




  • 下载 .unitypackage Stable (7.0.0) 或者从 Github 克隆
  • 导入下载的所有文件到项目 Assets/ 目录下.
  • 打开unity项目,会自动生成steam_appid.txt到项目的主目录下.
  • 打开 steam_appid.txt 并将 480 修改为自己的 AppId.
  • 编辑\Plugins\Steamworks.NET\types\SteamTypes\AppId_t.cs,将public static readonly AppId_t Invalid = new AppId_t(0x0);将0x0修改为自己的app_id
  • 重启unity,保证 steam_appid.txt 已生效.
  • 安装sdk完成.


  • 下载SteamManagers.cs
  • 将SteamManager.cs脚本挂在GameObject上,steam会自动生成单例
  • 完整C#接口请点击查看


// The SteamManager is designed to work with Steamworks.NET
// This file is released into the public domain.
// Where that dedication is not recognized you are granted a perpetual,
// irrevokable license to copy and modify this files as you see fit.
// Version: 1.0.3using UnityEngine;
using System.Collections;
using Steamworks;//
// The SteamManager provides a base implementation of Steamworks.NET on which you can build upon.
// It handles the basics of starting up and shutting down the SteamAPI for use.
class SteamManager : MonoBehaviour {private static SteamManager s_instance;private static SteamManager Instance {get {return s_instance ?? new GameObject("SteamManager").AddComponent<SteamManager>();}}private static bool s_EverInialized;private bool m_bInitialized;public static bool Initialized {get {return Instance.m_bInitialized;}}private SteamAPIWarningMessageHook_t m_SteamAPIWarningMessageHook;private static void SteamAPIDebugTextHook(int nSeverity, System.Text.StringBuilder pchDebugText) {Debug.LogWarning(pchDebugText);}private void Awake() {// Only one instance of SteamManager at a time!if (s_instance != null) {Destroy(gameObject);return;}s_instance = this;if(s_EverInialized) {// This is almost always an error.// The most common case where this happens is the SteamManager getting desstroyed via Application.Quit() and having some code in some OnDestroy which gets called afterwards, creating a new SteamManager.throw new System.Exception("Tried to Initialize the SteamAPI twice in one session!");}// We want our SteamManager Instance to persist across scenes.DontDestroyOnLoad(gameObject);if (!Packsize.Test()) {Debug.LogError("[Steamworks.NET] Packsize Test returned false, the wrong version of Steamworks.NET is being run in this platform.", this);}if (!DllCheck.Test()) {Debug.LogError("[Steamworks.NET] DllCheck Test returned false, One or more of the Steamworks binaries seems to be the wrong version.", this);}try {// If Steam is not running or the game wasn't started through Steam, SteamAPI_RestartAppIfNecessary starts the // Steam client and also launches this game again if the User owns it. This can act as a rudimentary form of DRM.// Once you get a Steam AppID assigned by Valve, you need to replace AppId_t.Invalid with it and// remove steam_appid.txt from the game depot. eg: "(AppId_t)480" or "new AppId_t(480)".// See the Valve documentation for more information: https://partner.steamgames.com/documentation/drm#FAQif (SteamAPI.RestartAppIfNecessary(AppId_t.Invalid)) {Application.Quit();return;}}catch (System.DllNotFoundException e) { // We catch this exception here, as it will be the first occurence of it.Debug.LogError("[Steamworks.NET] Could not load [lib]steam_api.dll/so/dylib. It's likely not in the correct location. Refer to the README for more details.\n" + e, this);Application.Quit();return;}// Initialize the SteamAPI, if Init() returns false this can happen for many reasons.// Some examples include:// Steam Client is not running.// Launching from outside of steam without a steam_appid.txt file in place.// Running under a different OS User or Access level (for example running "as administrator")// Ensure that you own a license for the AppId on your active Steam account// If your AppId is not completely set up. Either in Release State: Unavailable, or if it's missing default packages.// Valve's documentation for this is located here:// https://partner.steamgames.com/documentation/getting_started// https://partner.steamgames.com/documentation/example // Under: Common Build Problems// https://partner.steamgames.com/documentation/bootstrap_stats // At the very bottom// If you're running into Init issues try running DbgView prior to launching to get the internal output from Steam.// http://technet.microsoft.com/en-us/sysinternals/bb896647.aspxm_bInitialized = SteamAPI.Init();if (!m_bInitialized) {Debug.LogError("[Steamworks.NET] SteamAPI_Init() failed. Refer to Valve's documentation or the comment above this line for more information.", this);return;}s_EverInialized = true;}// This should only ever get called on first load and after an Assembly reload, You should never Disable the Steamworks Manager yourself.private void OnEnable() {if (s_instance == null) {s_instance = this;}if (!m_bInitialized) {return;}if (m_SteamAPIWarningMessageHook == null) {// Set up our callback to recieve warning messages from Steam.// You must launch with "-debug_steamapi" in the launch args to recieve warnings.m_SteamAPIWarningMessageHook = new SteamAPIWarningMessageHook_t(SteamAPIDebugTextHook);SteamClient.SetWarningMessageHook(m_SteamAPIWarningMessageHook);}}// OnApplicationQuit gets called too early to shutdown the SteamAPI.// Because the SteamManager should be persistent and never disabled or destroyed we can shutdown the SteamAPI here.// Thus it is not recommended to perform any Steamworks work in other OnDestroy functions as the order of execution can not be garenteed upon Shutdown. Prefer OnDisable().private void OnDestroy() {if (s_instance != this) {return;}s_instance = null;if (!m_bInitialized) {return;}SteamAPI.Shutdown();}private void Update() {if (!m_bInitialized) {return;}// Run Steam client callbacksSteamAPI.RunCallbacks();}


*使用默认的appid 480可以获取到接口,替换为自己的appid报错steam api初始化失败?


*Failed to load 'Assets/Plugins/x86_64/CSteamworks.dll' with error '找不到指定的模块。


*下载报错 Steam安装失败(程序配置文件不可用)或 Failed to start game (invalid app config)

如果测试帐号可以下载安装,而黄色或者红色key不可安装,则是因为应用商店页面清单未完成并提交Valve审核,审核通过才可。具体可以参见steam开发者讨论区 https://steamcommunity.com/groups/steamworks/discussions/0/523897023725510452/


需要联系Steam客服,说明限制地区和理由 https://partner.steamgames.com/home/contact




使用ico制作软件如IcoFX制作多个尺寸的ico文件,在线做只能输出一个尺寸。需要尺寸16 32 48 64 128 256越多越好。


相关程序包与 DLC商店程序包、促销或特殊用途程序包中添加所有depot即可。


发布steam应用mac版本时,确保playersetting下的Mac AppStore Validation取消掉,不然steam版本打开会闪退


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