



3.1 数据组织形式

3.2 Development Kit

3.3 GPS/IMU位姿数据

3.4 传感器标定


3.5 深度预测、深度完成模块的数据介绍

3.6 pose数据介绍



  KITTI数据集由德国卡尔斯鲁厄理工学院和丰田美国技术研究院联合创办,是目前国际上最大的自动驾驶场景下的计算机视觉算法评测数据集。该数据集用于评测立体图像(stereo),光流(optical flow),视觉测距(visual odometry),3D物体检测(object detection)和3D跟踪(tracking)等计算机视觉技术在车载环境下的性能。KITTI包含市区、乡村和高速公路等场景采集的真实图像数据,每张图像中最多达15辆车和30个行人,还有各种程度的遮挡与截断。整个数据集由389对立体图像和光流图,39.2 km视觉测距序列以及超过200k 3D标注物体的图像组成[1] ,以10Hz的频率采样及同步。总体上看,原始数据集被分类为’Road’, ’City’, ’Residential’, ’Campus’ 和 ’Person’。对于3D物体检测,label细分为car, van, truck, pedestrian, pedestrian(sitting), cyclist, tram以及misc组成。

地址:  http://www.cvlibs.net/datasets/kitti


  1. Geiger A, Lenz P, Urtasun R. Are we ready for autonomous driving? the kitti vision benchmark suite[C]//2012 IEEE Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition. IEEE, 2012: 3354-3361.
  2. Geiger A, Lenz P, Stiller C, et al. Vision meets robotics: The kitti dataset[J]. The International Journal of Robotics Research, 2013, 32(11): 1231-1237.
  3. Uhrig J, Schneider N, Schneider L, et al. Sparsity invariant cnns[C]//2017 international conference on 3D Vision (3DV). IEEE, 2017: 11-20.


  如图-1所示,KITTI数据集的数据采集平台装配有2个灰度摄像机,2个彩色摄像机,一个Velodyne 64线3D激光雷达,4个光学镜头,以及1个GPS导航系统。具体的传感器参数如下[2] :

  • 2 × PointGray Flea2 grayscale cameras (FL2-14S3M-C), 1.4 Megapixels, 1/2” Sony ICX267 CCD, global shutter
  • 2 × PointGray Flea2 color cameras (FL2-14S3C-C), 1.4 Megapixels, 1/2” Sony ICX267 CCD, global shutter
  • 4 × Edmund Optics lenses, 4mm, opening angle ∼ 90◦, vertical opening angle of region of interest (ROI) ∼ 35◦
  • 1 × Velodyne HDL-64E rotating 3D laser scanner, 10 Hz, 64 beams, 0.09 degree angular resolution, 2 cm distance accuracy, collecting ∼ 1.3 million points/second, field of view: 360◦ horizontal, 26.8◦ vertical, range: 120 m
  • 1 × OXTS RT3003 inertial and GPS navigation system, 6 axis, 100 Hz, L1/L2 RTK, resolution: 0.02m / 0.1◦
                        图-1 数据采集平台
      如图-2所示为传感器的配置平面图。为了生成双目立体图像,相同类型的摄像头相距54cm安装。由于彩色摄像机的分辨率和对比度不够好,所以还使用了两个立体灰度摄像机,它和彩色摄像机相距6cm安装。为了方便传感器数据标定,规定坐标系方向如下[2] :
    • Camera: x = right, y = down, z = forward
    • Velodyne: x = forward, y = left, z = up
    • GPS/IMU: x = forward, y = left, z = up
                        图-2 传感器设置


  图-3展示了KITTI数据集的典型样本,分为 ’Road’, ’City’, ’Residential’, ’Campus’ 和’Person’五类。原始数据采集于2011年的5天,共有180GB数据。

                    图-3 KITTI数据集的样本,展现KITTI数据集的多样性。

3.1 数据组织形式

  论文[2] 中提及的数据组织形式,可能是早期的版本,与目前KITTI数据集官网公布的形式不同,本文稍作介绍。
                    图-4 数据组织形式

