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interface ILink{//创建一个接口用于定义方法标准


public void add(E e) ;


public int getLength();


public boolean isEmpty();


public Object [] toArray() ;


public E get(int index) ;


public void set(int index, E data) ;


public boolean contains(E data) ;


class LinkImpl implements ILink{//创建一个子类继承ILink接口

private Node root ;


public void add(E e){

if(e == null){

return ;


Node newNode = new Node(e);

if(this.root == null){

this.root = newNode ;


this.root.addNode(newNode) ;


this.count ++ ;


private int count ;


public int getLength(){

return this.count ;



public boolean isEmpty(){

if (this.count == 0){

return true ;


return false ;



private int foot ;

private Object [] returnData ;


public Object [] toArray(){


throw new NullPointerException("空集合");


this.foot = 0 ;

this.returnData = new Object [this.count] ;


return this.returnData ;



public E get(int index){

if(index >= this.count){

throw new ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException("指定索引不在范围之内");


this.foot = 0 ;

return this.root.getNode(index) ;




public void set(int index, E data){

if(index >= this.count){

throw new ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException("指定索引不在范围之内");


this.foot = 0 ;

this.root.setNode(index,data) ;




public boolean contains(E data){

if(data == null){

return false ;


return this.root.containsNode(data) ;




private class Node{//创建内部类用于实现引用关系的处理

private E data ;//用于节点保存数据

private Node next ;//用于节点的引用关系

public Node(E data){//创建节点是保存数据

this.data = data ;



public void addNode(Node newNode){

if(this.next == null){

this.next = newNode ;


this.next.addNode(newNode) ;



public void toArrayNode(){

LinkImpl.this.returnData[LinkImpl.this.foot ++] = this.data ;

if(this.next != null){

this.next.toArrayNode() ;



public E getNode(int index){

if(LinkImpl.this.foot ++ == index){

return this.data ;


return this.next.getNode(index) ;



public void setNode(int index, E data){

if(LinkImpl.this.foot ++ == index){

this.data = data ;


this.next.setNode(index,data) ;



public boolean containsNode(E data){


return true ;


if(this.next == null){

return false ;


return this.next.containsNode(data) ;






public class LinkDemo{

public static void main(String args[]){

ILink link = new LinkImpl () ;





System.out.println(link.getLength()) ;

System.out.println(link.isEmpty()) ;

link.set(2,"你好!!!") ;







interface ILink{//创建一个接口用于定义方法标准


public void add(E e) ;


public int getLength();


public boolean isEmpty();


public Object [] toArray() ;


public E get(int index) ;


public void set(int index, E data) ;


public boolean contains(E data) ;


public void remove(E e) ;


class LinkImpl implements ILink{//创建一个子类继承ILink接口

private Node root ;


public void add(E e){

if(e == null){

return ;


Node newNode = new Node(e);

if(this.root == null){

this.root = newNode ;


this.root.addNode(newNode) ;


this.count ++ ;


private int count ;


public int getLength(){

return this.count ;



public boolean isEmpty(){

if (this.count == 0){

return true ;


return false ;



private int foot ;

private Object [] returnData ;


public Object [] toArray(){


throw new NullPointerException("空集合");


this.foot = 0 ;

this.returnData = new Object [this.count] ;


return this.returnData ;



public E get(int index){

if(index >= this.count){

throw new ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException("指定索引不在范围之内");


this.foot = 0 ;

return this.root.getNode(index) ;




public void set(int index, E data){

if(index >= this.count){

throw new ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException("指定索引不在范围之内");


this.foot = 0 ;

this.root.setNode(index,data) ;




public boolean contains(E data){

if(data == null){

return false ;


return this.root.containsNode(data) ;




public void remove(E data){



this.root = this.root.next ;


this.root.next.removeNode(this.root, data) ;


this.count -- ;




private class Node{//创建内部类用于实现引用关系的处理

private E data ;//用于节点保存数据

private Node next ;//用于节点的引用关系

public Node(E data){//创建节点是保存数据

this.data = data ;



public void addNode(Node newNode){

if(this.next == null){

this.next = newNode ;


this.next.addNode(newNode) ;



public void toArrayNode(){

LinkImpl.this.returnData[LinkImpl.this.foot ++] = this.data ;

if(this.next != null){

this.next.toArrayNode() ;



public E getNode(int index){

if(LinkImpl.this.foot ++ == index){

return this.data ;


return this.next.getNode(index) ;



public void setNode(int index, E data){

if(LinkImpl.this.foot ++ == index){

this.data = data ;


this.next.setNode(index,data) ;



public boolean containsNode(E data){


return true ;


if(this.next == null){

return false ;


return this.next.containsNode(data) ;




public void removeNode(Node previous, E data){


previous.next = this.next ;


if(this.next != null){

this.next.removeNode(this, data) ;






public class LinkDemo{

public static void main(String args[]){

ILink link = new LinkImpl () ;





System.out.println(link.getLength()) ;

System.out.println(link.isEmpty()) ;

link.remove("Tom") ;

Object [] results = link.toArray() ;

for(Object obj : results){

System.out.println(obj) ;


link.set(2,"你好!!!") ;







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