amie 规则挖掘

AMIE:工程师协会的准会员 (AMIE: Associate Member of the Institution of Engineers)

AMIE is an abbreviation of Associate Member of the Institution of Engineers. The Institution of Engineers India Limited (IEIL) provides this professional certification. This degree plays a significant role for students who are not capable to pursue a regular engineering degree from a Technical University of Engineering College in India. The most significant streams of engineering like Electronics, Mechanical and Computer Science comprised in the degree of engineering which considered equivalent to the certification of AMIE. A student can go for a Master's Degree from any renowned university if he will complete this certification of AMIE. He can also get a job in a variety of government or private sector companies in his field of specialization.

AMIE是工程师协会准会员的缩写印度工程师学会有限公司(IEIL)提供了此专业证书。 对于无法从印度工程技术大学攻读常规工程学位的学生而言,该学位发挥着重要作用。 最重要的工程流,例如电子,机械和计算机科学,都包含在等同于AMIE认证的工程程度中。 如果学生能够完成此AMIE认证,则可以从任何著名大学攻读硕士学位。 他还可以在其专业领域中的各种政府或私营部门公司中找到工作。

In this certification of AMIE, the membership is classified into two categories which are in the following points,


  1. Technician Member:


    With at least 45% minimum aggregate, its minimum criteria is to pass the 12


    th standard in the certification of AMIE.


  2. Senior Technician Member:


    For becoming a senior technician member, there are two obligatory qualifications held in the certification of AMIE.


Note: It is valid by the council that the candidate's age must be at a minimum of 18 years and the candidate should have a diploma or degree in technology or engineering.


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AMIE考试 (AMIE Exams)

In summer and winter or in June and December correspondingly, the exams of AMIE are held two times in a year.


In the Technical Journal, the date and detail information of the exam is released. The IEIL has classified the exam into two sections; which are Section A and Section B.

在《技术期刊》中,发布了考试的日期和详细信息。 IEIL将考试分为两个部分: 分别是A节和B节。

  • Section A is compulsory for all the candidates.


  • In Section B, the candidate is generally assumed to opt for a particular branch of engineering program which the candidate wants to pursue. The candidate can appear for Section B after passing section A and if he passes at the minimum 5 papers of Section B, he becomes qualified for the Laboratory experiments. The project work includes 10 papers; six mandatory and three not obligatory.

    在B节中,通常假定应聘者选择应聘者想要从事的工程程序的特定分支。 考生通过A节后可以出现在B节中,如果他通过了B节的至少5篇论文,则他有资格参加实验室实验。 该项目的工作包括10篇论文; 六个为强制性,三个为非强制性。

用法 (Usage)

AMIE is completely equivalent to the graduation degree in engineering; even a certified student also can opt for the examinations like,

AMIE完全等同于工程专业的毕业程度; 即使是经过认证的学生也可以选择考试,

  • Civil services


  • Indian engineering services (IES)


  • Graduate Record Examinations (GRE)


  • Graduate Aptitude Test in Engineering (GATE)


  • Graduate Management Admission Test (GMAT)


  • Common Admission Test (CAT)



amie 规则挖掘

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