Who Cares!!!

开球之前,review一下近期写的代码,发现一些代码写的不是很规范。于是,重新温习一下 Google C++ style guide。



// 使用下划线分隔
#define FLAG_FOO 0x0// 要有括号
#define FLAG_BAZ (0x1 << 3)// 对于常量,使用k
const int kStateFoo = 0;typedef struct linked_list LinkedList;// 枚举跟宏定义类似
} Mode;// 枚举也可以像常量一样
typedef enum {kStateFoo,kStateBar,kStateBaz,kStateQux
} State;typedef struct sample {int first_field;bool second_field;Mode mode;State state;struct sample *next;
} Sample;


bool SampleEqual(Sample *self, Sample *other) {// Local variables are lower_case and separated by underscores.if (self == NULL && other == NULL) {return true;}if (self == NULL || other == NULL) {return false;}//多行if (self->first_field == other->first_field &&self->second_field == other->second_field &&self->state == other->state &&self->mode == other->mode &&self->next == other->next) {return true;}return false;
Sample *SampleNew(int first_field,bool second_field,Mode mode,State state,Sample *next) {Sample *sample = (Sample *) malloc(sizeof(*sample));if (sample == NULL) {return NULL;}memset(sample, 0, sizeof(sample));sample->first_field = first_field;sample->second_field = second_field;sample->mode = mode;sample->state = state;sample->next = next;return sample;
}Sample *SampleClone(Sample *sample) {if (sample == NULL) {return NULL;}return SampleNew(sample->first_field,sample->second_field,sample->mode,sample->state,sample->next);
}static void SampleDoSomethingWithALongName(Sample *sample,int parameter_with_a_long_name,bool another_parameter,int another_parameter) {if (sample == NULL) {return;}bool local_variable;if (parameter_with_a_long_name == kStateFoo) {local_variable = true;} else {local_variable = false;}sample->first_parameter += another_parameter;sample->second_parameter |= local_variable;

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