
提取crash log的方法:

方法1:用工具直接获取 iPhone 设备上 /var/mobile/Library/Logs/CrashReporter  中的 Crash 报告文件。(Mac 下用 PhoneView/iTools/iExplorer,Windows下用、iFunBox、iTools、91助手等)。

方法2:如果 iTunes 同步,则同步后Crash日志会同步到电脑上,把以下目录中的Crash提取打包即可:
Mac OS X:~/Library/Logs/CrashReporter/MobileDevice
Windows XP:C:\Documents and Settings\Application Data\Apple computer\Logs\CrashReporter

Windows 7/Vista: C:\Users\AppData\Roaming\Apple computer\Logs\CrashReporter/MobileDevice/








3.使用命令行工具 "symbolicatecrash"来进行转换,可以把 工具复制到任何地方都可以调用的路径:sudo cp/Developer/Platforms/iPhoneOS.platform/Developer/Library/PrivateFrameworks/DTDeviceKit.framework/Versions/A/Resources/symbolicatecrash /usr/local/bin/

4.讲了 "symbolicatecrash" 工具怎么用.一般只要:symbolicatecrash report.crashMobileLines.app.dSYM > report-with-symbols.crash,就可以了

5.注意说明的是,你在用Xcode debug打包的时候,会生成两个东西,一个是XXX.app,另一个是XXX.app.dSYM,这两个是相对应的,与我写的第4点里的 MobileLines.app.dSYM是对应起来的.这里的日志文件必须是你打包的那个版本,不然就没有解析出你的日志文件了.通俗的说,你安装到手机上的app和这个dSYM,是配对的,如果你想要看这个手机上的日志文件,那你必须保存对应的dSYM文件去解析日志文件.每一次重新打包都会重新生成dSYM文件.

6.好了,你可以根据你的 report-with-symbols.crash,日志文件来看看你的程序哪里出问题了

Sometimes programs crash. This annoys users and developers alike. Users are frustrated because they cannot use crashing software, developers are frustrated because they have to hunt bugs instead of doing something creative and rewarding. How do we communicate if an iPhone application crashes?

I’ll start with a disclaimer. I’m not sure whether the information provided in this post is covered by iPhone Developer Program NDA or not. If it is, the post will be removed. Secondly, this post is a result of googling, so I haven’t invented anything new here.

Working with crash logs typically involves certain interaction between developers and users, unless they are automagically sent to the developer. First of all, the user should get the crash log and send it to the developer, who should examine it, find the bug and fix it.

iPhone OS and Mac OS X are remarkably similar architectures. Both store crash logs to help identify crashing bugs. The difference between the two is how users retrieve them. On Mac OS X every user has unrestricted access to crash logs related to the applications she runs. The iPhone does not even have a file browser. What to do? iTunes comes to the rescue.

Whenever you synchronize your iPhone or iPod Touch, all the crash logs are transferred to your computer. Here are their locations:

  • Mac OS X:~/Library/Logs/CrashReporter/MobileDevice/<DEVICE_NAME>
  • Windows XP:C:\Documents and Settings\<USERNAME>\Application Data\Apple computer\Logs\CrashReporter/<DEVICE_NAME>
  • Windows Vista:C:\Users\<USERNAME>\AppData\Roaming\Apple computer\Logs\CrashReporter/MobileDevice/<DEVICE_NAME>

The log file names start with application name and have the extension “crash”. They are just plain text files and can be sent by e-mail in original or zipped form, or even copy-pasted into your e-mail program.

