
rtoax 2021年3月

/***  start_kernel()->setup_arch()->idt_setup_early_traps()*  start_kernel()->setup_arch()->idt_setup_early_pf()*  start_kernel()->trap_init()->idt_setup_traps()*  start_kernel()->trap_init()->idt_setup_ist_traps()*  start_kernel()->early_irq_init()*  start_kernel()->init_IRQ()*  start_kernel()->softirq_init()*/

1. 中断和中断处理终结篇

本文是 Linux 内核中断和中断处理的第十节。在上一节,我们了解了延后中断及其相关概念,如 softirqtaskletworkqueue。本节我们继续深入这个主题,现在是见识真正的硬件驱动的时候了。

以 StringARM** SA-100/21285 评估板串行驱动为例,我们来观察驱动程序如何请求一个 IRQ 线,一个中断被触发时会发生什么。驱动程序代码位于 drivers/tty/serial/21285.c 源文件。好啦,源码在手,说走就走!

2. 一个内核模块的初始化

与本书其他新概念类似,为了考察这个驱动程序,我们从考察它的初始化过程开始。如你所知,Linux 内核为驱动程序或者内核模块的初始化和终止提供了两个宏:

  • module_init
  • module_exit



大多数驱动程序都能编译成一个可装载的内核模块,亦或被静态地链入 Linux 内核。前一种情况下,一个设备驱动程序的初始化由 module_initmodule_exit 宏触发。这些宏定义在 include/linux/init.h 中:

#define module_init(initfn)                                     \static inline initcall_t __inittest(void)               \{ return initfn; }                                      \int init_module(void) __attribute__((alias(#initfn)));#define module_exit(exitfn)                                     \static inline exitcall_t __exittest(void)               \{ return exitfn; }                                      \void cleanup_module(void) __attribute__((alias(#exitfn)));

并被 initcall 函数调用:

  • early_initcall
  • pure_initcall
  • core_initcall
  • postcore_initcall
  • arch_initcall
  • subsys_initcall
  • fs_initcall
  • rootfs_initcall
  • device_initcall
  • late_initcall
  start_kernel() ...sched_init()...init_IRQ()...init_timers()...arch_call_rest_init() rest_init() kernel_thread() kernel_init() => PID=1kernel_init()->kernel_init_freeable()->do_basic_setup()->do_initcalls()->do_initcall_level()->do_one_initcall()->xxx__initcall()

这些函数又被 init/main.c 中的 do_initcalls 函数调用。然而,如果设备驱动程序被静态链入 Linux 内核,那么这些宏的实现则如下所示:

#define module_init(x)  __initcall(x);
#define module_exit(x)  __exitcall(x);

这种情况下,模块装载的实现位于 kernel/module.c 源文件中,而初始化发生在 do_init_module 函数内。我们不打算在本章深入探讨可装载模块的细枝末节,而会在一个专门介绍 Linux 内核模块的章节中窥其真容。话说回来,module_init 宏接受一个参数 - 本例中这个值是 serial21285_init。从函数名可以得知,这个函数做了一些驱动程序初始化的相关工作。请看:

static int __init serial21285_init(void)
{int ret;printk(KERN_INFO "Serial: 21285 driver\n");serial21285_setup_ports();ret = uart_register_driver(&serial21285_reg);if (ret == 0)uart_add_one_port(&serial21285_reg, &serial21285_port);return ret;

如你所见,首先它把驱动程序相关信息写入内核缓冲区,然后调用 serial21285_setup_ports 函数。该函数设置了 serial21285_port 设备的基本 uart 时钟:

unsigned int mem_fclk_21285 = 50000000;static void serial21285_setup_ports(void)
{serial21285_port.uartclk = mem_fclk_21285 / 4;

此处的 serial21285 是描述 uart 驱动程序的结构体:

static struct uart_driver serial21285_reg = {.owner         = THIS_MODULE,.driver_name = "ttyFB",.dev_name      = "ttyFB",.major         = SERIAL_21285_MAJOR,.minor            = SERIAL_21285_MINOR,.nr               = 1,.cons          = SERIAL_21285_CONSOLE,

如果驱动程序注册成功,我们借助 drivers/tty/serial/serial_core.c 源文件中的 uart_add_one_port 函数添加由驱动程序定义的端口 serial21285_port 结构体,然后从 serial21285_init 函数返回:

if (ret == 0)uart_add_one_port(&serial21285_reg, &serial21285_port);return ret;

到此为止,我们的驱动程序初始化完毕。当一个 uart 端口被 drivers/tty/serial/serial_core.c 中的 uart_open 函数打开,该函数会调用 uart_startup 函数来启动这个串行端口,后者会调用 startup 函数。它是 uart_ops 结构体的一部分。每个 uart 驱动程序都会定义这样一个结构体。在本例中,它是这样的:

static struct uart_ops serial21285_ops = {....startup   = serial21285_startup,...

