
Choose two.
User `fwuser`@`localhost` is registered with the MySQL Enterprise Firewall and has been granted
privileges for the SAKILA database.
Examine these commands that you executed and the results:
WHERE USERHOST = 'fwuser@localhost' ;

WHERE USERHOST = 'fwuser@localhost';

You then execute this command:
mysql> CALL mysql.sp_set_firewall_mode('fwuser@localhost' , 'RESET') ;
Which two are true?
A) The fwuser@localhost account is removed from the mysql.user table.
B) The information_schema.MYSQL_FIREWALL_WHITELIST table is truncated.
C) The whitelist of the fwuser@localhost account is truncated.
D) The mysql.firewall_users table is truncated.
E) The firewall resets all options to default values.
F) The fwuser@localhost account mode is set to DETECTING.
G) The fwuser@localhost account mode is set to OFF.


When a profile is assigned any of the preceding mode values, the firewall stores the mode in the profile. Firewall mode-setting
operations also permit a mode value of RESET, but this value is not stored: setting a profile to RESET mode causes the firewall to
delete all rules for the profile and set its mode to OFF.
RESET 概要文件设置为 RESET 模式会导致防火墙删除概要文件的所有规则并将其模式设置为 OFF。
设置为 RESET 时,除了关闭 Firewall 保护,同时也会将该账号之前训练学习的白名单全部清空,这样下次再想采用
Firewall 保护就需要重头开始了,除非再也不用了,否则不建议这么做。
b 选项指定的表是对的,但其中保存了全部的 profile。

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