Part I Basic Ideas in Language Teaching
Directions: In this part, there are 24 statements about teaching in English, and four answers after each one. You are to choose from each of the following statements the best answer according to what we have learnt in the book of “A Course in English Language Teaching”.
1. To learn a language means to learn these structural items so as to be able to understand and produce language.
A. This is the behaviorist view of language.
B. This is the structural view of language.
C. This is the functional view of language.
D. This is the interactive view of language.
2. Learners should know the grammar and vocabulary, but as importantly they should know the rules for using them in s whole range of communicative contexts.
A. This is the behaviorist view of language.
B. This is the structural view of language.
C. This is the functional view of language.
D. This is the interactive view of language.
3. According to cognitive theory, .
A. students learn language by repeating what teachers say
B. students are asked to think and create
C. students learn a language as animals do things
D. students respond when teachers give stimulus
4. By audio-lingua method, students should always .
A. be allowed to create their own sentences based on their understanding of certain rules
B. be trained to form good habits in learning
C. relate their rules learned to their uses in real life
D. be able to communicate with others in practice
5. Language is regarded as a communicative tool, whose main use to build up and maintain social relations between people.
A. This is the interactional view of language.
B. This is the functional view of language.
C. This view of language has no basis of theory.
D. The view may be out of date in language teaching.
6. What is the main idea of Communicative Approach?
A. To teach language in a global and meaningful way.
B. To teach language in a communicative method.
C. To teach language in training of habits.
D. To teach language by asking students to repeat and memorize forms.
7. What is a good language teacher?
A. A person who has a good command of English.
B. A person who is armed with a specific range of skills and strategies.
C. A person who has ethic devotion, desirable personal styles and professional qualities.
D. A person who has professional competence.
8. To attain the professional competence, a teacher should have training, learning, practice and .
A. experience
B. educational psychology
C. received knowledge
D. reflection
9. According to Hymes, in a successful language communication, one’s utterance should be A. reliable and clear B. possible and feasible
C. appropriate and authentic D. possible, feasible, appropriate and really used
10. Learning a language means being able to do things with it in some sense…
A. This is the behaviorist view of language.
B. This is the structural view of language.
C. This is the functional view of language.
D. This is the interactive view of language
11. Behaviorist view of language holds .
A. students learn language by repeating what teachers say
B. students are asked to think and create
C. students learn a language as animals do things
D. students respond when teachers give answers
12. A teacher should have training, learning, practice and to attain the professional competence,.
A. experience
B. educational psychology
C. received knowledge
D. reflection
13. Task principle means activities in which language is used for carrying out meaningful tasks that promote learning.
A. This is the view of communicative approach about competence
B. This involves the function/notion method
C. This is the view of behaviorism in language teaching.
D. Not sure.
14. We train students to learn a language just as we train animals to do things.
A. This can be classified into functional grammar.
B. The typical behaviorist view of language learning.
C. The view is taken by those who hold grammar-translation method.
D. None in history had the view of language learning.
15. According to Chomsky, language is not a form of behavior; it is an intricate rule based system.
A. It is still a behaviorist view.
B. It is functional view of language.
C. It is audio lingua method.
D. It is the mentalist view.
16. Mistakes should immediately corrected and correct utterances should be immediately praised.
A. Audio-lingual method
B. Communicative approach
C. Mentalist view
D. Silent way
17. Language is a system of structurally related elements for the coding of meaning.
A. Structural view.
B. Mentalist view.
C. Meaningful way of learning
D. Natural approach
18. We all set up our own perspective of the world, through individual experiences and schema.
A. Mentalist one
B. Not based on any theory
C. Typical constructivist view of learning
D. Functional one
19. Changes in behavior are observed, and used as indicators as to what is happening inside the learner’s mind.
A. Audio-lingual one
B. Constructivist view
C. Behaviorist one
D. Cognitive view of language
20. Language teaching and learning are focused on a new behavioral pattern being repeated until it becomes automatic.
A. Behaviorist view of learning
B. Constructivism
C. Cognitive view
D. Not sure
21. Listening activities always test the students’ memory rather than other abilities.
A.The test is the typical one practiced by communicative approach.
B.This kind of view is actually the way of functional method.
C.Any traditional teaching way will do in this way.
D.Memory training is of course the cognitive approach.
22. The communicative activities in classroom should be the one with__________.
A.teacher intervention
B.materials under control
C.simple language and no variants
D.content on focus not forms
23. Process-oriented theories are concerned with__________.