可以看到,.startup 字段是对 serial21285_startup 函数的引用。这个函数的实现是我们的关注重点,因为它与中断和中断处理密切相关。

3. 请求中断线

我们来看看 serial21285_startup 函数的实现:

static int serial21285_startup(struct uart_port *port)
{int ret;tx_enabled(port) = 1;rx_enabled(port) = 1;ret = request_irq(IRQ_CONRX, serial21285_rx_chars, 0,serial21285_name, port);if (ret == 0) {ret = request_irq(IRQ_CONTX, serial21285_tx_chars, 0,serial21285_name, port);if (ret)free_irq(IRQ_CONRX, port);}return ret;

首先是TXRX。一个设备的串行总线仅由两条线组成:一条用于发送数据,另一条用于接收数据。与此对应,串行设备应该有两个串行引脚:接收器 - RX 和发送器 - TX。通过调用 tx_enabledrx_enalbed 这两个宏来激活这些线。函数接下来的部分是我们最感兴趣的。注意 request_irq 这个函数。它注册了一个中断处理程序,然后激活一条给定的中断线。看一下这个函数的实现细节。该函数定义在 include/linux/interrupt.h 头文件中,如下所示:

static inline int __must_check
request_irq(unsigned int irq, irq_handler_t handler, unsigned long flags,const char *name, void *dev)
{return request_threaded_irq(irq, handler, NULL, flags, name, dev);

可以看到,request_irq 函数接受五个参数:

  • irq - 被请求的中断号
  • handler - 中断处理程序指针
  • flags - 掩码选项
  • name - 中断拥有者的名称
  • dev - 用于共享中断线的指针

现在我们来考察 request_irq 函数的调用。可以看到,第一个参数是 IRQ_CONRX。我们知道它是中断号,但 CONRX 又是什么东西?这个宏定义在 arch/arm/mach-footbridge/include/mach/irqs.h 头文件中。我们可以在这里找到 21285 主板能够产生的全部中断。注意,在第二次调用 request_irq 函数时,我们传入了 IRQ_CONTX 中断号。我们的驱动程序会在这些中断中处理 RXTX 事件。这些宏的实现很简单:

#define IRQ_CONRX               _DC21285_IRQ(0)
#define IRQ_CONTX               _DC21285_IRQ(1)
#define _DC21285_IRQ(x)         (16 + (x))

这个主板的 ISA 中断号分布在015这个范围内。因此,我们的中断号就是在此之后的头两个值:1617。在 request_irq 函数的两次调用中,第二个参数分别是 serial21285_rx_charsserial21285_tx_chars 函数。当一个 RXTX 中断发生时,这些函数就会被调用。我们不会在此深入探究这些函数,因为本章讲述的是中断与中断处理,而并非设备和驱动。下一个参数是 flagsrequest_irq 函数的两次调用中,它的值都是零。所有合法的 flags 都在 include/linux/interrupt.h 中定义成诸如 IRQF_* 此类的宏。一些例子:

  • IRQF_SHARED - 允许多个设备共享此中断号
  • IRQF_PERCPU - 此中断号属于单独cpu的(per cpu)
  • IRQF_NO_THREAD - 中断不能线程化
  • IRQF_NOBALANCING - 此中断步参与irq平衡时
  • IRQF_IRQPOLL - 此中断用于轮询
  • 等等

这里,我们传入的是 0,也就是 IRQF_TRIGGER_NONE。这个标志是说,它不配置任何水平触发或边缘触发的中断行为。至于第四个参数(name),我们传入 serial21285_name ,它定义如下:

static const char serial21285_name[] = "Footbridge UART";

它会显示在 /proc/interrupts 的输出中。针对最后一个参数,我们传入一个指向 uart_port 结构体的指针。对 request_irq 函数及其参数有所了解后,我们来看看它的实现。从上文可知,request_irq 函数内部只是调用了定义在 kernel/irq/manage.c 源文件中的 request_threaded_irq 函数,并分配了一个给定的中断线。该函数起始部分是 irqactionirq_desc 的定义:

int request_threaded_irq(unsigned int irq, irq_handler_t handler,irq_handler_t thread_fn, unsigned long irqflags,const char *devname, void *dev_id)
{struct irqaction *action;struct irq_desc *desc;int retval;.........

在本章,我们已经见识过 irqactionirq_desc 结构体了。第一个结构体表示一个中断动作描述符,它包含中断处理程序指针,设备名称,中断号等等。第二个结构体表示一个中断描述符,包含指向 irqaction 的指针,中断标志等等。注意,request_threaded_irq 函数被 request_irq 调用时,带了一个额外的参数:irq_handler_t thread_fn。如果这个参数不为 NULL,它会创建 irq 线程,并在该线程中执行给定的 irq 处理程序。下一步,我们要做如下检查:

if (((irqflags & IRQF_SHARED) && !dev_id) ||(!(irqflags & IRQF_SHARED) && (irqflags & IRQF_COND_SUSPEND)) ||((irqflags & IRQF_NO_SUSPEND) && (irqflags & IRQF_COND_SUSPEND)))return -EINVAL;

首先,我们确保共享中断时传入了真正的 dev_id(译者注:不然后面搞不清楚哪台设备产生了中断。前面的译者说的可能存在一点出入,我感觉是,因为设置了共享为,所以必须传入 dev_id,和那台设备没太大关系),而且 IRQF_COND_SUSPEND 仅对共享中断生效。否则退出函数,返回 -EINVAL 错误。

