
  • uncertain
  • syntax
  • Examples
  • Reference




F=uncertain(w) % w variable
F=uncertain(W) % W constraint
F=uncertain(w, distribution)


robust optimization的建模代码如下

sdpvar x w
F = [x+w<=1];
W = [-0.5<=w<=0.5, uncertain(w)];
obj = -x;
optimize([F, W], obj);


sdpvar x w
F = [x+w<=1];
W = [uncertain(-0.5<=w<=0.5)];
optimize([F, W], obj);

To specify random uncertainties for use in optimizers and sample. you specify the distribution, and all distribution parameters following the syntax in the RANDOM command in Statistic Toolbox

其中sample函数说明为:Draw a sample in an optimizer object and instantiates parameter
Q=sample(P, N) generates concatenated instantiated optimizer objects where samples have been drawn for all parameters with associated samples.

OPT=optimizer(Constraints, Objective, options, x, u) exports an object that contains precompiled numerical data to be solved for varying arguments x, returning the optimal value of the expression u.ExampleThe following problem creates an LP with varying upper and lowerbounds on the decision variable.A = randn(10,3);b = rand(10,1)*19;c = randn(3,1);z = sdpvar(3,1);sdpvar UB LBConstraints = [A*z <= b, LB <= z <= UB];Objective = c'*z% We want the optimal z as a function of [LB;UB]optZ = optimizer(Constraints,Objective,[],[LB; UB],z);% Compute the optimal z when LB=1, UB = 3;zopt = optZ([1; 3])% Compute two solutions, one for (LB,UB) [1;3] and one for (LB,UB) [2;6]zopt = optZ([[1; 3], [2;6]])% A second output argument can be used to catch infeasibility[zopt,infeasible] = optZ([1; 3])% To avoid the need to vectorize in order to handle multipleparameters, a cell-based definition can be used optZ = optimizer(Constraints,Objective,[],{LB,UB},{z,sum(z)})[zopt,infeasible] = optZ({1,3});zopt{1}zopt{2}


sdpvar x(2, 1) w(2, 1);
F = [-10<=x+w<=10, uncertain(w, 'normal', 1, 4)]; % constraints
P = optimizer(F, sum(x), [], w, x); % 目标为sum(x), LB, UB为空, 优化变量为w, x
Q = sample(P, 10);
plot(Q); % 绘制采样结果
xopt = Q([]);


F=[x+w<=1, uncertain(w, @mysampler, arg1, ...)];
F=[x+w<=1, uncertain(w, @random, 0, 1)];


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