在Matlab的命令窗口中键入doc graph2d/graph3d/specgraph 可以获得详细的帮助


Two dimensional graphs.

Elementary X-Y graphs.

plot - Linear plot.

loglog - Log-log scale plot.

semilogx - Semi-log scale plot.

semilogy - Semi-log scale plot.

polar - Polar coordinate plot.

plotyy - Graphs with y tick labels on the left and right.

Axis control.

axis - Control axis scaling and appearance.

zoom - Zoom in and out on a 2-D plot.

grid - Grid lines.

box - Axis box.

rbbox - Rubberband box.

hold - Hold current graph.

axes - Create axes in arbitrary positions.

subplot - Create axes in tiled positions.

Graph annotation.

plotedit - Tools for editing and annotating plots.

title - Graph title.

xlabel - X-axis label.

ylabel - Y-axis label.

texlabel - Produces the TeX format from a character string.

text - Text annotation.

gtext - Place text with mouse.

Hardcopy and printing.

print - Print graph or Simulink system; or save graph to M-file.

printopt - Printer defaults.

orient - Set paper orientation.


Three dimensional graphs.

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