以下是两者的压缩和解压缩:def compress(uncompressed):

"""Compress a string to a list of output symbols."""

# Build the dictionary.

dict_size = 256

dictionary = dict((chr(i), chr(i)) for i in xrange(dict_size))

# in Python 3: dictionary = {chr(i): chr(i) for i in range(dict_size)}

w = ""

result = []

for c in uncompressed:

wc = w + c

if wc in dictionary:

w = wc



# Add wc to the dictionary.

dictionary[wc] = dict_size

dict_size += 1

w = c

# Output the code for w.

if w:


return result

def decompress(compressed):

"""Decompress a list of output ks to a string."""

from cStringIO import StringIO

# Build the dictionary.

dict_size = 256

dictionary = dict((chr(i), chr(i)) for i in xrange(dict_size))

# in Python 3: dictionary = {chr(i): chr(i) for i in range(dict_size)}

# use StringIO, otherwise this becomes O(N^2)

# due to string concatenation in a loop

result = StringIO()

w = compressed.pop(0)


for k in compressed:

if k in dictionary:

entry = dictionary[k]

elif k == dict_size:

entry = w + w[0]


raise ValueError('Bad compressed k: %s' % k)


# Add w+entry[0] to the dictionary.

dictionary[dict_size] = w + entry[0]

dict_size += 1

w = entry

return result.getvalue()

# How to use:

compressed = compress('TOBEORNOTTOBEORTOBEORNOT')

print (compressed)

decompressed = decompress(compressed)

print (decompressed)



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