
By now, most of us know what autoresponders are. What they basically do is reply to an email/request for information with a pre-written response. For example, many websites have setup an autoresponder that when queried (usually by receiving a blank email message from someone wanting information), sends back a prewritten response listing product prices.

到目前为止,我们大多数人都知道什么是自动回复器。 他们基本上所做的是使用预先写好的回复来回复电子邮件/信息请求。 例如,许多网站都设置了一个自动回复器,当查询时(通常是通过从需要信息的人那里收到空白电子邮件消息),它会自动发送回预先列出产品价格的回复。

The method I’m going to show you, takes autoresponders to the next level. The first thing that you need to understand is that forms are much more appealing than email addresses. People would much rather enter their email address into a form, hit submit, and receive the requested information in their email than open their email client, send a blank email to pricelist@somesite.com, and wait for a response.

我将向您展示的方法将自动响应器提高到一个新的水平。 您需要了解的第一件事是,表单比电子邮件地址更具吸引力。 人们宁愿以电子邮件形式输入其电子邮件地址,单击“提交”并在其电子邮件中接收所请求的信息,而不是打开电子邮件客户端,将空白电子邮件发送至pricelist@somesite.com,然后等待响应。

To get an idea of what I’ll be talking about for the rest of this article, pop up this page in your browser.

为了大致了解本文的其余部分,请在浏览器中弹出此页面 。

The big advantage of a form like the one at the URL above is that because of its size, it will easily fit into most navigation bars. Secondly, because you are providing quality, free information about something you sell, the recipients of your articles will come to view you as an expert on your topic. You can insert a short ad at the bottom of the article for your product, and people will be very receptive to it because:

像上面URL一样的表单的最大优点是,由于其大小,它很容易适合大多数导航栏。 其次,由于您正在提供有关所售商品的免费优质信息,因此,文章的接收者将把您看作是您所在主题的专家。 您可以在商品的底部插入一个简短的广告,由于以下原因,人们会很乐意接受它:

a.) They requested free information about a particular subject, and they received it. If the article is well-written, and useful, you will become, in their mind, an expert on that particular product.

a。)他们要求提供有关特定主题的免费信息,并收到了信息。 如果文章写得好并且有用,那么您将成为他们特定产品的专家。

b.) Since they are requesting information about a specific product, they obviously are interested in purchasing it.


If you set up a form like this, you can get thousands of QUALITY leads. You can go as far as capturing the email addresses of those requesting the articles, and a day or two after they received the articles, follow up with an email asking if they have any questions about the product that you can help them with. Be careful with this part, as your follow-up email could be interpreted as spam. I would word the email something like this:

如果您设置这样的表格,则可以获得数千个质量线索。 您最多可以捕获那些要求文章的人员的电子邮件地址,并在他们收到文章后的一两天之内,跟进一封电子邮件,询问他们是否对您可以帮助他们的产品有任何疑问。 这部分要小心,因为您的后续电子邮件可能会被解释为垃圾邮件。 我会在电子邮件中这样写:



A couple of days ago you requested the article entitled "What every widget salesman doesn’t want you to know," from http://www.WidgetBase.com . I just wanted to let you know that if you have any questions about widgets, you can personally email me at sales@widgetbase.com or call me at 555-555-1233 and I’d be glad to help you.

几天前,您从http://www.WidgetBase.com请求了标题为“每个小部件推销员不希望您知道什么”的文章。 我只是想让您知道,如果您对小部件有任何疑问,可以亲自给我发送电子邮件至sales@widgetbase.com或致电555-555-1233与我联系,我们很乐意为您提供帮助。

Thanks for visiting WidgetBase.com!


—– Some Person The best prices on quality widgets, with FREE shipping: http://www.WidgetBase.com"

— –某人高质量小部件的最优惠价格,并且免费送货: http : //www.WidgetBase.com “

Do not subscribe people who requested the free report to your newsletter, unless you made it abundantly clear that they would be subscribed to your newsletter. Instead, you can offer a free subscription to your newsletter at the bottom of your free report and follow-up email.

不要将请求免费报告的人订阅到您的新闻通讯中,除非您明确表示他们将订阅您的新闻通讯。 相反,您可以在免费报告和后续电子邮件的底部免费订阅新闻通讯。

The technical aspect of setting up the autoresponders is beyond the scope of this article, but basically what you need to do is set up some sort of a CGI-Script on your server that will send the requests for information to the correct autoresponders. I’m happy to say that a CGI-Script is now available to do exactly what I described in my article. The script is available at:

设置自动响应器的技术方面不在本文讨论范围之内,但是基本上您需要做的是在服务器上设置某种CGI脚本,它将信息请求发送到正确的自动响应器。 我很高兴地说,现在可以使用CGI脚本来完成我在文章中描述的操作。 该脚本位于:



Where can you get autoresponders? Virtually all hosting companies provide them as part of their normal packages, so ask them first. You can also obtain free autoresponders from:

您在哪里可以获得自动回复? 几乎所有托管公司都将它们作为常规软件包的一部分提供,因此请先咨询他们。 您还可以从以下位置获得免费的自动回复器:

http://www.getresponse.com http://www.fastfacts.net http://www.myreply.com

http://www.getresponse.com http://www.fastfacts.net http://www.myreply.com

Update: I’m happy to say that a CGI-Script is now available to do exactly what I described in my article. William, who wrote the script, is making it freely available until February 22nd 2000. After that, you’ll have to pay $9.95 to use it. The script is available at:

更新:我很高兴地说,现在可以使用CGI脚本来完全按照我在本文中描述的方式进行操作。 编写脚本的William可以在2000年2月22日之前免费使用它。在那之后,您必须支付9.95美元才能使用它。 该脚本位于:



Click on Generate Program, and use WT79 as the special code to get the script for free.

单击Generate Program,然后使用WT79作为特殊代码免费获取脚本。

翻译自: https://www.sitepoint.com/autoresponder-lead-generator/



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