO | OPT_PRIV | OPT_STATIC, NULL, MAXNAMELEN },

{ "+ua", o_special, (void *)setupapfile,"Get PAP user and password from file",OPT_PRIO | OPT_A2STRVAL, &uafname },

{ "user", o_string, user,"Set name for auth with peer", OPT_PRIO | OPT_STATIC,&explicit_user, MAXNAMELEN },

{ "password", o_string, passwd,"Password for authenticating us to the peer",OPT_PRIO | OPT_STATIC | OPT_HIDE,&explicit_passwd, MAXSECRETLEN },

{ "usehostname", o_bool, &usehostname,"Must use hostname for authentication", 1 },

{ "remotename", o_string, remote_name,"Set remote name for authentication", OPT_PRIO | OPT_STATIC,&explicit_remote, MAXNAMELEN },

{ "login", o_bool, &uselogin,"Use system password database for PAP", OPT_A2COPY | 1 ,&session_mgmt },

{ "enable-session", o_bool, &session_mgmt,"Enable session accounting for remote peers", OPT_PRIV | 1 },

{ "papcrypt", o_bool, &cryptpap,"PAP passwords are encrypted", 1 },

{ "privgroup", o_special, (void *)privgroup,"Allow group members to use privileged options", OPT_PRIV | OPT_A2LIST },

{ "allow-ip", o_special, (void *)set_noauth_addr,"Set IP address(es) which can be used without authentication",OPT_PRIV | OPT_A2LIST },

{ "remotenumber", o_string, remote_number,"Set remote telephone number for authentication", OPT_PRIO | OPT_STATIC,NULL, MAXNAMELEN },

{ "allow-number", o_special, (void *)set_permitted_number,"Set telephone number(s) which are allowed to connect",OPT_PRIV | OPT_A2LIST },

{ NULL }


static option_t lcp_option_list[] = {

/* LCP options */

{ "-all", o_special_noarg, (void *)noopt,"Don't request/allow any LCP options" },

{ "noaccomp", o_bool, &lcp_wantoptions[0].neg_accompression,"Disable address/control compression",OPT_A2CLR, &lcp_allowoptions[0].neg_accompression },

{ "-ac", o_bool, &lcp_wantoptions[0].neg_accompression,"Disable address/control compression",OPT_ALIAS | OPT_A2CLR, &lcp_allowoptions[0].neg_accompression },

{ "asyncmap", o_uint32, &lcp_wantoptions[0].asyncmap,"Set asyncmap (for received packets)",OPT_OR, &lcp_wantoptions[0].neg_asyncmap },

{ "-as", o_uint32, &lcp_wantoptions[0].asyncmap,"Set asyncmap (for received packets)",OPT_ALIAS | OPT_OR, &lcp_wantoptions[0].neg_asyncmap },

{ "default-asyncmap", o_uint32, &lcp_wantoptions[0].asyncmap,"Disable asyncmap negotiation",OPT_OR | OPT_NOARG | OPT_VAL(~0U) | OPT_A2CLR,&lcp_allowoptions[0].neg_asyncmap },

{ "-am", o_uint32, &lcp_wantoptions[0].asyncmap,"Disable asyncmap negotiation",OPT_ALIAS | OPT_OR | OPT_NOARG | OPT_VAL(~0U) | OPT_A2CLR,&lcp_allowoptions[0].neg_asyncmap },

{ "nomagic", o_bool, &lcp_wantoptions[0].neg_magicnumber,"Disable magic number negotiation (looped-back line detection)",OPT_A2CLR, &lcp_allowoptions[0].neg_magicnumber },

{ "-mn", o_bool, &lcp_wantoptions[0].neg_magicnumber,"Disable magic number negotiation (looped-back line detection)",OPT_ALIAS | OPT_A2CLR, &lcp_allowoptions[0].neg_magicnumber },

{ "mru", o_int, &lcp_wantoptions[0].mru,"Set MRU (maximum received packet size) for negotiation",OPT_PRIO, &lcp_wantoptions[0].neg_mru },

{ "default-mru", o_bool, &lcp_wantoptions[0].neg_mru,"Disable MRU negotiation (use default 1500)",OPT_PRIOSUB | OPT_A2CLR, &lcp_allowoptions[0].neg_mru },