下载地址: 有大神将其放在了自己的服务器方便大家下载,赞 http://dataset.f3322.net:666/share/kitti/

3.2 Development Kit

  KITTI各个子数据集都提供开发工具 development kit,主要由cpp文件夹,matlab文件夹,mapping文件夹和readme.txt组成。下图以object detection任务的文件夹devkit_object为例,可以看到cpp文件夹主要包含评估模型的源代码evaluate_object.cpp。Mapping文件夹中的文件记录训练集到原始数据集的映射,从而开发者能够同时使用激光雷达点云,gps数据,右边彩色摄像机数据以及灰度摄像机图像等多模态数据。Matlab文件夹中的工具包含读写标签,绘制2D/3D标注框,运行demo等工具。Readme.txt文件非常重要,详述介绍了某个子数据集的数据格式,benchmark介绍,结果评估方法等详细内容。

|── cpp
│ |── evaluate_object.cpp
│ └── mail.h
|── mapping
│ |── train_mapping.txt
│ └── train_rand.txt
|── matlab
│ |── computeBox3D.m
│ |── computeOrientation3D.m
│ |── drawBox2D.m
│ |── drawBox3D.m
│ |── projectToImage.m
│ |── readCalibration.m
│ |── readLabels.m
│ |── run_demo.m
│ |── run_readWriteDemo.m
│ |── run_statistics.m
│ |── visualization.m
│ └── writeLabels.m

3.3 GPS/IMU位姿数据


对于每一帧,我们将30个不同的GPS /IMU值存储在文本文件中:地理坐标包括高度,全球定位,速度,加速度,角速率,精度和卫星信息。 加速度和角速率都是使用两个坐标系指定的,一个坐标系与车体(x,y,z)相连,另一个坐标系映射到该位置的地表切面(f,l,U)。 我们偶尔会遇到与OXTS设备短时间(约1秒)的通信中断,我们为此线性插入所有值,并将最后3个条目设置为'-1'以指示缺失的信息。 dataformat.txt提供了更多细节。 转换实用程序在开发工具包中提供。

- lat: latitude of the oxts-unit (deg)
- lon: longitude of the oxts-unit (deg)
- alt: altitude of the oxts-unit (m)
- roll: roll angle (rad), 0 = level, positive = left side up (-pi…pi)
- pitch: pitch angle (rad), 0 = level, positive = front down (-pi/2…pi/2)
- yaw: heading (rad), 0 = east, positive = counter clockwise (-pi…pi)
- vn: velocity towards north (m/s)
- ve: velocity towards east (m/s)
- vf: forward velocity, i.e. parallel to earth-surface (m/s)
- vl: leftward velocity, i.e. parallel to earth-surface (m/s)
- vu: upward velocity, i.e. perpendicular to earth-surface (m/s)
- ax: acceleration in x, i.e. in direction of vehicle front (m/s^2)
- ay: acceleration in y, i.e. in direction of vehicle left (m/s^2)
- az: acceleration in z, i.e. in direction of vehicle top (m/s^2)
- af: forward acceleration (m/s^2)
- al: leftward acceleration (m/s^2)
- au: upward acceleration (m/s^2)
- wx: angular rate around x (rad/s)
- wy: angular rate around y (rad/s)
- wz: angular rate around z (rad/s)
- wf: angular rate around forward axis (rad/s)
- wl: angular rate around leftward axis (rad/s)
- wu: angular rate around upward axis (rad/s)
- posacc: velocity accuracy (north/east in m)
- velacc: velocity accuracy (north/east in m/s)
- navstat: navigation status
- numsats: number of satellites tracked by primary GPS receiver
- posmode: position mode of primary GPS receiver
- velmode: velocity mode of primary GPS receiver
- orimode: orientation mode of primary GPS receiver
可以利用matlab程序中的oxts = loadOxtsliteData('2011_xx_xx_drive_xxxx')来解析GPS/IMU数据,然后利用pose = convertOxtsToPose(oxts)程序将oxts数据转换为米制单位位姿,用一个4x4的刚体变换矩阵表示。

3.4 传感器标定

raw data数据集中提供了三个标定文件,分别是:
-S_xx:表示图像矫正前的尺寸——宽 高
注意: 在使用同步矫正数据集时,我们一般只会用到P_rect_xx矩阵和R_rect_00矩阵。(其实有关这些矫正矩阵的具体含义,我也不是很清楚,如果有更加熟悉的人,可以留言评论,多谢!)