A.how materials are organized together
B.how hypothesis is tested
C.how the mind processes new information
D.how learners receive input
24.Condition-oriented theories emphasize __________.
A.the human and physical context in learning
B.the nature of habit formation
C.the making of inference
D.the learning process
Part II Teaching Activities
Directions: There are 24 activities described below. For each one, you are to judge whether it is the communicative one or not. If you think it a communicative activity, put a tick(∨ ) in bracket, otherwise, mark a cross(×).
25. Student A uses a questionnaire to interview his partner, student B, and makes notes. ( )
26. As two students are talking about their experience, the teacher asks other students to take down their information. ( )
27.. Listening to tapes with headphones and then answering listening comprehension questions. ( )
28. When reading in a foreign language, students are asked to mentally translate everything in order to understand. ( )
29. “Write a composition with a title of ‘A Day on the Factory’ in classroom” ( )
30. Information-gap activities in spoken lesson. ( )
31. Use English-English dictionary to understand the meaning of vocabulary. ( )
32. The teacher writes a set of words on the blackboard and asks the students to find the “odd man out”. ( )
33. Ask students to read phonetic transcripts of words. ( )
34. Make students in groups to say out grammatical rules. ( )
35. Teachers help learners in any way that motivates them to work with the language. ( )
36. The target language system will be learned best through the process of struggling to repeat and practice rote learning. ( )
37. Pattern drills are practiced peripherally. ( )
38. Ask students to use authentic and natural language. ( )
39. In any teaching class, teachers ingrate the four skills. ( )
40. In teaching we should always prevent students from making errors. ( )
41. The linguistic competence is the desired goal in teaching. ( )
42. Communicative activities come after a long process of rigid drills and exercises. ( )
43. Teachers practice bottom-up mode activity and start from a linear process in reading.( )
44. To use transition device so that visualization is realized in reading. ( )
45. Working in lockstep, the teacher expresses clearly and as much as possible. ( )
46.To use substitution drills and prompts in grammar teaching. ( )
47. An activity in classroom for students to practice language, which involves no definite
or correct answers in the task. ( )
48. Ask students to bridge their information gap in speaking.( )
Part III Teaching Principles
Directions: In this part of the test, there are some Teaching Principles that need your evaluation.
Please choose the ones you think them correct and in accordance with what we have learnt and
put a tick( ∨ ) after them.
49. The main implication for teaching is that we need to be aware of the discourse features of a text and to be able to make students aware of them. ( )
50. A group of students working together to brainstorm topics and ideas will be more productive because their thoughts can be inspired by each other’s ideas. ( )
51. The teaching activities must be designed to be done by the individual students rather than all of them, and the activities should also involve the teacher correcting or evaluating how the student do these activities. ( )
52. A teacher is a resource-provider. ( )
53. It is not the teachers’ work to choose topics and tasks so as to activate students in teaching. ( )
54. Teachers need not have extra materials prepared to cope with slower/faster-working students. ( )
55. Different approaches stipulate different teacher roles, but there are some common roles
that teachers play. ( )
56. Teachers can do nothing to increase and maintain the motivation of students by the types
of tasks. ( )
57. Teaching listening should focus on the result of listening rather than the process of
listening. ( )
58. The trick to working with drills is to work on individual sounds for more than few minutes
a time. ( )
59. Ask students to make a list of optimal solutions to the problem addressed. ( )
60. We should require the students to acquire native-like pronunciation. ( )
61. Good planning tactics never indicate the importance of knowing what you need to take with you or to arrange to have in your classroom. ( )
62. The first step of lesson planning will already have been performed for you: choosing what to teach.
63. A teacher can play the roles as controller, assessor, organizer, prompter, participant and resources provider, but they should not play all of them at one time. ( )
64. A normal class should be in such a way in which students can raise questions and challenges to teachers. ( )
65. Emotions cannot run high whenever language learners are asked to develop new pronunciation habits. ( )
66. In practice, we need mechanical and meaningful practice. One way is to practice our pronunciation in English chunks, ready-made chunks. ( )
67. The introduction of authentic texts into the learning situation. ( )
68. Functional grammar holds that a language will play three functions, the idea of which can be used in teaching of language skills.( )
69. Take care of trivial details in reading and listening so that students may have a full understanding of the text. ( )
70. In writing, teachers help students recognize their own composing process.( )
71. We design speaking tasks that do allow outspoken students to dominate discussion. ( )
72. We in teaching clarify fixed rules and standards, and are consistent in applying them.( )
Part IV Teaching of Language and Language Skills
Directions: In this part of the test, you are to decide whether you agree or disagree.

