

stringstream sstream;
sstream << "I have made " << 500 << " dollars on this product.";
string formated_str = sstream.str();




string formated_str = format("I have made %d dollars on this product.", 500);


typedef std::string String;int cv_vsnprintf(char* buf, int len, const char* fmt, va_list args)
#if defined _MSC_VERif (len <= 0) return len == 0 ? 1024 : -1;int res = _vsnprintf_s(buf, len, _TRUNCATE, fmt, args);// ensure null terminating on VSif (res >= 0 && res < len){buf[res] = 0;return res;}else{buf[len - 1] = 0; // truncate happenedreturn res >= len ? res : (len * 2);}
#elsereturn vsnprintf(buf, len, fmt, args);
}String format( const char* fmt, ... )
{AutoBuffer<char, 1024> buf;for ( ; ; ){va_list va;va_start(va, fmt);int bsize = static_cast<int>(buf.size());int len = cv_vsnprintf(buf.data(), bsize, fmt, va);va_end(va);CV_Assert(len >= 0 && "Check format string for errors");if (len >= bsize){buf.resize(len + 1);continue;}buf[bsize - 1] = 0;return String(buf.data(), len);}
}//! @addtogroup core_utils
//! @{/** @brief  Automatically Allocated Buffer ClassThe class is used for temporary buffers in functions and methods.If a temporary buffer is usually small (a few K's of memory),but its size depends on the parameters, it makes sense to create a smallfixed-size array on stack and use it if it's large enough. If the required buffer sizeis larger than the fixed size, another buffer of sufficient size is allocated dynamicallyand released after the processing. Therefore, in typical cases, when the buffer size is small,there is no overhead associated with malloc()/free().At the same time, there is no limit on the size of processed data.This is what AutoBuffer does. The template takes 2 parameters - type of the buffer elements andthe number of stack-allocated elements. Here is how the class is used:\codevoid my_func(const cv::Mat& m){cv::AutoBuffer<float> buf(1000); // create automatic buffer containing 1000 floatsbuf.allocate(m.rows); // if m.rows <= 1000, the pre-allocated buffer is used,// otherwise the buffer of "m.rows" floats will be allocated// dynamically and deallocated in cv::AutoBuffer destructor...}\endcode
*///! @} core_utils

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