参考:  KITTI数据集测试 - 3 calib 相机参数











3.5 深度预测、深度完成模块的数据介绍

激光数据被保存成png格式(uint16)与真实距离(米)之间的关系:png的像素值除以256,来源:The KITTI Vision Benchmark Suite

  • Download development kit (48 K) 中的 readme.txt

Depth maps (annotated and raw Velodyne scans) are saved as uint16 PNG images, which can be opened with either MATLAB, libpng++ or the latest version of Python's pillow (from PIL import Image). A 0 value indicates an invalid pixel (ie, no ground truth exists, or the estimation algorithm didn't produce an estimate for that pixel). Otherwise, the depth for a pixel can be computed in meters by converting the uint16 value to float and dividing it by 256.0:

disp(u,v)  = ((float)I(u,v))/256.0;
valid(u,v) = I(u,v)>0;


 // load point cloudfstream input(infile.c_str(), ios::in | ios::binary);if(!input.good()){cerr << "Could not read file: " << infile << endl;exit(EXIT_FAILURE);}input.seekg(0, ios::beg);pcl::PointCloud<PointXYZI>::Ptr points (new pcl::PointCloud<PointXYZI>);int i;for (i=0; input.good() && !input.eof(); i++) {PointXYZI point;input.read((char *) &point.x, 3*sizeof(float));input.read((char *) &point.intensity, sizeof(float));points->push_back(point);}input.close();cout << "Read KTTI point cloud with " << i << " points, writing to " << outfile << endl;pcl::PCDWriter writer;// Save DoN featureswriter.write<PointXYZI> (outfile, *points, false);

3.6 pose数据介绍

数据集位置: https://s3.eu-central-1.amazonaws.com/avg-kitti/devkit_odometry.zip

在文件夹 devkit_odometry/devkit/reame.txt 中说明:    在poses目录下,包含00.txt-10.txt 11个序列,每一个文件包换Nx12个表格,N代表帧数。每一行利用3x4转移矩阵代表左边相机(猜想这里指的是 Cam 0, 左侧的灰度相机)坐标系统位姿,转移矩阵将当前帧左边相机系统中的一个点映射到第0帧的坐标系统中。转移矩阵中平移的部分表示当前相机位置(相对于第0帧)。

原文:  Folder 'poses': The folder 'poses' contains the ground truth poses (trajectory) for the first 11 sequences. This information can be used for training/tuning your method. Each file xx.txt contains a N x 12 table, where N is the number of frames of this sequence. Row i represents the i'th pose of the left camera coordinate system (i.e., z pointing forwards) via a 3x4 transformation matrix. The matrices are stored in row aligned order (the first entries correspond to the first row), and take a point in the i'th coordinate system and project it into the first (=0th) coordinate system. Hence, the translational part (3x1 vector of column 4) corresponds to the pose of the left camera coordinate system in the i'th frame with respect to the first (=0th) frame.

(john解读:ORB-SLAM3中相机位姿(camera pose)的表示是Tcw,即世界坐标系的点Pw到相机坐标系的点Pc的变换矩阵,(camera pose 的逆是Twc, 即 Pw = Twc * Pc)。这里的pose.txt保存时,以第一帧(的相机坐标系)作为世界坐标系(即 0,0,0,0,0,0,1),保存的为第i帧相机坐标系下的点到第0帧(世界坐标系)的变换,即Twc(相机位姿的逆)。

示例:sequence 00 的poses(轨迹)00.txt


  • 无人驾驶之KITTI数据集介绍与应用(二)——官方matlab代码使用与解读
  • KITTI数据集简介与使用
  • KITTI数据集简介和使用+ KITTI数据集国内下载地址

  • 处理点云数据(四):点云到图像平面的投影
  • kitti数据集:kitti_raw_data中“calib_cam_to_cam.txt”文件内容解释


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