What’s the difference between SAP HANA Cloud Platform and SAP HANA Enterprise Cloud (HEC)
ŸSAP HANA Cloud Platform
It’s the industry’s only in-memory cloud platform which enables developers to build, extend and run applications in the cloud as a Platform-as-a-Service offering
ŸSAP HANA Enterprise Cloud (HEC)
It’s an SAP HANA instance hosted in SAP’s enterprise-class managed cloud environment. Powered by SAP HANA Cloud Platform, it is ideal for mission-critical applications such as SAP BuisnessSuite and SAP NetWeaver Business Warehouse or custom SAP HANA applications., which offers cloud elasticity, making it a scalable choice for large enterprises.

什么是HANA Enterprise Cloud - HEC

SAP HANA Enterprise Cloud is a new offering that gives you the full power of SAP HANA in a managed cloud environment so that you
don’t have to implement it on-site
As outlined above, SAP HANA Enterprise Cloud is focusing on providing SAP solutions powered by HANA as managed services in an enterprise-grade, virtual private cloud environment. SAP HANA Cloud Platform can be used to extend these solutions via our public cloud Platform-As-A-Service offering, as one can already do with SAP solutions “classically” operated on-premise or SuccessFactors solutions offered in a cloud environment itself.
Both SAP HANA Enterprise Cloud and SAP HANA Cloud Platform are running collocated in the same certified SAP Data Center sites and hence allow to be efficiently combined and put to action for dedicated scenarios. In a way, SAP HANA Cloud Platform is available with SAP HANA Enterprise Cloud, or it is contained in it, but somehow these statements appear to be a bit academic to me. What is really important is that these two offerings fit and work together: One does not replace the other, but each of them solves a specific problem of our customer and partner ecosystem. They compliment each other: All capabilities offered by SAP HANA Cloud Platform can be put to work with solutions provided by SAP HANA Enterprise Cloud.



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