{ "-mru", o_bool, &lcp_wantoptions[0].neg_mru,"Disable MRU negotiation (use default 1500)",OPT_ALIAS | OPT_PRIOSUB | OPT_A2CLR, &lcp_allowoptions[0].neg_mru },

{ "mtu", o_int, &lcp_allowoptions[0].mru,"Set our MTU", OPT_LIMITS, NULL, MAXMRU, MINMRU },

{ "nopcomp", o_bool, &lcp_wantoptions[0].neg_pcompression,"Disable protocol field compression",OPT_A2CLR, &lcp_allowoptions[0].neg_pcompression },

{ "-pc", o_bool, &lcp_wantoptions[0].neg_pcompression,"Disable protocol field compression",OPT_ALIAS | OPT_A2CLR, &lcp_allowoptions[0].neg_pcompression },

{ "passive", o_bool, &lcp_wantoptions[0].passive,"Set passive mode", 1 },

{ "-p", o_bool, &lcp_wantoptions[0].passive,"Set passive mode", OPT_ALIAS | 1 },

{ "silent", o_bool, &lcp_wantoptions[0].silent,"Set silent mode", 1 },

{ "lcp-echo-failure", o_int, &lcp_echo_fails,"Set number of consecutive echo failures to indicate link failure",OPT_PRIO },

{ "lcp-echo-interval", o_int, &lcp_echo_interval,"Set time in seconds between LCP echo requests", OPT_PRIO },

{ "lcp-echo-adaptive", o_bool, &lcp_echo_adaptive,"Suppress LCP echo requests if traffic was received", 1 },

{ "lcp-restart", o_int, &lcp_fsm[0].timeouttime,"Set time in seconds between LCP retransmissions", OPT_PRIO },

{ "lcp-max-terminate", o_int, &lcp_fsm[0].maxtermtransmits,"Set maximum number of LCP terminate-request transmissions", OPT_PRIO },

{ "lcp-max-configure", o_int, &lcp_fsm[0].maxconfreqtransmits,"Set maximum number of LCP configure-request transmissions", OPT_PRIO },

{ "lcp-max-failure", o_int, &lcp_fsm[0].maxnakloops,"Set limit on number of LCP configure-naks", OPT_PRIO },

{ "receive-all", o_bool, &lax_recv,"Accept all received control characters", 1 },


{ "mrru", o_int, &lcp_wantoptions[0].mrru,"Maximum received packet size for multilink bundle",OPT_PRIO, &lcp_wantoptions[0].neg_mrru },

{ "mpshortseq", o_bool, &lcp_wantoptions[0].neg_ssnhf,"Use short sequence numbers in multilink headers",OPT_PRIO | 1, &lcp_allowoptions[0].neg_ssnhf },

{ "nompshortseq", o_bool, &lcp_wantoptions[0].neg_ssnhf,"Don't use short sequence numbers in multilink headers",OPT_PRIOSUB | OPT_A2CLR, &lcp_allowoptions[0].neg_ssnhf },

{ "endpoint", o_special, (void *) setendpoint,"Endpoint discriminator for multilink",OPT_PRIO | OPT_A2PRINTER, (void *) printendpoint },

#endif /* HAVE_MULTILINK */

{ "noendpoint", o_bool, &noendpoint,"Don't send or accept multilink endpoint discriminator", 1 },



static option_t pap_option_list[] = {

{ "hide-password", o_bool, &hide_password,"Don't output passwords to log", OPT_PRIO | 1 },

{ "show-password", o_bool, &hide_password,"Show password string in debug log messages", OPT_PRIOSUB | 0 },

{ "pap-restart", o_int, &upap[0].us_timeouttime,"Set retransmit timeout for PAP", OPT_PRIO },

{ "pap-max-authreq", o_int, &upap[0].us_maxtransmits,"Set max number of transmissions for auth-reqs", OPT_PRIO },

{ "pap-timeout", o_int, &upap[0].us_reqtimeout,"Set time limit for peer PAP authentication", OPT_PRIO },

{ NULL }


static option_t chap_option_list[] = {

{ "chap-restart", o_int, &chap_timeout_time,"Set timeout for CHAP", OPT_PRIO },

{ "chap-max-challenge", o_int, &chap_max_transmits,"Set max #xmits for challenge", OPT_PRIO },

