

objects and object-oriented design

fields and visibility

constructors, mutators and accessor methods



the List interface

method overriding


In this computer science course, you will learn the basics of programming in the Java language, and cover topics relevant to the AP Computer Science A course and exam.

This course will cover:


objects and object-oriented design

fields and visibility

constructors, mutators and accessor methods



the List interface

method overriding

This course is for anyone interested in taking a first-level computer-programming course, particularly those who attend a school that does not provide a similar class.

No previous programming knowledge is needed, but it is recommended that learners be comfortable with the topics addressed in AP Computer Science A: Java Programming and AP Computer Science A: Java Programming Data Structures and Loops.

We are looking forward to helping you explore this exciting new world!


Unit Name or Timeframe: Methods and Classes (3 weeks)

Object-oriented design and encapsulation

Top-down development and functional decomposition

State and behavior

Fields and visibility

Methods and parameters

Calling methods and passing parameters by-value and by-reference

Constructors and instantiation

The static keyword


Method overloading


Accessors and mutators

Immutable objects

Unit Name or Timeframe: Interfaces (1 week)

Interfaces and abstraction

Interface implementation

Reference types

List interface and iterators

Comparable interface

Unit Name or Timeframe: Inheritance (2 weeks)

Inheritance and the Object class

Public and private data and methods

The super, this and null references

Encapsulation and information hiding

Inheritance using extends, recognizing single-inheritance

Equality vs identity

has-a vs is-a relationships involving inheritance and aggregation

Method overriding

The instanceof operator


Some basic algebra skills needed. Students should have taken:CS180.1x - AP Computer Science A: Java Programming

CS180.2x - AP Computer Science A: Java Programming Data Structures and Loops


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  6. 面向对象编程——类和对象

    面向对象编程 类和对象 类(Class):用来描述具有相同属性和方法的对象的集合 class Student:name='stu'#属性def say(self):#方法print("hel ...

  7. java面向对象-类和对象

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  8. C、C++、C#、python、java编程—类的使用

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  9. JAVA300集——面向对象编程-类和对象-构造方法及其重载-方法调用

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