
When Facebook bought Instagram in 2012, it sent a clear signal that this was a platform with real potential. Since then, Instagram has gone from strength to strength and its increasing usage has made it a place where businesses can have a real marketing impact. In this post, we’ll look at the platform and show you eight tips to help boost your Instagram sales.

当Facebook在2012年收购Instagram时,它发出了一个明确的信号,即这是一个具有真正潜力的平台。 从那时起,Instagram变得越来越强大,其不断增加的使用率使它成为企业可以产生真正营销影响的地方。 在本文中,我们将介绍该平台,并向您展示八个技巧,以帮助您提高Instagram的销量。

成长中的平台 (A growing platform)

Instagram has grown massively in recent years, expanding its monthly user base to over one billion. That’s three times as many users as Twitter. This has made it a very appealing place for businesses to advertise their products and to run social media campaigns. Indeed, half of all businesses now use Instagram as a marketing tool and in 2017, they spent almost £2 billion on advertising. With this amount of investment, it is obvious that these businesses are seeing great returns.

近年来,Instagram取得了巨大的发展,其每月用户数量已超过10亿 。 用户数量是Twitter的三倍。 这使它成为企业宣传其产品并开展社交媒体活动的极具吸引力的地方。 确实,现在所有企业中有一半使用Instagram作为营销工具,2017年,他们在广告上花费了近20亿英镑。 有了如此大量的投资,这些企业显然会获得丰厚的回报。

Instagram对在线零售商的优势 (Advantages of Instagram for online retailers )

Instagram is a media that focuses on high-quality images and video, making it ideal for posting highly visual and creative product photographs and marketing that can link directly to your online store. In this sense, Instagram becomes an extension of that store – people stumble upon a product they like and can click through to buy it. Nothing could be easier.

Instagram是一种专注于高质量图像和视频的媒体,非常适合发布具有高度视觉和创意的产品照片以及可以直接链接到您的在线商店的营销。 从这个意义上说,Instagram成为该商店的扩展–人们偶然发现了他们喜欢的产品,然后可以点击购买。 没有什么比这更容易了。

And with such a large and growing audience, it can massively expand your company’s reach, enhancing user engagement while helping to improve your brand’s positioning. Add to this the option to link Instagram and Facebook accounts, so that posts which appear on Instagram also appear on Facebook, and the potential for spreading the word is even higher.

拥有如此庞大且不断增长的受众群体,它可以极大地扩展您公司的业务范围,在提高用户参与度的同时帮助改善您的品牌定位。 添加此选项以链接Instagram和Facebook帐户,这样,出现在Instagram上的帖子也会出现在Facebook上,并且传播这个词的可能性甚至更高。

提升Instagram销量的技巧 (Tips on boosting Instagram sales)

  1. 设置Instagram商业资料 (Set up an Instagram business profile)

Instagram now lets you set up a business profile, so you won’t need to rely on using a personal account to do your marketing. One great feature of the pro-style, business profile is that you can import all your Facebook contacts. It also gives you analytics data to help you see how well your posts are doing.

Instagram现在可以让您建立公司资料,因此您无需依赖使用个人帐户来进行营销。 专业风格的公司资料的一大特色是,您可以导入所有Facebook联系人。 它还为您提供分析数据,以帮助您查看帖子的效果。

  1. 利用销售工具 (Take advantage of the selling tools)

There are many tools now available that help you to sell products on Instagram. Essentially, these use a variety of techniques to let users click on your photo and go buy what they see. These clickable shopfront tools include ‘available to buy’ icons, item prices or ‘shop now’ buttons. All a user has to do is click on an icon or button and they are taken directly to the store or to your Instagram bio URL.

现在有许多工具可以帮助您在Instagram上销售产品。 从本质上讲,这些工具使用多种技术来使用户单击您的照片并购买他们所看到的东西。 这些可点击的店面工具包括“可购买”图标,商品价格或“立即购买”按钮。 用户所要做的就是单击图标或按钮,它们将直接带到商店或您的Instagram生物URL。

  1. 发布引起关注的照片 (Post photos that attract attention)

With millions of photographs added every day on a platform that aims to promote great photography, you need to post images which stand out. The better the visual experience you provide for users, the more your brand will get noticed. Experiment with different techniques of taking photographs and use filters and editing tools to create an identifiable brand style of your own.