之后,我们借助 kernel/irq/irqdesc.c 源文件中定义的 irq_to_desc 函数将给定的 irq 中断号转换成 irq 中断描述符。如果不成功,则退出函数,返回 -EINVAL 错误:

desc = irq_to_desc(irq);
if (!desc)return -EINVAL;

irq_to_desc 函数检查给定的 irq 中断号是否小于最大中断号,并且返回中断描述符。这里,irq 中断号就是 irq_desc 数组的偏移量(译者注:当然,如果使用redix存储的话,可能不是简单的偏移量,而是查找算法):

struct irq_desc *irq_to_desc(unsigned int irq)
{return (irq < NR_IRQS) ? irq_desc + irq : NULL;

由于我们已经把 irq 中断号转换成了 irq 中断描述符,现在来检查描述符的状态,确保我们可以请求中断:

if (!irq_settings_can_request(desc) || WARN_ON(irq_settings_is_per_cpu_devid(desc)))return -EINVAL;

失败则返回 -EINVAL 错误。接着,我们检查给定的中断处理程序(译者注:是指 handler 变量)。如果它没被传入 request_irq 函数,我们就检查 thread_fn。两个都是 NULL 则返回 -EINVAL。如果中断处理程序没有被传入 request_irq 函数而 thread_fn 不为空,则把 handler 设为 irq_default_primary_handler

if (!handler) {if (!thread_fn)return -EINVAL;handler = irq_default_primary_handler;

下一步,我们通过 kzalloc 函数为 irqaction 分配内存,若不成功则返回:

action = kzalloc(sizeof(struct irqaction), GFP_KERNEL);
if (!action)return -ENOMEM;

欲知 kzalloc 详情,请查阅专门介绍 Linux 内核内存管理的章节。为 irqaction 分配空间后,我们即对这个结构体进行初始化,设置它的中断处理程序,中断标志,设备名称等等:

action->handler = handler;
action->thread_fn = thread_fn;
action->flags = irqflags;
action->name = devname;
action->dev_id = dev_id;

request_threaded_irq 函数末尾,我们调用 kernel/irq/manage.c 中的 __setup_irq 函数,并注册一个给定的 irqaction。然后释放 irqaction 内存并返回(这里说释放好像不太对啊):

retval = __setup_irq(irq, desc, action);
chip_bus_sync_unlock(desc);if (retval)kfree(action);return retval;

注意,__setup_irq 函数的调用位于 chip_bus_lockchip_bus_sync_unlock 函数之间。这些函数对慢速总线(如 i2c)芯片进行锁定/解锁。现在来看看 __setup_irq 函数的实现。__setup_irq 函数开头是各种检查。首先我们检查给定的中断描述符不为 NULLirqchip 不为 NULL,以及给定的中断描述符模块拥有者不为 NULL。接下来我们检查中断是否嵌套在其他中断线程中。如果是的,我们则以 irq_nested_primary_handler 替换 irq_default_priamry_handler

下一步,如果给定的中断不是嵌套的,并且 thread_fn 不为空,我们就通过 kthread_create 创建了一个中断处理线程。

if (new->thread_fn && !nested) {struct task_struct *t;t = kthread_create(irq_thread, new, "irq/%d-%s", irq, new->name);...

并在最后为给定的中断描述符的剩余字段赋值。于是,我们的 1617 号中断请求线注册完毕。当一个中断控制器获得这些中断的相关事件时,serial21285_rx_charsserial21285_tx_chars 函数会被调用。现在我们来看一看一个中断发生时到底发生了什么。

4. 准备处理中断

通过上文,我们观察了为给定的中断描述符请求中断号,为给定的中断注册 irqaction 结构体的过程。我们已经知道,当一个中断事件发生时,中断控制器向处理器通知该事件,处理器尝试为这个中断找到一个合适的中断门。如果你已阅读本章第八节,你应该还记得 native_init_IRQ 函数。这个函数会初始化本地 APIC。这个函数的如下部分是我们现在最感兴趣的地方:

for_each_clear_bit_from(i, used_vectors, first_system_vector) {set_intr_gate(i, irq_entries_start +8 * (i - FIRST_EXTERNAL_VECTOR));

这里,我们从第 first_system_vector 位开始,依次向后迭代 used_vectors 位图中所有被清除的位:

int first_system_vector = FIRST_SYSTEM_VECTOR; // 0xef

并且设置中断门,i 是向量号,irq_entries_start + 8 * (i - FIRST_EXTERNAL_VECTOR) 是起始地址。仅有一处尚不明了 - irq_entries_start。这个符号定义在 arch/x86/entry/entry_64.S 汇编文件中,并提供了 irq 入口。一起来看:

 .align 8
ENTRY(irq_entries_start)vector=FIRST_EXTERNAL_VECTOR.rept (FIRST_SYSTEM_VECTOR - FIRST_EXTERNAL_VECTOR)pushq   $(~vector+0x80)vector=vector+1jmp    common_interrupt.align  8.endr