Part V Teaching Planning
Directions: In this part of the test, you are to give a ‘Teaching Plan’ according to the material (a text) given below. Your plan should cover ‘aims, language contents, stages and procedures’.
(Text 1.)
Nature gives plants and trees four ways to scatter their seeds. The first is by wind. The seed of some plants are very light, like the dandelion and the sycamore. They have wings or parachutes so that the wind can carry them easily. The second is by birds and animals. Some seeds, like the seeds of burdock stick to the fur of animals, and drop off as the animals move about. Birds carry others, such as berries. The third way is by the plant itself. The plant itself twists and breaks the walls of the fruit. It throws out or shakes out the seeds. The last is by water. The seeds float on the water either because they are very light, or because they have air inside them.
Lesson Plan
Stage 1:
Stage 2:
Stage 3:
Reserve activity
Visual aids:

(Text 2.)
A doctor working in a village was very annoyed because many people used to stop him in the street and asked him for advice. In this way, he was never paid for his services, and he never managed to earn much money. He made up his mind to put an end to this. He was stopped by a young man who said to him, “Oh, doctor, I’m so glad to see you. I’ve got a severe pain in my left side”. The doctor pretended to be interested and said, “Shut your eyes and stick your tongue out of your month”. Then, he went away, leaving the man standing in the street with his tongue hanging out…and a large crowd of people laughing at him.
Lesson Plan
Stage 1:
Stage 2:
Stage 3:
Reserve activity
Visual aids:

Clerk: Good morning, Sir. What can I do for you?
Monty: Good morning. I’ve lost my briefcase.
Clerk: Where do you think you lost it?
Monty: I was on the 8:30 train to Stockport.
Clerk: Right. Can you give me your name, Sir?
Monty: Yes. Monty Ball.
Clerk: And your address?
Monty: I live at 26 Ash Avenue, Manchester.
Clerk: Can you describe your briefcase, please?
Monty: Yes. It’s black and made of leather—one of those flat sided ones.
Clerk: Anything in it?
Monty: Not much. Just my lunch and a few papers.
Clerk: Well, if it turns up we’ll let you know. Where can we ring you?
Monty: At my office—the number is 483 7692.
Clerk: Right, Mr. Ball. I’ll see what I can do.
Monty: Thanks a lot. Bye.
Lesson Plan
Stage 1:
Stage 2:
Stage 3:
Reserve activity
Visual aids:

Part VI Comment and Evaluation
Directions: In this part, you are to give your comment or evaluation on the following terms in language teaching.
Macro planning
Traditional pedagogy
Language form

  1. Function/notion approach
    task-based method
    deductive and inductive method

  2. Prompter:
    Linguistic competence:
    Bottom-up and Top-down models:

Part I Basic Ideas in Language Teaching
Directions: In this part, there are ten statements about language and language learning, You are to make your judgment whether they are structural view, functional view, interactional view, or they are behaviorist theory, cognitive theory or communicative view and write down your answers after these statements.

  1. Day to day language use involves activities such as offering, suggesting, advising and apologizing. Learners learn a language in order to be able to do things with it.

  2. Language is a system and so its subsystems include phonological, morphological and lexical items which constitute sentence. We learn these items so as to be able to understand and produce language.

  3. Teaching actually involves endless listen and repeat drilling excises and promotes reinforcement.

  4. In the whole process of language learning, stimulus-response can form very good habits which are the basis for good language training.

  5. When we learn language, we should always think and ask questions about not only how but also why.

  6. Learners are trained to express notions that complete their tasks. The notions include concept of present, past and future time, the expressions of certainty and possibility and so on.

  7. We should learn language in the way that is used in the real world and therefore we frequently bridge the gap between the use of language in real life and the teaching or learning pedagogy in classroom.