在旨在促进出色摄影的平台上每天添加数百万张照片,您需要发布突出的图像。 您为用户提供的视觉体验越好,您的品牌就会越受关注。 试用不同的摄影技术,并使用滤镜和编辑工具创建自己的可识别品牌风格。

  1. 在图片中推广您的网站 (Promote your website in your pictures)

A creative way to get people to visit your website is to show your URL in the photos you post. Some do this with added text or through watermarking, however, there are more ingenious ways to do this – have someone wear it on a t-shirt or have it graffitied on a wall in the background, for example. Subtlety like this is intriguing and will develop curiosity without users feeling over-marketed to.

一种吸引人们访问您的网站的新颖方法是在您发布的照片​​中显示您的URL。 有些人通过添加文本或通过加水印来完成此操作,但是,还有其他更巧妙的方法–例如,有人将其穿在T恤衫上或将其涂鸦在背景墙上。 这样的微妙之处很吸引人,并且会引起好奇心,而用户不会感到过度推销。

  1. 充分利用字幕 (Make the most of your captions)

Aside from the image, you can also add a textual caption to your photo. With up to 2,200 characters available, including the use of emojis, captions are a valuable opportunity to develop your brand’s identity, engage your audience and slip in those important calls to action. You can also add numerous hashtags, too, helping your post turn up in relevant searches.

除了图像之外,您还可以在照片中添加文字说明。 字幕可使用多达2200个字符(包括使用表情符号),是发展品牌形象,吸引受众并吸引重要行动呼吁的宝贵机会。 您还可以添加许多主题标签,以帮助您的帖子出现在相关搜索中。

  1. 明智地使用标签 (Use hashtags wisely)

Just as on Twitter, hashtags are widely used on Instagram, enabling people to search for them. For this reason, all your marketing images need to have relevant keyword-style hashtags added to their captions. Doing this helps your products get seen by a wider audience and ensures that searchers have a better chance of finding them.

就像在Twitter上一样,主题标签在Instagram上被广泛使用,使人们可以搜索它们。 因此,您所有的营销图片都需要在其标题中添加相关的关键字样式主题标签。 这样做可以帮助您的产品吸引更多的受众,并确保搜索者有更好的机会找到它们。

  1. 吸引Instagram影响者 (Attract Instagram influencers)

Influencers are a big deal on social media. If they like or share your marketing material, it can have a massive and instant effect on your sales. This is why many of the famous vloggers and bloggers now have lucrative sponsorship deals with major brands. However, if you can grab their attention they may like your products without you having to pay them huge sums of money. To do this, mention them in your captions and give some positive responses to the things they post in order to try to establish a relationship. While getting a positive response back is never guaranteed (these people have millions of followers) the potential results can be worth the work.

影响者在社交媒体上很重要。 如果他们喜欢或分享您的营销材料,则可以对您的销售产生巨大而即时的影响。 这就是为什么现在许多著名的视频博客和博客作者与主要品牌都有丰厚的赞助协议的原因。 但是,如果您可以吸引他们的注意力,那么他们可能会喜欢您的产品,而无需向他们支付巨额资金。 为此,请在标题中提及他们,并对他们发布的内容给予一些积极的回应,以尝试建立关系。 尽管永远不能保证获得正面的反馈(这些人有数百万的关注者),但潜在的结果值得我们付出努力。

  1. 使用Instagram广告 (Use Instagram ads)

Finally, you should consider paying for advertising on Instagram in the same way you would on Facebook. Instagram ads are more direct than a social media campaign and can have a quicker impact, helping businesses get established on the platform sooner.

最后,您应该考虑像在Facebook上一样在Instagram上支付广告费用。 Instagram广告比社交媒体活动更直接,并且可以产生更快的影响,帮助企业更快地在平台上建立。

One reason for advertising on Instagram is that, statistically, its users are sixty times more likely to engage with your ad than users on Facebook, leading to a much higher ROI.


结论 (Conclusion)

As you can see, Instagram is a highly useful platform on which to market your products. Is it ideal for every business? No, you’ll need to research whether your target audience is part of the Instagram diaspora. If they are, however, following the tips given above should help you boost your online sales.

如您所见,Instagram是一个非常有用的平台,可以在上面营销您的产品。 是每个企业的理想选择吗? 不,您需要研究您的目标受众是否属于Instagram散居人群。 如果是的话,请按照上述提示操作,以帮助您提高在线销售量。

Looking for eCommerce hosting from which you can sell on Instagram? Check out our homepage to see our range of web hosting packages.

寻找可以在Instagram上出售的电子商务托管服务吗? 查看我们的主页 ,查看我们的网络托管软件包范围。




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