这里我们可以看到 GNU 汇编器的 .rept 指令。这条指令会把 .endr 之前的这几行代码重复 FIRST_SYSTEM_VECTOR - FIRST_EXTERNAL_VECTOR 次。我们已经知道 FIRST_SYSTEM_VECTOR 的值是 0xef,而 FIRST_EXTERNAL_VECTOR 等于 0x20。于是,它将运行:

>>> 0xef - 0x20

次。在 .rept 指令主体中,我们把入口程序地址压入栈中(注意,我们使用负数表示中断向量号,因为正数留作标识系统调用之用),将 vector 变量加 1,并跳转到 common_interrupt 标签。在 common_interrupt 中,我们调整了栈中向量号,执行 interrupt 指令,参数是 do_IRQ

common_interrupt:addq    $-0x80, (%rsp)interrupt do_IRQ


interrupt 宏定义在同一个源文件中。它把通用寄存器的值保存在栈中。如果需要,它还会通过 SWAPGS 汇编指令在内核中改变用户空间 gs 寄存器。它会增加 per-cpu 的 irq_count 变量,来表明我们处于中断状态,然后调用 do_IRQ 函数。该函数定义于 arch/x86/kernel/irq.c 源文件中,作用是处理我们的设备中断。让我们一起考察这个函数。do_IRQ 函数接受一个参数 - pt_regs 结构体,它存放着用户空间寄存器的值:

__visible unsigned int __irq_entry do_IRQ(struct pt_regs *regs)
{struct pt_regs *old_regs = set_irq_regs(regs);unsigned vector = ~regs->orig_ax;unsigned irq;irq_enter();exit_idle();.........

函数开头调用了 set_irq_regs 函数,后者返回被保存的 per-cpu 中断寄存器指针。然后又调用 irq_enterexit_idle 函数。第一个函数 irq_enter 进入到一个中断上下文,更新 __preempt_count 变量。第二个函数 exit_idle 检查当前进程是否是 pid 为 0idle 进程,然后把 IDLE_END 传送给 idle_notifier

接下来,我们从当前 cpu 中读取 irq 值,并调用 handle_irq 函数:

irq = __this_cpu_read(vector_irq[vector]);if (!handle_irq(irq, regs)) {.........

handle_irq 函数定义于 arch/x86/kernel/irq_64.c 源文件中,它检查给定的中断描述符,然后调用 generic_handle_irq_desc 函数:

desc = irq_to_desc(irq);if (unlikely(!desc))return false;
generic_handle_irq_desc(irq, desc);


static inline void generic_handle_irq_desc(unsigned int irq, struct irq_desc *desc)
{desc->handle_irq(irq, desc);

但是,停一停……handle_irq 是何方神圣,为什么在知道 irqaction 指向真正的中断处理程序的情况下,偏偏通过中断描述符调用我们的中断处理程序?实际上,irq_desc->handle_irq 是一个用来调用中断处理程序的上层 API。它在设备树 和 APIC 的初始化过程中就设定好了。内核通过它选择正确的函数以及 irq->actions(s) 的调用链。就这样,当一个中断发生时,serial21285_tx_chars 或者 serial21285_rx_chars 函数会被调用。

do_IRQ 函数末尾,我们调用 irq_exit 函数来退出中断上下文,调用 set_irq_regs 函数并传入先前的用户空间寄存器,最后返回:

return 1;

我们已经知道,当一个 IRQ 工作结束之后,如果有延后中断,它们会被执行。

5. 退出中断

好了,中断处理程序执行完毕,我们必须从中断中返回。在 do_IRQ 函数将工作处理完毕后,我们将回到 arch/x86/entry/entry_64.S 汇编代码的 ret_from_intr 标签处。

在5.10.13 x86中已经没有了ret_from_intr:

arch/microblaze/kernel/entry-nommu.S:118:    addik   r15, r0, ret_from_intr - 8
arch/microblaze/kernel/entry-nommu.S:617:   .word ret_from_intr; .word ret_from_intr  ; .word type_IRQ
arch/microblaze/kernel/entry-nommu.S:619:   .word ret_from_intr; .word no_intr_resched; .word type_IRQ_PREEMPT
arch/nds32/kernel/ex-entry.S:144:   sethi   $lp, hi20(ret_from_intr)
arch/nds32/kernel/ex-entry.S:145:   ori $lp, $lp, lo12(ret_from_intr)
arch/openrisc/kernel/entry.S:365:   l.j    _ret_from_intr
arch/openrisc/kernel/entry.S:526:   l.j    _ret_from_intr
arch/openrisc/kernel/entry.S:574:   l.j    _ret_from_intr
Documentation/trace/ftrace.rst:1584:   => ret_from_intr
Documentation/trace/ftrace.rst:1809:        ls-2269    3d..2    8us : do_IRQ <-ret_from_intr
Documentation/trace/ftrace.rst:1823:        ls-2269    3d.s5   31us : do_IRQ <-ret_from_intr
Documentation/trace/histogram.rst:569:         ret_from_intr+0x0/0x30
Documentation/trace/histogram.rst:587:         ret_from_intr+0x0/0x30
Documentation/dev-tools/kcsan.rst:77:     ret_from_intr+0x0/0x18
Documentation/core-api/dma-api.rst:671: [<ffffffff8020c093>] ret_from_intr+0x0/0xa

