达索宣布发行新版SIMULIA Suite 2019!

DS Simulia是达索公示定位与真实仿真,目标是通过CAE技术协助企业加快信息化进程,评估设计方案,优化设计流程,提高生产效率,减少企业成本,让CAE工程师更好的融入到产品设计流程中,让仿真成为产品设计不可分割的一部分。

DS SIMULIA Suite 2019 (Abaqus/Isight/Fe-safe/Tosca) Win/Linux x64


DS SIMULIA Abacus CAE A world-class software package in the field of finite element strength calculations, which can be used to obtain accurate and reliable solutions for the most complex linear and nonlinear engineering problems.

DS SIMULIA Tosca (Fluid / Structure):

TOSCA Fluid-package of geometric optimization with the use of third-party solvers (Fluent, STAR-CCM +)

TOSCA It is determined automatically by TOSCA Fluid. With only one CFD solver, it has been reduced. This is a large scale industrial flow scale applicatons.

Tosca Structure – geometric optimization package using third-party solvers (ANSYS, Abaqus, Permas, MSC.NASTRAN, NX.NASTRAN, MD.NASTRAN)

FEA packages (ABAQUS, ANSYS, MSC NASTRAN) Tosca Structure is the market leading technology. It allows for rapid and reliable design. Using topology optimization with Tosca Structure. Specific detail improvement through shape and bead optimization (with Tosca Structure.shape and Tosca Structure.bead respectively) make your designs ready for production. With Tosca Structure.sizing you can find millions of design variables. The result are designs with optimum behavior between weight, stiffness and dynamic behavior.


FE-safe Fatigue Modeling Package Package for Finite Element models. FE-safe has been developed since the 1990’s in collaboration with industry to ensure that it has been established.

FE-safe was the first commercially available multiaxial strain based method. FE-safe has been designed to ensure that it has unique thermal properties and is suitable for the use of thermal and mechanical fatigue.

FE-safe is a renowned for its accuracy, speed, comprehensive capabilities and ease of use.

Regardless of the complexity of your fatigue analysis,

FE-safe fits smoothly into your design process.

FE-safe offers a fatigue analysis suite that provides you with reliable, accurate, life-saving predictions for your analysis,


SIMULIA provides users with leading solutions that maximize returns when using various software packages. The Isight and SIMULIA Execution Engine (formerly called Fiper) allow you to combine numerous interdisciplinary models and applications in the flow of simulation processes, automate their execution in distributed computing resources, explore the resulting design space, and identify optimal design parameters in accordance with the requirements and constraints.

The capabilities of our proven automation and simulation optimization solutions:

A radical reduction in design time due to the integration of workflows into an automated environment

Issue a more reliable, high-quality products thanks to the reduction of terms of consideration of project alternatives

Reduced volume of investments in hardware by leveraging existing systems and the distribution of work

Effective communication through sturdy sootrudnichestvu partners in the design


DS SIMULIA Suite 2019 (Abaqus/Isight/Fe-safe/Tosca) Win/Linux x64 (by SSQ)





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