{ "chap-interval", o_int, &chap_rechallenge_time,"Set interval for rechallenge", OPT_PRIO },

{ "chapms-strip-domain", o_bool, &chapms_strip_domain,"Strip the domain prefix before the Username", 1 },

{ NULL }


static option_t ipcp_option_list[] = {

{ "noip", o_bool, &ipcp_protent.enabled_flag,"Disable IP and IPCP" },

{ "-ip", o_bool, &ipcp_protent.enabled_flag,"Disable IP and IPCP", OPT_ALIAS },

{ "novj", o_bool, &ipcp_wantoptions[0].neg_vj,"Disable VJ compression", OPT_A2CLR, &ipcp_allowoptions[0].neg_vj },

{ "-vj", o_bool, &ipcp_wantoptions[0].neg_vj,"Disable VJ compression", OPT_ALIAS | OPT_A2CLR,&ipcp_allowoptions[0].neg_vj },

{ "novjccomp", o_bool, &ipcp_wantoptions[0].cflag,"Disable VJ connection-ID compression", OPT_A2CLR,&ipcp_allowoptions[0].cflag },

{ "-vjccomp", o_bool, &ipcp_wantoptions[0].cflag,"Disable VJ connection-ID compression", OPT_ALIAS | OPT_A2CLR,&ipcp_allowoptions[0].cflag },

{ "vj-max-slots", o_special, (void *)setvjslots,"Set maximum VJ header slots",OPT_PRIO | OPT_A2STRVAL | OPT_STATIC, vj_value },

{ "ipcp-accept-local", o_bool, &ipcp_wantoptions[0].accept_local,"Accept peer's address for us", 1 },

{ "ipcp-accept-remote", o_bool, &ipcp_wantoptions[0].accept_remote,"Accept peer's address for it", 1 },

{ "ipparam", o_string, &ipparam,"Set ip script parameter", OPT_PRIO },

{ "noipdefault", o_bool, &disable_defaultip,"Don't use name for default IP adrs", 1 },

{ "ms-dns", 1, (void *)setdnsaddr,"DNS address for the peer's use" },

{ "ms-wins", 1, (void *)setwinsaddr,"Nameserver for SMB over TCP/IP for peer" },

{ "ipcp-restart", o_int, &ipcp_fsm[0].timeouttime,"Set timeout for IPCP", OPT_PRIO },

{ "ipcp-max-terminate", o_int, &ipcp_fsm[0].maxtermtransmits,"Set max #xmits for term-reqs", OPT_PRIO },

{ "ipcp-max-configure", o_int, &ipcp_fsm[0].maxconfreqtransmits,"Set max #xmits for conf-reqs", OPT_PRIO },

{ "ipcp-max-failure", o_int, &ipcp_fsm[0].maxnakloops,"Set max #conf-naks for IPCP", OPT_PRIO },

{ "defaultroute", o_bool, &ipcp_wantoptions[0].default_route,"Add default route", OPT_ENABLE|1, &ipcp_allowoptions[0].default_route },

{ "nodefaultroute", o_bool, &ipcp_allowoptions[0].default_route,"disable defaultroute option", OPT_A2CLR,&ipcp_wantoptions[0].default_route },

{ "-defaultroute", o_bool, &ipcp_allowoptions[0].default_route,"disable defaultroute option", OPT_ALIAS | OPT_A2CLR,&ipcp_wantoptions[0].default_route },

{ "replacedefaultroute", o_bool,&ipcp_wantoptions[0].replace_default_route,"Replace default route", 1},

{ "noreplacedefaultroute", o_bool,&ipcp_allowoptions[0].replace_default_route,"Never replace default route", OPT_A2COPY,&ipcp_wantoptions[0].replace_default_route },

{ "proxyarp", o_bool, &ipcp_wantoptions[0].proxy_arp,"Add proxy ARP entry", OPT_ENABLE|1, &ipcp_allowoptions[0].proxy_arp },

{ "noproxyarp", o_bool, &ipcp_allowoptions[0].proxy_arp,"disable proxyarp option", OPT_A2CLR,&ipcp_wantoptions[0].proxy_arp },

