The Ethernet header structure is shown in the illustration below:

以太网头部14 bytes

Destination Source Len Data unit + pad FCS
(6 bytes) (6 bytes) (2) (46-1500 bytes) (4 bytes)
Ethernet header structure

The IP header structure is as follows:

IP头部20 bytes

32 bits
Ver. IHL Type of service Total length
Identification Flags Fragment offset
Time to live Protocol Header checksum
Source address
Destination address
Option + Padding
IP header structure

The TCP header structure is as follows:

TCP头部20 bytes

32 bits
Source port Destination port
Sequence number
Acknowledgement number
Offset Resrvd U A P R S F Window
Checksum Urgent pointer
Option + Padding
TCP header structure

The UDP header structure is shown as follows:

UDP头部8 bytes

32 bits
Source port Destination port
Length Checksum

UDP header structure


struct ip
#if BYTE_ORDER == LITTLE_ENDIANu_char    ip_hl:4,        /* header length */ip_v:4;            /* version */
#if BYTE_ORDER == BIG_ENDIANu_char    ip_v:4,            /* version */ip_hl:4;        /* header length */
#endifu_char    ip_tos;            /* type of service */short    ip_len;            /* total length */u_short    ip_id;            /* identification */short    ip_off;            /* fragment offset field */u_char    ip_ttl;            /* time to live */u_char    ip_p;            /* protocol */u_short    ip_sum;            /* checksum */struct    in_addr ip_src,ip_dst;    /* source and dest address */
};struct udphdr
{u_short    uh_sport;        /* source port */u_short    uh_dport;        /* destination port */short    uh_ulen;        /* udp length */u_short    uh_sum;            /* udp checksum */
};struct tcphdr
{u_short    th_sport;        /* source port */u_short    th_dport;        /* destination port */tcp_seq    th_seq;            /* sequence number */tcp_seq    th_ack;            /* acknowledgement number */
#if BYTE_ORDER == LITTLE_ENDIANu_char    th_x2:4,        /* (unused) */th_off:4;        /* data offset */
#if BYTE_ORDER == BIG_ENDIANu_char    th_off:4,        /* data offset */th_x2:4;        /* (unused) */
#endifu_char    th_flags;u_short    th_win;            /* window */u_short    th_sum;            /* checksum */u_short    th_urp;            /* urgent pointer */



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