首先,我们通过 DISABLE_INTERRUPTS 宏禁止中断,这个宏被扩展成 cli 指令,将 per-cpu 的 irq_count 变量值减 1。记住,当我们处于中断上下文的时候,这个变量的值是 1

decl    PER_CPU_VAR(irq_count)




#define INTERRUPT_RETURN jmp native_iret

ENTRY(native_iret).global native_irq_return_iret


6. 总结

这里是中断和中断处理 章节的第十节的结尾。如你在本节开头读到的那样,这是本章的最后一节。本章开篇阐述了中断理论,我们于是明白了什么是中断,中断的类型,然后也了解了异常以及对这种类型中断的处理,延后中断。最后在本节,我们考察了硬件中断和对这些中断的处理。当然,本节甚至本章都未能覆盖到 Linux 内核中断和中断处理的所有方面。这样并不现实,至少对我而言如此。这是一项浩大工程,不知你作何感想,对我来说,它确实浩大。这个主题远远超出本章讲述的内容,我不确定地球上能否找到一本书可以涵盖这个主题。我们漏掉了关于中断和中断处理的很多内容,但我相信,深入研究中断和中断处理相关的内核源码是个不错的点子。

如果有任何疑问或者建议,撰写评论或者在 twitter 上联系我。

请注意,英语并非我的母语。任何不便之处,我深感抱歉。如果发现任何错误,请在 linux-insides 向我发送 PR。(译者注:翻译问题请发送 PR 到 linux-insides-cn)

7. 链接

  • 串行驱动文档
  • StrongARM** SA-110/21285 评估板
  • IRQ
  • 模块
  • initcall
  • uart
  • ISA
  • 内存管理
  • i2c
  • APIC
  • GNU 汇编器
  • 处理器寄存器
  • per-cpu
  • pid
  • 设备树
  • 系统调用
  • 上一节


Interrupts and Interrupt Handling. Part 10.

Last part

This is the tenth part of the chapter about interrupts and interrupt handling in the Linux kernel and in the previous part we saw a little about deferred interrupts and related concepts like softirq, tasklet and workqeue. In this part we will continue to dive into this theme and now it’s time to look at real hardware driver.

Let’s consider serial driver of the StrongARM** SA-110/21285 Evaluation Board board for example and will look how this driver requests an IRQ line,
what happens when an interrupt is triggered and etc. The source code of this driver is placed in the drivers/tty/serial/21285.c source code file. Ok, we have source code, let’s start.

Initialization of a kernel module

We will start to consider this driver as we usually did it with all new concepts that we saw in this book. We will start to consider it from the intialization. As you already may know, the Linux kernel provides two macros for initialization and finalization of a driver or a kernel module:

  • module_init;
  • module_exit.

And we can find usage of these macros in our driver source code:


The most part of device drivers can be compiled as a loadable kernel module or in another way they can be statically linked into the Linux kernel. In the first case initialization of a device driver will be produced via the module_init and module_exit macros that are defined in the include/linux/init.h:

#define module_init(initfn)                                     \static inline initcall_t __inittest(void)               \{ return initfn; }                                      \int init_module(void) __attribute__((alias(#initfn)));#define module_exit(exitfn)                                     \static inline exitcall_t __exittest(void)               \{ return exitfn; }                                      \void cleanup_module(void) __attribute__((alias(#exitfn)));

and will be called by the initcall functions:

  • early_initcall
  • pure_initcall
  • core_initcall
  • postcore_initcall
  • arch_initcall
  • subsys_initcall
  • fs_initcall
  • rootfs_initcall
  • device_initcall
  • late_initcall

that are called in the do_initcalls from the init/main.c. Otherwise, if a device driver is statically linked into the Linux kernel, implementation of these macros will be following:

#define module_init(x)  __initcall(x);
#define module_exit(x)  __exitcall(x);

In this way implementation of module loading placed in the kernel/module.c source code file and initialization occurs in the do_init_module function. We will not dive into details about loadable modules in this chapter, but will see it in the special chapter that will describe Linux kernel modules. Ok, the module_init macro takes one parameter - the serial21285_init in our case. As we can understand from function’s name, this function does stuff related to the driver initialization. Let’s look at it:

static int __init serial21285_init(void)
{int ret;printk(KERN_INFO "Serial: 21285 driver\n");serial21285_setup_ports();ret = uart_register_driver(&serial21285_reg);if (ret == 0)uart_add_one_port(&serial21285_reg, &serial21285_port);return ret;

As we can see, first of all it prints information about the driver to the kernel buffer and the call of the serial21285_setup_ports function. This function setups the base uart clock of the serial21285_port device:

unsigned int mem_fclk_21285 = 50000000;static void serial21285_setup_ports(void)
{serial21285_port.uartclk = mem_fclk_21285 / 4;

Here the serial21285 is the structure that describes uart driver:

static struct uart_driver serial21285_reg = {.owner         = THIS_MODULE,.driver_name = "ttyFB",.dev_name      = "ttyFB",.major         = SERIAL_21285_MAJOR,.minor            = SERIAL_21285_MINOR,.nr               = 1,.cons          = SERIAL_21285_CONSOLE,