{ "-proxyarp", o_bool, &ipcp_allowoptions[0].proxy_arp,"disable proxyarp option", OPT_ALIAS | OPT_A2CLR,&ipcp_wantoptions[0].proxy_arp },

{ "usepeerdns", o_bool, &usepeerdns,"Ask peer for DNS address(es)", 1 },

{ "netmask", o_special, (void *)setnetmask,"set netmask", OPT_PRIO | OPT_A2STRVAL | OPT_STATIC, netmask_str },

{ "ipcp-no-addresses", o_bool, &ipcp_wantoptions[0].old_addrs,"Disable old-style IP-Addresses usage", OPT_A2CLR,&ipcp_allowoptions[0].old_addrs },

{ "ipcp-no-address", o_bool, &ipcp_wantoptions[0].neg_addr,"Disable IP-Address usage", OPT_A2CLR,&ipcp_allowoptions[0].neg_addr },

#ifdef __linux__

{ "noremoteip", o_bool, &noremoteip,"Allow peer to have no IP address", 1 },


{ "nosendip", o_bool, &ipcp_wantoptions[0].neg_addr,"Don't send our IP address to peer", OPT_A2CLR,&ipcp_wantoptions[0].old_addrs},

{ "IP addresses", o_wild, (void *) &setipaddr,"set local and remote IP addresses",OPT_NOARG | OPT_A2PRINTER, (void *) &printipaddr },

{ NULL }


static option_t ccp_option_list[] = {

{ "noccp", o_bool, &ccp_protent.enabled_flag,"Disable CCP negotiation" },

{ "-ccp", o_bool, &ccp_protent.enabled_flag,"Disable CCP negotiation", OPT_ALIAS },

{ "bsdcomp", o_special, (void *)setbsdcomp,"Request BSD-Compress packet compression",OPT_PRIO | OPT_A2STRVAL | OPT_STATIC, bsd_value },

{ "nobsdcomp", o_bool, &ccp_wantoptions[0].bsd_compress,"don't allow BSD-Compress", OPT_PRIOSUB | OPT_A2CLR,&ccp_allowoptions[0].bsd_compress },

{ "-bsdcomp", o_bool, &ccp_wantoptions[0].bsd_compress,"don't allow BSD-Compress", OPT_ALIAS | OPT_PRIOSUB | OPT_A2CLR,&ccp_allowoptions[0].bsd_compress },

{ "deflate", o_special, (void *)setdeflate,"request Deflate compression",OPT_PRIO | OPT_A2STRVAL | OPT_STATIC, deflate_value },

{ "nodeflate", o_bool, &ccp_wantoptions[0].deflate,"don't allow Deflate compression", OPT_PRIOSUB | OPT_A2CLR,&ccp_allowoptions[0].deflate },

{ "-deflate", o_bool, &ccp_wantoptions[0].deflate,"don't allow Deflate compression", OPT_ALIAS | OPT_PRIOSUB | OPT_A2CLR,&ccp_allowoptions[0].deflate },

{ "nodeflatedraft", o_bool, &ccp_wantoptions[0].deflate_draft,"don't use draft deflate #", OPT_A2COPY,&ccp_allowoptions[0].deflate_draft },

{ "predictor1", o_bool, &ccp_wantoptions[0].predictor_1,"request Predictor-1", OPT_PRIO | 1 },

{ "nopredictor1", o_bool, &ccp_wantoptions[0].predictor_1,"don't allow Predictor-1", OPT_PRIOSUB | OPT_A2CLR,&ccp_allowoptions[0].predictor_1 },

{ "-predictor1", o_bool, &ccp_wantoptions[0].predictor_1,"don't allow Predictor-1", OPT_ALIAS | OPT_PRIOSUB | OPT_A2CLR,&ccp_allowoptions[0].predictor_1 },

{ "lzs", o_bool, &ccp_wantoptions[0].lzs,"request Stac LZS", 1, &ccp_allowoptions[0].lzs, OPT_PRIO },

{ "+lzs", o_bool, &ccp_wantoptions[0].lzs,"request Stac LZS", 1, &ccp_allowoptions[0].lzs, OPT_ALIAS | OPT_PRIO },

{ "nolzs", o_bool, &ccp_wantoptions[0].lzs,"don't allow Stac LZS", OPT_PRIOSUB | OPT_A2CLR,&ccp_allowoptions[0].lzs },

