REL: Released


The object is released.


If an object is released, this system status is set.
The status allows all actual and commited values to be posted to the object in question.


上图中的ISU, VBK是什么鬼?Object Category,Group of objects that are handled in a similar way within General Status Management.

那Process呢?称为Business Transaction

Transaction that the user executes on the screen.

Objects that use general status management functions can define at business transaction level whether a function is allowed or not.


You execute a business transaction when you
(1) Post to a G/L account
(2) Release an order/project
(3) Post goods received
(4) Enter a confirmation

Group of objects that are handled in a similar way within General Status Management.

PRC Pre-costed

PRC Pre-costed


Indicates that a preliminary cost estimate exists for an order ( product cost collector or manufacturing order).


On the basis of the planned costs calculated in the preliminary cost estimate, you can do the following:
In Product Cost by Period you can valuate work in process at target costs.
You define this in Customizing for Product Cost by Period with the valuation variant for work in process and scrap.
You can valuate confirmed scrap quantities.
You define this in Customizing for Product Cost by Period or Product Cost by Order with the valuation variant for work in process and scrap.
You can calculate production variances.
For informational purposes, you calculate the production variances by comparing the actual costs with the target costs calculated on the basis of the planned costs. This information tells you which variances have occurred in production since the preliminary cost estimate of the order was created.

SETC Settlement rule created


A settlement rule was created for the object.


This status is set when settlement rules have been created for a controlling object (e.g. order, project).


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