If the driver registered successfully we attach the driver-defined port serial21285_port structure with the uart_add_one_port function from the drivers/tty/serial/serial_core.c source code file and return from the serial21285_init function:

if (ret == 0)uart_add_one_port(&serial21285_reg, &serial21285_port);return ret;

That’s all. Our driver is initialized. When an uart port will be opened with the call of the uart_open function from the drivers/tty/serial/serial_core.c, it will call the uart_startup function to start up the serial port. This function will call the startup function that is part of the uart_ops structure. Each uart driver has the definition of this structure, in our case it is:

static struct uart_ops serial21285_ops = {....startup   = serial21285_startup,...

serial21285 structure. As we can see the .strartup field references on the serial21285_startup function. Implementation of this function is very interesting for us, because it is related to the interrupts and interrupt handling.

Requesting irq line

Let’s look at the implementation of the serial21285 function:

static int serial21285_startup(struct uart_port *port)
{int ret;tx_enabled(port) = 1;rx_enabled(port) = 1;ret = request_irq(IRQ_CONRX, serial21285_rx_chars, 0,serial21285_name, port);if (ret == 0) {ret = request_irq(IRQ_CONTX, serial21285_tx_chars, 0,serial21285_name, port);if (ret)free_irq(IRQ_CONRX, port);}return ret;

First of all about TX and RX. A serial bus of a device consists of just two wires: one for sending data and another for receiving. As such, serial devices should have two serial pins: the receiver - RX, and the transmitter - TX. With the call of first two macros: tx_enabled and rx_enabled, we enable these wires. The following part of these function is the greatest interest for us. Note on request_irq functions. This function registers an interrupt handler and enables a given interrupt line. Let’s look at the implementation of this function and get into the details. This function defined in the include/linux/interrupt.h header file and looks as:

static inline int __must_check
request_irq(unsigned int irq, irq_handler_t handler, unsigned long flags,const char *name, void *dev)
{return request_threaded_irq(irq, handler, NULL, flags, name, dev);

As we can see, the request_irq function takes five parameters:

  • irq - the interrupt number that being requested;
  • handler - the pointer to the interrupt handler;
  • flags - the bitmask options;
  • name - the name of the owner of an interrupt;
  • dev - the pointer used for shared interrupt lines;

Now let’s look at the calls of the request_irq functions in our example. As we can see the first parameter is IRQ_CONRX. We know that it is number of the interrupt, but what is it CONRX? This macro defined in the arch/arm/mach-footbridge/include/mach/irqs.h header file. We can find the full list of interrupts that the 21285 board can generate. Note that in the second call of the request_irq function we pass the IRQ_CONTX interrupt number. Both these interrupts will handle RX and TX event in our driver. Implementation of these macros is easy:

#define IRQ_CONRX               _DC21285_IRQ(0)
#define IRQ_CONTX               _DC21285_IRQ(1)
#define _DC21285_IRQ(x)         (16 + (x))

The ISA IRQs on this board are from 0 to 15, so, our interrupts will have first two numbers: 16 and 17. Second parameters for two calls of the request_irq functions are serial21285_rx_chars and serial21285_tx_chars. These functions will be called when an RX or TX interrupt occurred. We will not dive in this part into details of these functions, because this chapter covers the interrupts and interrupts handling but not device and drivers. The next parameter - flags and as we can see, it is zero in both calls of the request_irq function. All acceptable flags are defined as IRQF_* macros in the include/linux/interrupt.h. Some of it:

  • IRQF_SHARED - allows sharing the irq among several devices;
  • IRQF_PERCPU - an interrupt is per cpu;
  • IRQF_NO_THREAD - an interrupt cannot be threaded;
  • IRQF_NOBALANCING - excludes this interrupt from irq balancing;
  • IRQF_IRQPOLL - an interrupt is used for polling;
  • and etc.

In our case we pass 0, so it will be IRQF_TRIGGER_NONE. This flag means that it does not imply any kind of edge or level triggered interrupt behaviour. To the fourth parameter (name), we pass the serial21285_name that defined as:

static const char serial21285_name[] = "Footbridge UART";

and will be displayed in the output of the /proc/interrupts. And in the last parameter we pass the pointer to the our main uart_port structure. Now we know a little about request_irq function and its parameters, let’s look at its implemenetation. As we can see above, the request_irq function just makes a call of the request_threaded_irq function inside. The request_threaded_irq function defined in the kernel/irq/manage.c source code file and allocates a given interrupt line. If we will look at this function, it starts from the definition of the irqaction and the irq_desc:

int request_threaded_irq(unsigned int irq, irq_handler_t handler,irq_handler_t thread_fn, unsigned long irqflags,const char *devname, void *dev_id)
{struct irqaction *action;struct irq_desc *desc;int retval;.........