{ "-lzs", o_bool, &ccp_wantoptions[0].lzs,"don't allow Stac LZS", OPT_ALIAS | OPT_PRIOSUB | OPT_A2CLR,&ccp_allowoptions[0].lzs },

#ifdef MPPE

{ "mppc", o_bool, &ccp_wantoptions[0].mppc,"request MPPC compression", 1, &ccp_allowoptions[0].mppc },

{ "+mppc", o_bool, &ccp_wantoptions[0].mppc,"request MPPC compression", 1, &ccp_allowoptions[0].mppc, OPT_ALIAS },

{ "nomppc", o_bool, &ccp_wantoptions[0].mppc,"don't allow MPPC compression", OPT_PRIOSUB | OPT_A2CLR,&ccp_allowoptions[0].mppc },

{ "-mppc", o_bool, &ccp_wantoptions[0].mppc,"don't allow MPPC compression", OPT_ALIAS | OPT_PRIOSUB | OPT_A2CLR,&ccp_allowoptions[0].mppc },

{ "mppe", o_special, (void *)setmppe,"request MPPE encryption" },

{ "+mppe", o_special, (void *)setmppe,"request MPPE encryption" },

{ "nomppe", o_special_noarg, (void *)setnomppe,"don't allow MPPE encryption" },

{ "-mppe", o_special_noarg, (void *)setnomppe,"don't allow MPPE encryption" },

#endif /* MPPE */

{ NULL }


static option_t ecp_option_list[] = {

{ "noecp", o_bool, &ecp_protent.enabled_flag,"Disable ECP negotiation" },

{ "-ecp", o_bool, &ecp_protent.enabled_flag,"Disable ECP negotiation", OPT_ALIAS },

{ NULL }


static option_t eap_option_list[] = {

{ "eap-restart", o_int, &eap_states[0].es_server.ea_timeout,"Set retransmit timeout for EAP Requests (server)" },

{ "eap-max-sreq", o_int, &eap_states[0].es_server.ea_maxrequests,"Set max number of EAP Requests sent (server)" },

{ "eap-timeout", o_int, &eap_states[0].es_client.ea_timeout,"Set time limit for peer EAP authentication" },

{ "eap-max-rreq", o_int, &eap_states[0].es_client.ea_maxrequests,"Set max number of EAP Requests allows (client)" },

{ "eap-interval", o_int, &eap_states[0].es_rechallenge,"Set interval for EAP rechallenge" },

#ifdef USE_SRP

{ "srp-interval", o_int, &eap_states[0].es_lwrechallenge,"Set interval for SRP lightweight rechallenge" },

{ "srp-pn-secret", o_string, &pn_secret,"Long term pseudonym generation secret" },

{ "srp-use-pseudonym", o_bool, &eap_states[0].es_usepseudo,

"Use pseudonym if offered one by server", 1 },


{ NULL }




int options_from_user()


char *user, *path, *file;

int ret;

struct passwd *pw;

size_t pl;

pw = getpwuid(getuid());

if (pw == NULL || (user = pw->pw_dir) == NULL || user[0] == 0)

return 1;

file = _PATH_USEROPT;  #NOTE:#define _PATH_USEROPT    ".ppprc"

pl = strlen(user) + strlen(file) + 2;

path = malloc(pl);

if (path == NULL)

novm("init file name");

slprintf(path, pl, "%s/%s", user, file);

option_priority = OPRIO_CFGFILE;

ret = options_from_file(path, 0, 1, privileged);#NOTE: 从用户配置文件.ppprc中读取配置选项


return ret;



File: options.c

int parse_args(argc, argv)

int argc;

char **argv;


char *arg;

option_t *opt;

int n;

privileged_option = privileged;

option_source = "command line";

option_priority = OPRIO_CMDLINE;

while (argc > 0) {

arg = *argv++;


opt = find_option(arg); #NOTE:查找选项

if (opt == NULL) {

option_error("unrecognized option '%s'", arg);


return 0;


n = n_arguments(opt);

if (argc < n) {

option_error("too few parameters for option %s", arg);

return 0;


if (!process_option(opt, arg, argv))

return 0;

argc -= n;

argv += n;


return 1;


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