

The examination paper 10

A, single topic selection

The basis of computer's strong memory ability is ______.

A: A large storage device

B: automatic programming

C: logical judgment

D: versatility

Answer: A,

The ability of the computer to make logical judgment depends mainly on ____.

A: hardware

B: volume

C: software developed

D: basic word length

Answer: C

The general application of computers is ______.

A: computers can be widely used in all walks of life because of the computer's programmability

B: the computer is programmed by the program to operate

C: the computer is running at a very high speed

D: the computer can do the logical operation and choose the corresponding processing according to the result of the logical operation

Answer: A,

The term CAE used in computer technology refers to ________.

A: computer aided design

B: computer aided manufacturing

C: computer aided engineering

D: computer aided execution

Answer: C

The calculation of the parameters of missile launches is mainly concerned with the use of ______ in computer applications.

A: scientific computing

B: aided design

C: process control

D: artificial intelligence,

Answer: A,

A complete computer system should contain the computer's ____.

A: mainframes and peripherals

B: hardware and software

C: CPU and memory

D: the controller and the arithmetic

Answer: B

In the field of computer, it is usually written in capital B.

A: the word

B: word length

C: byte

D: binary

Answer: C

In the devices of a microcomputer, the device used for input and output is ____.

A: disk drives

B: the keyboard

C: the mouse

D: plotter

Answer: A,

In the following statement, ________ is the right one.

A: computer systems include hardware systems and software systems

B: the minicomputer is also called microcomputer

C: the digital computer can directly deal with the simulation of continuous change

D: the host includes the CPU and the monitor

Answer: A,

The hardware system that makes up the microcomputer is divided into two


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