
  • Word Preparation
    • brunch: (=*br*eakfast+l*unch*) 早午餐
    • waffle /ˈwɒf(ə)l/:华夫饼
    • sleep in:睡懒觉,睡过头
    • and so on:等等
    • no wonder: 难怪
  • Grammar
    • Sunday Brunch

Word Preparation

brunch: (=breakfast+lunch) 早午餐

a large meal eaten at around 11 a.m. instead of breakfast and lunch.

I’m hungry. Let’s go out for brunch.

He had a full English breakfast followed by a fruit salad for brunch.

waffle /ˈwɒf(ə)l/:华夫饼

a flat cake which is usually eaten for dessert.

Wow, waffles with ice cream look delicious!

These waffles are freshly-baked. Would you like some?

sleep in:睡懒觉,睡过头

to let yourself sleep later than usual in the morning.

We usually sleep in on Sunday mornings.

They stayed up late last night for the football match, so all of them slept in this morning.

and so on:等等

used when there is a list of things after a short list and you don’t want to say it all

I’ve been to many countries like China and the U.K. and so on.

On my days off, I usually go to the cinema, go shopping and so on.

no wonder: 难怪

If you say no wonder, you mean that something is not surprising.

I see her running all the time, no wonder she is so fit.

He studies all the time, no wonder his marks are high.


Sunday Brunch


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