
  • 一、前言
  • 二、数据处理
  • 三、Python代码
  • 四、使用及其说明
  • 五、总结


对于已测量出的 波长-折射率 数据,我们希望找到一个方程来拟合它,这里我们采用三阶 selmier 方程,其形式如下:

n(x)=1+B1x2x2−C12+B2x2x2−C22+B3x2x2−C32n(x) = \sqrt{1 + \dfrac{B_1x^2}{x^2-C_1^2} + \dfrac{B_2x^2}{x^2-C_2^2} + \dfrac{B_3x^2}{x^2-C_3^2}} n(x)=1+x2−C12​B1​x2​+x2−C22​B2​x2​+x2−C32​B3​x2​​

我们利用已知的波长数据(Wavelength)与折射率数据(Refractive Index)去拟合方程中的 B1, C1, B2, C2, B3, C3 等参数。



Wavelength(x) RefractiveIndex(n)
0.5 1.335
0.6 1.3321
0.7 1.3311
0.8 1.329
0.9 1.3281
1 1.3272
1.1 1.3255
1.2 1.3244
1.3 1.3225
1.4 1.3213
1.5 1.319

将其保存在 Water.txt 文档内,与我们接下来的 Python 文件放在同一个目录下。


计算折射率的 selmier 方程代码如下:

def selmier(L, B1, C1, B2, C2, B3, C3):offset = 1# L = x ** 2ssum = B1 * L / (L - C1 ** 2) + B2 * L / (L - C2 ** 2) + B3 * L / (L - C3 ** 2)nn = offset + ssumreturn nn

拟合采用的是 pycse 包中的 nlinfit 函数,其用法和 MATLAB 类似,拟合代码如下:

pars, pint, se = nlinfit(selmier, Lambda ** 2, n ** 2, coeffs, 0.05)

注意这里的 coeffs 为我们给定的初始参数值,这里我初始参数(B1, C1, B2, C2, B3, C3)全部设为 0.1。完整代码如下:

#!/usr/bin/env python3
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
Created on Wed Mar 30 19:38:56 2022
@author: zq
"""import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
from pycse import nlinfitdef selmier(L, B1, C1, B2, C2, B3, C3):offset = 1# L = x ** 2ssum = B1 * L / (L - C1 ** 2) + B2 * L / (L - C2 ** 2) + B3 * L / (L - C3 ** 2)nn = offset + ssumreturn nndef Welcome():w = """
Created on Wed Mar 30 19:38:56 2022\tThe fit function is Show in README.txt. \tThis code can solve this problem, but the requirements for the initial predicted value are relatively high. It is recommended that you use a matlab code. \tYou can contact me to obtain a copy of matlab code.\t\tEmail: z.q.feng@qq.com\n
\t\tBlog: https://blog.csdn.net/weixin_46584887?spm=1010.2135.3001.5343\tOf course if you know how to use matlab...@author: z.q.feng\n
==================================================="""print(w, end = '')if __name__ == '__main__':Welcome()# coeffs = np.loadtxt('settings.txt')coeffs = np.array([0.1, 0.1, 0.1, 0.1, 0.1, 0.1])if len(coeffs) != 6:raise ValueError("The coefficients' number that noticed in the settings must be equal to 6 !")while (True):file = input("\nPlease enter the datas' filename(without .txt) : ")tmp = np.loadtxt(file + '.txt')Lambda, n = tmp[:, 0], tmp[:, 1]try:pars, pint, se = nlinfit(selmier, Lambda ** 2, n ** 2, coeffs, 0.05)except RuntimeError:print('\n\tOptimal parameters not found.\n\tPlease change the coefficients in settings...\n')breaknn = selmier(Lambda ** 2, pars[0], pars[1], pars[2], pars[3], pars[4], pars[5]) ** 0.5tmp = np.linalg.norm(n - nn, 2)print('\n\tSuccessfully create coeffs-' + file + '.txt and fit-' + file + '.png.')print('\n\tThe recovery residual is %.6f.' % (tmp))with open("coeffs-" + file + ".txt", 'w') as f:f.write('\t' + file + '\n')for i in range(len(pars)):if i % 2 == 0:f.write('B' + str(i // 2 + 1) + '\t' + str(pars[i]) + '\n')else:f.write('C' + str(i // 2 + 1) + '\t' + str(pars[i]) + '\n')plt.figure(figsize = (8, 6))plt.plot(Lambda, n, 'r-', label = 'Original')plt.plot(Lambda, nn, 'b--', label = 'Fit')plt.xlabel('Wave length')plt.ylabel('Refractive index')plt.title('Original-curve vs. Fit-curve')plt.grid()plt.legend()plt.savefig("fit-" + file + ".png", dpi = 300)q = input("\nQuit ? (y / n) : ")if q == 'y':breakelse:continue



这里我们输入的为我们的 Water.txt 文件的文件名,可循环输入多个拟合多组数据。输出有两个:coeff-Water.txtfit-Water.png


B1  7.876519563674877
C1  0.2569073177409549
B2  7.874100532538284
C2  0.25690470607109844
B3  -15.01175094249148
C3  0.2607512075672549



Please enter the datas' filename(without .txt) : WaterSuccessfully create coeffs-Water.txt and fit-Water.png.The recovery residual is 0.004401.Quit ? (y / n) :


Python 的 nlinfit 函数精度不如 MATLAB 的高,但是配置 MATLAB 环境远比配置搭建 Python 环境困难,此外,我还编写了一份 Windows 下可直接运行出结果的 EXE 文件来拟合参数,上传到资源里啦:

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