The second part is trickier. Both Apple and common sense suggest that all AppStore binaries are shipped with stripped symbols. If you ever saw a crash log like this, read on:

Thread 0 Crashed:0   libobjc.A.dylib           0x300c87ec 0x300bb000 + 552761   MobileLines               0x00006434 0x1000 + 215562   MobileLines               0x000064c2 0x1000 + 216983   UIKit                     0x30a740ac 0x30a54000 + 1312444   UIKit                     0x30a66110 0x30a54000 + 740005   UIKit                     0x30a6565c 0x30a54000 + 712606   GraphicsServices          0x3169b0b4 0x31696000 + 206607   GraphicsServices          0x3169d818 0x31696000 + 307448   IOMobileFramebuffer       0x31f3e8f8 0x31f3d000 + 63929   com.apple.framework.IOKit 0x30f342b8 0x30f30000 + 1708010  CoreFoundation            0x3025ced4 0x30229000 + 21269211  CoreFoundation            0x3025bed6 0x30229000 + 20859812  CoreFoundation            0x3025b584 0x30229000 + 20621213  GraphicsServices          0x316998e4 0x31696000 + 1456414  UIKit                     0x30a5e308 0x30a54000 + 4173615  UIKit                     0x30a671dc 0x30a54000 + 7830016  MobileLines               0x00002090 0x1000 + 424017  MobileLines               0x0000202c 0x1000 + 4140

In a nutshell, it contains function addresses and offsets instead of function names and line numbers. The structure is obvious, but, to be honest, I don’t know what“MobileLines 0×00006434 0×1000 + 21556″ is, even though I have all the source code. Thanks to Apple Developer Tools and to Craig Hockenberry whowrote about it, we have a perfect solution called symbolicatecrash.

I copied it to/usr/local/bin/so that I can run it whenever I want without trying to remember its original location (you may prefer a symbolic link):
$ sudo cp /Developer/Platforms/iPhoneOS.platform/Developer/Library/Xcode/Plug-ins/iPhoneRemoteDevice.xcodeplugin/Contents/Resources/symbolicatecrash /usr/local/bin/

Running this script with the-h option provides the minimal help:

$ symbolicatecrash -h

symbolicatecrash [-Ah] LOGFILE [SYMBOL_PATH ...]

Symbolicates a crashdump LOGFILE which may be "-" to refer
  to stdin. By default, all heuristics will be employed
  in an attempt to symbolicate all addresses. Additional
  symbol files can be found under specified directories.

    -A  Only symbolicate the application, not libraries
    -h  Display this message
    -v  Verbose

To add symbols to the crash log you need the dSYM file generated by the linker when you compiled your application for AppStore. In other words, when you build for AppStore you should keep the dSYM package in a safe place backed up by Time Machine. This is very important.You should keep a copy of the dSYM for each version of your application ever shipped. If you have the package, translating code offsets to function names with line numbers has never been easier:

$ symbolicatecrash report.crash MobileLines.app.dSYM > report-with-symbols.crash

Here is the result:

Thread 0 Crashed:0   libobjc.A.dylib           0x300c87ec objc_msgSend + 201   MobileLines               0x00006434 -[BoardView setSelectedPiece:] (BoardView.m:321)2   MobileLines               0x000064c2 -[BoardView touchesBegan:withEvent:] (BoardView.m:349)3   UIKit                     0x30a740ac -[UIWindow sendEvent:] + 2644   UIKit                     0x30a66110 -[UIApplication sendEvent:] + 2485   UIKit                     0x30a6565c _UIApplicationHandleEvent + 40886   GraphicsServices          0x3169b0b4 PurpleEventCallback + 4287   GraphicsServices          0x3169d818 HeartbeatVBLCallback + 1528   IOMobileFramebuffer       0x31f3e8f8 IOMobileFramebufferNotifyFunc + 1249   com.apple.framework.IOKit 0x30f342b8 IODispatchCalloutFromCFMessage + 30410  CoreFoundation            0x3025ced4 __CFMachPortPerform + 7211  CoreFoundation            0x3025bed6 CFRunLoopRunSpecific + 236412  CoreFoundation            0x3025b584 CFRunLoopRunInMode + 4413  GraphicsServices          0x316998e4 GSEventRunModal + 26814  UIKit                     0x30a5e308 -[UIApplication _run] + 40415  UIKit                     0x30a671dc UIApplicationMain + 106416  MobileLines               0x00002090 main (main.m:16)17  MobileLines               0x0000202c start + 44

Now, this ismuch better. Happy debugging!

