18001 Farmer Cat

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题型: 编程题   语言: 不限定


There are a lot of bulls in SCAU. One of them loves eating fodder. But his owner -- Farmer Cat would not allow him to eat too much fodder, so she plays a game with this bull.
This game is about A SIMPLE MATH PROBLEM : A number between 1 to 230 will be given by the Farmer Cat, and the bull has to tell whether the number can be described by the sum of not less than
two consecutive positive integers or not. If the bull’s answer is right then he can eat the “fodder”, and if not, only “pasture”.
For example, 7 can be described by the sum of 3 and 4. 10 can be described by the sum of 1,2,3 and 4.
For your information, This bull is a genius and he is always able to answer this problem without hesitation. So Farmer Cat asks you for help and write a program to figure out whether
the answer is right or not. 


The input consists of T test cases.
The number of test cases (T<=200) is given in the first line of the input file.
The next T lines , each line consists a number N (1<=N<230) given by the Farmer Cat and an answer(Can or Can't) given by the bull.


The output should contain T lines, each line consists a word:
If the bull’s answer is right,please print out ”Fodder”.
If it’s wrong.please print out “Pasture”.


7 Can
7 Can't
10 Can
10 Can't


#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <math.h>
#include <string.h>int main()
{long long T;scanf("%lld",&T);while(T--){long long n,i,j,flag1,flag2;char judge[10];scanf("%lld",&n);getchar();gets(judge);if(n%2!=0&&n!=1)flag1=1;else{while(n%2==0){n=n/2;}if(n==1)flag1=0;elseflag1=1;}if(strcmp(judge,"Can")==0)flag2=1;if(strcmp(judge,"Can't")==0)flag2=0;if(flag2==flag1)printf("Fodder\n");elseprintf("Pasture\n");}return 0;

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