

*{margin:0; padding:0;} /* 所有元素外边距为0 内边距为0 */

/* body中元素字体大小为12px,字体样式为:"Times New Roman", Times, serif,背景色:#333 */

body{font-size:12px; font-family:"Times New Roman", Times, serif; background-color:#333;}

/* id为main的元素上下外边距为100px,左右外边距为自动;宽度为300px */

#main{margin:100px auto; width:300px;}

/* id为main的元素中无序列表列表样式为隐藏 */

#main ul{list-style:none;}

/* id为main的元素中的无序列表下的li块 行高为20px, 下边框的样式为1px dashed #FC0 */

#main ul li{line-height:20px; border-bottom:1px dashed #FC0;}

/* id为main的元素中的无序列表下的li块 中的a标签 颜色为#E7E7E7;关闭文本修饰;相对定位;元素当做块元素显示,前后会有换行符*/

#main ul li a{color:#E7E7E7; text-decoration:none; position:relative; display:block;}

/* id为main的元素中的无序列表下的li块 中的a标签 下的div元素 隐藏 */

#main ul li a div{display:none;}

#main ul li a:hover{color:#FFF;}

#main ul li a:hover div{position:absolute; left:280px; top:-40px; background-color:#FFF; display:block; width:300px; height:100px; color:#000; overflow:hidden;}

#main ul li a:hover div dt{float:left; width:8px; background:url(234.gif) center no-repeat;height:100px; display:block; background-color:#333;}

#main ul li a:hover div dd{float:right ; width:270px; height:auto; line-height:18px; padding:6px 10px;}

  • Customizing Form Objects and Validating Forms

    Rollovers are very easy using Dreamweaver. All you need to do is export two images from Fireworks (the image itself and the rollover image). Next, in Dreamweaver, click on Insert>Rollover Image. Give a name to the image, choose the images from the folder icon and finally give the link to the image. That's it! You've now got a great looking effect for your site.
  • Best Time Saving Tips in Dreamweaver

    Before uploading your site you need to make sure that there are no dead links in the site. You can do this by going to your site map, right clicking on any of the files and then clicking on 'check links'. Now you can choose to either check links in the entire site or within the selected file or folder. If there are any dead links you can fix them by using the folder icon to select the right files.
  • Customizing Form Objects and Validating Forms

    After resizing an image in Dreamweaver, click on Commands>Optimize Image in Fireworks. You will get a dialog box saying 'Editing image.gif. Do you wish to use an existing Fireworks document as the source of image.gif.' Click on No and then click Update. The image is now updated and optimized in Dreamweaver. This saves you the trouble of opening the image in Fireworks, resizing it and exporting it again.
  • Dreamweaver Tips & Tutorials

    We've shared some really cool tips on Macromedia Dreamweaver in this article. They are handy tips that all Dreamweaver users should know about to allow more flexibility and creativity while designing sites in Dreamweaver.
  • Jump Menus, Pop Up Windows and Swap Images

    Rollovers are very easy using Dreamweaver. All you need to do is export two images from Fireworks (the image itself and the rollover image). Next, in Dreamweaver, click on Insert>Rollover Image.


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