Other useful references:





/Developer/Platforms/iPhoneOS.platform/Developer/usr/libexec/gdb/gdb-arm-apple-darwin 打包的.app/MyApp


(gdb)  set print symbol-filename on

(gdb) p/a 0x0002b0ee

这里0x0002b0ee 是你报错程序的错误,如:

Thread 0 name:  Dispatch queue: com.apple.main-thread
Thread 0 Crashed:
0   libobjc.A.dylib                   0x34bc8c9a objc_msgSend + 18
1   UIKit                             0x34309146 -[UIViewController didReceiveMemoryWarning] + 10
2   UIKit                             0x3430915c -[UIViewController _didReceiveMemoryWarning:] + 8
3   Foundation                        0x36b7d17c _nsnote_callback + 136
4   CoreFoundation                    0x355bb208 __CFXNotificationPost_old + 396
5   CoreFoundation                    0x35555ee4 _CFXNotificationPostNotification + 112
6   Foundation                        0x36b7a5cc -[NSNotificationCenter postNotificationName:object:userInfo:] + 64
7   Foundation                        0x36b7c1ba -[NSNotificationCenter postNotificationName:object:] + 18
8   UIKit                             0x342df35a -[UIApplication _performMemoryWarning] + 42
9   UIKit                             0x342dfd7c -[UIApplication _receivedMemoryNotification] + 120
10  UIKit                             0x342dd500 _memoryStatusChanged + 36
11  CoreFoundation                    0x355bbd62 __CFNotificationCenterDarwinCallBack + 18
12  CoreFoundation                    0x355b8bd8 __CFMachPortPerform + 204
13  CoreFoundation                    0x355c3a90 __CFRUNLOOP_IS_CALLING_OUT_TO_A_SOURCE1_PERFORM_FUNCTION__ + 20
14  CoreFoundation                    0x355c5838 __CFRunLoopDoSource1 + 160
15  CoreFoundation                    0x355c6606 __CFRunLoopRun + 514
16  CoreFoundation                    0x35556ebc CFRunLoopRunSpecific + 224
17  CoreFoundation                    0x35556dc4 CFRunLoopRunInMode + 52
18  GraphicsServices                  0x3417d418 GSEventRunModal + 108
19  GraphicsServices                  0x3417d4c4 GSEventRun + 56
20  UIKit                             0x341b4d62 -[UIApplication _run] + 398
21  UIKit                             0x341b2800 UIApplicationMain + 664
22  PABankiPad                        0x00002618 0x1000 + 5656
23  PABankiPad                        0x000025cc 0x1000 + 5580

这里,可以用:p/a 0x00002618



dwarfdump ‐‐uuid MyApp.app/MyApp


UUID: E2D9D241‐37D3‐CE06‐7272‐653B813963E2 (armv6) MyApp.app/MyApp


dwarfdump ‐‐uuid MyApp.app.dSYM


UUID: E2D9D241‐37D3‐CE06‐7272‐653B813963E2 (armv6)MyApp.app.dSYM/Contents/Resources/DWARF/MyApp



sudo ln -s /Developer/Platforms/iPhoneOS.platform/Developer/Library/PrivateFrameworks/DTDeviceKit.framework/Versions/A/Resources/symbolicatecrash /usr/local/bin/

sudo ln -s  /Developer/Platforms/iPhoneOS.platform/Developer/usr/libexec/gdb/gdb-arm-apple-darwin/usr/local/bin/


cd ~/Desktop/a1201s4z1.5c
for i in *.crash;do
        echo $i
        symbolicatecrash $i PABankiPad.app.dSYM > $k.log


使用命令:atos -o xxx.app/xxx -arch armv7 0x38ad42f9 0x38ad42f9 0x38ad42f9(多个16进制地址,使用空格分开)

注意.app, .app.dSYM需要跟日志程序版本build一致

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