  8. When learning language, we should know not only the language code or the form of language, but also what to say to whom and how to say it appropriately in any given situation.

  9. Language is a linguistic system make of various subsystems from phonological, morphological and lexical to sentences. Human beings put all the items together to understand language and produce language.

  10. Language is seen as a linguistic system and a means for doing things. To complete these, learners need to know how to combine the grammatical rules and the vocabulary to express notion.

  11. Learners have to study the patterns and rules of language above the sentence level to learn how language is used in different speech contexts.

  12. A language learner acquires language competence which enables him to produce language.

Part II Teaching Activities
Directions: There are five activities stated below. For each one, you are to describe it with simple example.

  1. ( discovering differences )
  2. ( pooling information to solve a problem )
  3. ( simulation activity )
  4. ( identifying pictures )
  5. ( work in pairs )
  6. ( role playing )
    Part III Teaching Principles
    Directions: In this part of the test, Wallace’s ‘reflective model’ is to be completed to demonstrate the development of professional competence. You are to fill the blanks with proper terms.

Note: The possible selected terms would be: practice, language learning, language practice, own experience, own knowledge, professional competence, received knowledge, development, reflection, others’ knowledge, others’ experience, response and stimuli, language training, stage, goal, etc.
11. The efficient teaching implies that we should know the discourse features of any text and make students well informed of them. ( )
12. To inspire students’ productive thoughts in group discussion by means of brainstorming topics and ideas. ( )
13. The teacher carefully designs activities for the individual students to complete the tasks and evaluates the whole process. ( )
14. To vary teaching techniques and train students learning strategy in class. ( )
15. Extra materials are prepared to cope with slower/faster-working students. ( )
Part IV Teacher’s role in language teaching
Directions: In this part of the test, there are things listed below that teachers often do in the language classroom. You are to decide what role the teacher is playing in each one. Put corresponding letters in the brackets

        a. controller    b. assessor    c. organizer    d. prompter    e. participant

( ) 1. When students are doing a group-work task, the teacher joints on or two groups for s short period of time.
( ) 2. The teacher asks a student a question “Have you ever bought clothes with problems?” If the student doesn’t seem to be ready, the teacher says “for example, a shirt without…” and points to the button on his won shirt of jacket.
( ) 3. The teacher writes one of five numbers on a number of cards. Each student draws on card. Those who have drawn number 1 will form group 1, and those who have drawn number 2 will form group 2. Thus the students are put into five groups in a random way.
( ) 4. When the students have in groups decided where to go for a spring outing, the teacher asks each group to tell the others why they have made such a choice.
( ) 5. The teacher asks the students to produce conversations by using particular patterns or expressions they have just learned.
a. controller b. assessor c. organizer d. prompter e. participant

( ) 6. The teacher asks the students to take turns to make sentences with a newly learned structure. If someone makes an error, the teacher asks him or her to revise.
( ) 7. When a student has made a sentence with “borrow”, “I borrowed a paper to write a letter”, the teacher says, “Well, we don’t say a paper, we say a piece of paper”.
( ) 8. The teacher writes one of five numbers on a number of cards. Each student draws on card. Those who have drawn number 1 will form group 1, and those who have drawn number 2 will form group 2. Thus the students are put into five groups in a random way.
( ) 9. T: Do you have any hobbies?
D: Yes, I like singing and dancing.
T: Uhm, and…?
D: I also collect coins.
( ) 10. The teacher has a word in his mind and asks students to guess by asking only Yes/No questions until they make the correct guess.
Part V Teaching Planning ( 20%)
Directions: In this part of the test, you are to give a ‘Teaching Plan’ according to the material (a text) given below. Your plan should cover ‘aims, language contents, stages and procedures’.
Soon we were on our way to Castle Dracula. The mountains were all around us and the moon was behind black cloud. I could see nothing, but I could still hear the wolves. The horses went faster and faster, and the driver laughed wildly. Suddenly the carriage stopped. I opened the door and got out. At once the carriage drove away and I was alone in front of the dark, silent castle. I stood there, looking up at it, and slowly the big wooden door opened. A tall man stood in front of me. His hair was while and he was dressed in black from head to foot.
Lesson Plan
Stage 1:
Stage 2:
Stage 3:
Reserve activity
Visual aids:

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