We already saw the irqaction and the irq_desc structures in this chapter. The first structure represents per interrupt action descriptor and contains pointers to the interrupt handler, name of the device, interrupt number, etc. The second structure represents a descriptor of an interrupt and contains pointer to the irqaction, interrupt flags, etc. Note that the request_threaded_irq function called by the request_irq with the additional parameter: irq_handler_t thread_fn. If this parameter is not NULL, the irq thread will be created and the given irq handler will be executed in this thread. In the next step we need to make following checks:

if (((irqflags & IRQF_SHARED) && !dev_id) ||(!(irqflags & IRQF_SHARED) && (irqflags & IRQF_COND_SUSPEND)) ||((irqflags & IRQF_NO_SUSPEND) && (irqflags & IRQF_COND_SUSPEND)))return -EINVAL;

First of all we check that real dev_id is passed for the shared interrupt and the IRQF_COND_SUSPEND only makes sense for shared interrupts. Otherwise we exit from this function with the -EINVAL error. After this we convert the given irq number to the irq descriptor wit the help of the irq_to_desc function that defined in the kernel/irq/irqdesc.c source code file and exit from this function with the -EINVAL error if it was not successful:

desc = irq_to_desc(irq);
if (!desc)return -EINVAL;

The irq_to_desc function checks that given irq number is less than maximum number of IRQs and returns the irq descriptor where the irq number is offset from the irq_desc array:

struct irq_desc *irq_to_desc(unsigned int irq)
{return (irq < NR_IRQS) ? irq_desc + irq : NULL;

As we have converted irq number to the irq descriptor we make the check the status of the descriptor that an interrupt can be requested:

if (!irq_settings_can_request(desc) || WARN_ON(irq_settings_is_per_cpu_devid(desc)))return -EINVAL;

and exit with the -EINVALotherways. After this we check the given interrupt handler. If it was not passed to the request_irq function, we check the thread_fn. If both handlers are NULL, we return with the -EINVAL. If an interrupt handler was not passed to the request_irq function, but the thread_fn is not null, we set handler to the irq_default_primary_handler:

if (!handler) {if (!thread_fn)return -EINVAL;handler = irq_default_primary_handler;

In the next step we allocate memory for our irqaction with the kzalloc function and return from the function if this operation was not successful:

action = kzalloc(sizeof(struct irqaction), GFP_KERNEL);
if (!action)return -ENOMEM;

More about kzalloc will be in the separate chapter about memory management in the Linux kernel. As we allocated space for the irqaction, we start to initialize this structure with the values of interrupt handler, interrupt flags, device name, etc:

action->handler = handler;
action->thread_fn = thread_fn;
action->flags = irqflags;
action->name = devname;
action->dev_id = dev_id;

In the end of the request_threaded_irq function we call the __setup_irq function from the kernel/irq/manage.c and registers a given irqaction. Release memory for the irqaction and return:

retval = __setup_irq(irq, desc, action);
chip_bus_sync_unlock(desc);if (retval)kfree(action);return retval;

Note that the call of the __setup_irq function is placed between the chip_bus_lock and the chip_bus_sync_unlock functions. These functions lock/unlock access to slow busses (like i2c) chips. Now let’s look at the implementation of the __setup_irq function. In the beginning of the __setup_irq function we can see a couple of different checks. First of all we check that the given interrupt descriptor is not NULL, irqchip is not NULL and that given interrupt descriptor module owner is not NULL. After this we check if the interrupt is nested into another interrupt thread or not, and if it is nested we replace the irq_default_primary_handler with the irq_nested_primary_handler.

In the next step we create an irq handler thread with the kthread_create function, if the given interrupt is not nested and the thread_fn is not NULL:

if (new->thread_fn && !nested) {struct task_struct *t;t = kthread_create(irq_thread, new, "irq/%d-%s", irq, new->name);...

And fill the rest of the given interrupt descriptor fields in the end. So, our 16 and 17 interrupt request lines are registered and the serial21285_rx_chars and serial21285_tx_chars functions will be invoked when an interrupt controller will get event releated to these interrupts. Now let’s look at what happens when an interrupt occurs.

Prepare to handle an interrupt

In the previous paragraph we saw the requesting of the irq line for the given interrupt descriptor and registration of the irqaction structure for the given interrupt. We already know that when an interrupt event occurs, an interrupt controller notifies the processor about this event and processor tries to find appropriate interrupt gate for this interrupt. If you have read the eighth part of this chapter, you may remember the native_init_IRQ function. This function makes initialization of the local APIC. The following part of this function is the most interesting part for us right now:

for_each_clear_bit_from(i, used_vectors, first_system_vector) {set_intr_gate(i, irq_entries_start +8 * (i - FIRST_EXTERNAL_VECTOR));

Here we iterate over all the cleared bit of the used_vectors bitmap starting at first_system_vector that is:

int first_system_vector = FIRST_SYSTEM_VECTOR; // 0xef

and set interrupt gates with the i vector number and the irq_entries_start + 8 * (i - FIRST_EXTERNAL_VECTOR) start address. Only one thing is unclear here - the irq_entries_start. This symbol defined in the arch/x86/entry/entry_64.S assembly file and provides irq entries. Let’s look at it:

 .align 8
ENTRY(irq_entries_start)vector=FIRST_EXTERNAL_VECTOR.rept (FIRST_SYSTEM_VECTOR - FIRST_EXTERNAL_VECTOR)pushq   $(~vector+0x80)vector=vector+1jmp    common_interrupt.align  8.endr

