
Social login buttons, links to social media channels — in 2020 this is still a thing in web design and app design. I mean, what business isn’t on social media these days? It’s a necessity!

社交登录按钮,指向社交媒体渠道的链接—到2020年,这仍然是Web设计和应用程序设计中的一件事。 我的意思是,这些天社交媒体上没有从事什么业务? 这是必须的!

Knowing what the different fonts and colors used by social networks are (so that we can use them in our designs) is quite handy. It’s something we “google” every time we design an app or website. (For example, “Facebook blue”, “Facebook hex value”, “What is the color used by Facebook?”, and so on).

知道社交网络使用的不同字体和颜色是什么(以便我们可以在设计中使用它们)非常方便。 每当我们设计一个应用程序或网站时,我们都会用它“谷歌”。 (例如,“ Facebook蓝色”,“ Facebook十六进制值”,“ Facebook使用什么颜色?”等等)。

In fact, I bet that’s how you found this article!


Well, I won’t keep you waiting any more. Let’s take a look at the fonts and colors used by Messenger (by Facebook), Instagram (by Facebook), WhatsApp (by Facebook), Facebook itself, Twitter, Pinterest, LinkedIn, Snapchat, and finally, Google/YouTube.

好吧,我不会再让您等待了。 让我们看一下Messenger(通过Facebook),Instagram(通过Facebook),WhatsApp(通过Facebook),Facebook本身,Twitter,Pinterest,LinkedIn,Snapchat和最终Google / YouTube使用的字体和颜色。

This article was updated in 2020 to show the newer fonts and colors used by social networks, including Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, and various others. Google+ didn’t make a comeback.

本文已于2020年更新,以显示社交网络(包括Facebook,Twitter,Instagram以及其他各种社交网站)使用的更新字体和颜色。 Google+没有卷土重来。



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