

A. Altruistic Amphibians

time limit per test

3.0 s

memory limit per test

512 MB


standard input


standard output

A set of frogs have accidentally fallen to the bottom of a large pit. Their only means of escaping the pit is to jump out of it. Each frog ii is described by three parameters (li,wi,hi)(li,wi,hi) where lili is its leap capacity, wiwi its weight, and hihi its height. The leap capacity specifies how high that frog can jump. If a frog's leap capacity is strictly larger than the depth of the pit, the frog can directly escape the pit. However, these frogs are altruistic. Rather than selfishly saving themselves and leaving the frogs with too limited leap capacity behind, they collectively aim to save as many of them from the pit as possible.

The frogs realize that if a frog AA climbs up on the back of frog BB before it jumps, the first frog AA stands a better chance of escaping the pit: it can escape if hB+lAhB+lA is strictly larger than the depth of the pit.

Furthermore, if frog BB carrying frog AA on its back climbs up on the back of frog CC, the situation is even better for frog AA: it can now escape the pit if hC+hB+lAhC+hB+lA is strictly larger than the depth of the pit.

The frogs can build even higher piles of frogs this way, the only restriction is that no frog may carry other frogs of weight in total amounting to its own weight or heavier. Once a pile has been used to allow a frog to escape, the frogs in the pile jump back to the bottom of the pit and they can then form a new pile (possibly consisting of a different set of frogs). The question is simply how many frogs can escape the pit assuming they collaborate to maximize this number?


The first line of input contains two integers nn and dd (1≤n≤1000001≤n≤100000, 1≤d≤1081≤d≤108), where nn is the number of frogs and dd is the depth of the pit in μmμm. Then follow nn lines each containing three integers l,w,hl,w,h (1≤l,w,h≤1081≤l,w,h≤108), representing a frog with leap capacity ll μmμm, weight ww μgμg, and height hh μmμm. The sum of all frogs' weights is at most 108108 μgμg.


Output the maximum number of frogs that can escape the pit.




3 19
15 5 3
12 4 4
20 10 5






3 19
14 5 3
12 4 4
20 10 5











#include <bits/stdc++.h>
#define maxn 100000005
using namespace std;
int dp[maxn];
struct Node{int l,w,h;bool operator <(const Node &b)const{return w>b.w;}
int main()
{int n,d;scanf("%d%d",&n,&d);for(int i=0;i<n;i++) scanf("%d%d%d",&q[i].l,&q[i].w,&q[i].h);sort(q,q+n);int res=0;for(int i=0;i<n;i++){if(dp[q[i].w]+q[i].l>d) res++;for(int j=q[i].w;j<min(2*q[i].w,(int)1e8+2);j++){dp[j-q[i].w]=max(dp[j-q[i].w],dp[j]+q[i].h);}}printf("%d\n",res);


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