Here we can see the GNU assembler .rept instruction which repeats the sequence of lines that are before .endr - FIRST_SYSTEM_VECTOR - FIRST_EXTERNAL_VECTOR times. As we already know, the FIRST_SYSTEM_VECTOR is 0xef, and the FIRST_EXTERNAL_VECTOR is equal to 0x20. So, it will work:

>>> 0xef - 0x20

times. In the body of the .rept instruction we push entry stubs on the stack (note that we use negative numbers for the interrupt vector numbers, because positive numbers already reserved to identify system calls), increase the vector variable and jump on the common_interrupt label. In the common_interrupt we adjust vector number on the stack and execute interrupt number with the do_IRQ parameter:

common_interrupt:addq    $-0x80, (%rsp)interrupt do_IRQ

The macro interrupt defined in the same source code file and saves general purpose registers on the stack, change the userspace gs on the kernel with the SWAPGS assembler instruction if need, increase per-cpu - irq_count variable that shows that we are in interrupt and call the do_IRQ function. This function defined in the arch/x86/kernel/irq.c source code file and handles our device interrupt. Let’s look at this function. The do_IRQ function takes one parameter - pt_regs structure that stores values of the userspace registers:

__visible unsigned int __irq_entry do_IRQ(struct pt_regs *regs)
{struct pt_regs *old_regs = set_irq_regs(regs);unsigned vector = ~regs->orig_ax;unsigned irq;irq_enter();exit_idle();.........

At the beginning of this function we can see call of the set_irq_regs function that returns saved per-cpu irq register pointer and the calls of the irq_enter and exit_idle functions. The first function irq_enter enters to an interrupt context with the updating __preempt_count variable and the second function - exit_idle checks that current process is idle with pid - 0 and notify the idle_notifier with the IDLE_END.

In the next step we read the irq for the current cpu and call the handle_irq function:

irq = __this_cpu_read(vector_irq[vector]);if (!handle_irq(irq, regs)) {.........

The handle_irq function defined in the arch/x86/kernel/irq_64.c source code file, checks the given interrupt descriptor and call the generic_handle_irq_desc:

desc = irq_to_desc(irq);if (unlikely(!desc))return false;
generic_handle_irq_desc(irq, desc);

Where the generic_handle_irq_desc calls the interrupt handler:

static inline void generic_handle_irq_desc(unsigned int irq, struct irq_desc *desc)
{desc->handle_irq(irq, desc);

But stop… What is it handle_irq and why do we call our interrupt handler from the interrupt descriptor when we know that irqaction points to the actual interrupt handler? Actually the irq_desc->handle_irq is a high-level API for the calling interrupt handler routine. It setups during initialization of the device tree and APIC initialization. The kernel selects correct function and call chain of the irq->action(s) there. In this way, the serial21285_tx_chars or the serial21285_rx_chars function will be executed after an interrupt will occur.

In the end of the do_IRQ function we call the irq_exit function that will exit from the interrupt context, the set_irq_regs with the old userspace registers and return:

return 1;

We already know that when an IRQ finishes its work, deferred interrupts will be executed if they exist.

Exit from interrupt

Ok, the interrupt handler finished its execution and now we must return from the interrupt. When the work of the do_IRQ function will be finsihed, we will return back to the assembler code in the arch/x86/entry/entry_64.S to the ret_from_intr label. First of all we disable interrupts with the DISABLE_INTERRUPTS macro that expands to the cli instruction and decreases value of the irq_count per-cpu variable. Remember, this variable had value - 1, when we were in interrupt context:

decl    PER_CPU_VAR(irq_count)

In the last step we check the previous context (user or kernel), restore it in a correct way and exit from an interrupt with the:


where the INTERRUPT_RETURN macro is:

#define INTERRUPT_RETURN jmp native_iret


ENTRY(native_iret).global native_irq_return_iret

That’s all.


It is the end of the tenth part of the Interrupts and Interrupt Handling chapter and as you have read in the beginning of this part - it is the last part of this chapter. This chapter started from the explanation of the theory of interrupts and we have learned what is it interrupt and kinds of interrupts, then we saw exceptions and handling of this kind of interrupts, deferred interrupts and finally we looked on the hardware interrupts and the handling of theirs in this part. Of course, this part and even this chapter does not cover full aspects of interrupts and interrupt handling in the Linux kernel. It is not realistic to do this. At least for me. It was the big part, I don’t know how about you, but it was really big for me. This theme is much bigger than this chapter and I am not sure that somewhere there is a book that covers it. We have missed many part and aspects of interrupts and interrupt handling, but I think it will be good point to dive in the kernel code related to the interrupts and interrupts handling.

If you have any questions or suggestions write me a comment or ping me at twitter.

Please note that English is not my first language, And I am really sorry for any inconvenience. If you find any mistakes please send me PR to linux-insides.


  • Serial driver documentation
  • StrongARM** SA-110/21285 Evaluation Board
  • IRQ
  • module
  • initcall
  • uart
  • ISA
  • memory management
  • i2c
  • APIC
  • GNU assembler
  • Processor register
  • per-cpu
  • pid
  • device tree
  • system calls
  • Previous part


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