
insert_textbox(row, col, textbox[, options])



  • row(int) - 单元格所在的行(索引从0开始计数)。
  • col(int) - 单元格所在的列(索引从0开始计数)。
  • text(string) - 文本框里的文本。
  • options(dict) - 可选的文本框位置,缩放参数。


worksheet.insert_textbox('B2', 'A simple textbox with some text')


# 大小和位置
y_offset# 格式





# An example of inserting textboxes into an Excel worksheet using
# Python and XlsxWriter.
# Copyright 2013-2017, John McNamara,
import xlsxwriterworkbook = xlsxwriter.Workbook('textbox.xlsx')
worksheet = workbook.add_worksheet()
row = 4
col = 1# 下面的例子展示了不同的文本框选项和格式。 # 例子
text = 'A simple textbox with some text'
worksheet.insert_textbox(row, col, text)
row += 10# 例子
text = 'A textbox with changed dimensions'
options = {'width': 256,'height': 100,
worksheet.insert_textbox(row, col, text, options)
row += 10# 例子
text = 'A textbox with an offset in the cell'
options = {'x_offset': 10,'y_offset': 10,
worksheet.insert_textbox(row, col, text, options)
row += 10# 例子
text = 'A textbox with scaling'
options = {'x_scale': 1.5,'y_scale': 0.8,
worksheet.insert_textbox(row, col, text, options)
row += 10# 例子
text = 'A textbox with some long text that wraps around onto several lines'
worksheet.insert_textbox(row, col, text)
row += 10# 例子
text = 'A textbox\nwith some\nnewlines\n\nand paragraphs'
worksheet.insert_textbox(row, col, text)
row += 10# Example
text = 'A textbox with a solid fill background'
options = {'fill': {'color': 'red'},
worksheet.insert_textbox(row, col, text, options)
row += 10# 例子
text = 'A textbox with a no fill background'
options = {'fill': {'none': True},
worksheet.insert_textbox(row, col, text, options)
row += 10# 例子
text = 'A textbox with a gradient fill background'
options = {'gradient': {'colors': ['#DDEBCF','#9CB86E','#156B13']},
worksheet.insert_textbox(row, col, text, options)
row += 10# 例子
text = 'A textbox with a user defined border line'
options = {'border': {'color': 'red','width': 3,'dash_type': 'round_dot'},
worksheet.insert_textbox(row, col, text, options)
row += 10# 例子
text = 'A textbox with no border line'
options = {'border': {'none': True},
worksheet.insert_textbox(row, col, text, options)
row += 10# 例子
text = 'Default alignment: top - left'
worksheet.insert_textbox(row, col, text)
row += 10# 例子
text = 'Alignment: top - center'
options = {'align': {'horizontal': 'center'},
worksheet.insert_textbox(row, col, text)
row += 10# 例子
text = 'Alignment: top - center'
options = {'align': {'horizontal': 'center'},
worksheet.insert_textbox(row, col, text, options)
row += 10# 例子
text = 'Alignment: middle - center'
options = {'align': {'vertical': 'middle','horizontal': 'center'},
worksheet.insert_textbox(row, col, text, options)
row += 10# 例子
text = 'Font properties: bold'
options = {'font': {'bold': True},
worksheet.insert_textbox(row, col, text, options)
row += 10# 例子
text = 'Font properties: various'
options = {'font': {'bold': True},
worksheet.insert_textbox(row, col, text, options)
row += 10# 例子
text = 'Font properties: various'
options = {'font': {'bold': True,'italic': True,'underline': True,'name': 'Arial','color': 'red','size': 12}
worksheet.insert_textbox(row, col, text, options)
row += 10# 例子
text = 'Some text in a textbox with formatting'
options = {'font': {'color': 'white'},'align': {'vertical': 'middle','horizontal': 'center'},'gradient': {'colors': ['red', 'blue']},
worksheet.insert_textbox(row, col, text, options)
row += 10workbook.close()

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