第六章 图像聚类

  1. 6.1 K-Means聚类

    1. 6.1.1 SciPy聚类包
    2. 6.1.2 图像聚类
    3. 6.1.3 在主成分上可视化图像
    4. 6.1.4 像素聚类
  2. 6.2 层次聚类
    1. 6.2.1 图像聚类
  3. 6.3 谱聚类


6.1 K-Means聚类


6.1.1 SciPy聚类包



# coding=utf-8
Function:  figure 6.1
    An example of k-means clustering of 2D points
from pylab import *
from scipy.cluster.vq import *# 添加中文字体支持
from matplotlib.font_manager import FontProperties
font = FontProperties(fname=r"c:\windows\fonts\SimSun.ttc", size=14)class1 = 1.5 * randn(100, 2)
class2 = randn(100, 2) + array([5, 5])
features = vstack((class1, class2))
centroids, variance = kmeans(features, 2)
code, distance = vq(features, centroids)
ndx = where(code == 0)[0]
plot(features[ndx, 0], features[ndx, 1], '*')
ndx = where(code == 1)[0]
plot(features[ndx, 0], features[ndx, 1], 'r.')
plot(centroids[:, 0], centroids[:, 1], 'go')title(u'2维数据点聚类', fontproperties=font)


6.1.2 图像聚类


 # -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
from PCV.tools import imtools
import pickle
from scipy import *
from pylab import *
from PIL import Image
from scipy.cluster.vq import *
from PCV.tools import pca# Uses sparse pca codepath.
imlist = imtools.get_imlist('../data/selectedfontimages/a_selected_thumbs/')# 获取图像列表和他们的尺寸
im = array(Image.open(imlist[0]))  # open one image to get the size
m, n = im.shape[:2]  # get the size of the images
imnbr = len(imlist)  # get the number of images
print "The number of images is %d" % imnbr# Create matrix to store all flattened images
immatrix = array([array(Image.open(imname)).flatten() for imname in imlist], 'f')# PCA降维
V, S, immean = pca.pca(immatrix)# 保存均值和主成分
#f = open('./a_pca_modes.pkl', 'wb')
f = open('./a_pca_modes.pkl', 'wb')
f.close()# get list of images
imlist = imtools.get_imlist('../data/selectedfontimages/a_selected_thumbs/')
imnbr = len(imlist)# load model file
with open('../data/selectedfontimages/a_pca_modes.pkl','rb') as f:immean = pickle.load(f)V = pickle.load(f)
# create matrix to store all flattened images
immatrix = array([array(Image.open(im)).flatten() for im in imlist],'f')# project on the 40 first PCs
immean = immean.flatten()
projected = array([dot(V[:40],immatrix[i]-immean) for i in range(imnbr)])# k-means
projected = whiten(projected)
centroids,distortion = kmeans(projected,4)
code,distance = vq(projected,centroids)# plot clusters
for k in range(4):ind = where(code==k)[0]figure()gray()for i in range(minimum(len(ind),40)):subplot(4,10,i+1)imshow(immatrix[ind[i]].reshape((25,25)))axis('off')


6.1.3 在主成分上可视化图像

 # -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
from PCV.tools import imtools, pca
from PIL import Image, ImageDraw
from pylab import *
from PCV.clustering import  hclusterimlist = imtools.get_imlist('../data/selectedfontimages/a_selected_thumbs')
imnbr = len(imlist)# Load images, run PCA.
immatrix = array([array(Image.open(im)).flatten() for im in imlist], 'f')
V, S, immean = pca.pca(immatrix)# Project on 2 PCs.
projected = array([dot(V[[0, 1]], immatrix[i] - immean) for i in range(imnbr)])  # P131 Fig6-3左图
#projected = array([dot(V[[1, 2]], immatrix[i] - immean) for i in range(imnbr)])  # P131 Fig6-3右图# height and width
h, w = 1200, 1200# create a new image with a white background
img = Image.new('RGB', (w, h), (255, 255, 255))
draw = ImageDraw.Draw(img)# draw axis
draw.line((0, h/2, w, h/2), fill=(255, 0, 0))
draw.line((w/2, 0, w/2, h), fill=(255, 0, 0))# scale coordinates to fit
scale = abs(projected).max(0)
scaled = floor(array([(p/scale) * (w/2 - 20, h/2 - 20) + (w/2, h/2)for p in projected])).astype(int)# paste thumbnail of each image
for i in range(imnbr):nodeim = Image.open(imlist[i])nodeim.thumbnail((25, 25))ns = nodeim.sizebox = (scaled[i][0] - ns[0] // 2, scaled[i][1] - ns[1] // 2,scaled[i][0] + ns[0] // 2 + 1, scaled[i][1] + ns[1] // 2 + 1)img.paste(nodeim, box)tree = hcluster.hcluster(projected)


6.1.4 像素聚类


 # -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
Function: figure 6.4
    Clustering of pixels based on their color value using k-means.
from scipy.cluster.vq import *
from scipy.misc import imresize
from pylab import *
import Image# 添加中文字体支持
from matplotlib.font_manager import FontProperties
font = FontProperties(fname=r"c:\windows\fonts\SimSun.ttc", size=14)def clusterpixels(infile, k, steps):im = array(Image.open(infile))dx = im.shape[0] / stepsdy = im.shape[1] / steps# compute color features for each regionfeatures = []for x in range(steps):for y in range(steps):R = mean(im[x * dx:(x + 1) * dx, y * dy:(y + 1) * dy, 0])G = mean(im[x * dx:(x + 1) * dx, y * dy:(y + 1) * dy, 1])B = mean(im[x * dx:(x + 1) * dx, y * dy:(y + 1) * dy, 2])features.append([R, G, B])features = array(features, 'f')     # make into array# 聚类, k是聚类数目centroids, variance = kmeans(features, k)code, distance = vq(features, centroids)# create image with cluster labelscodeim = code.reshape(steps, steps)codeim = imresize(codeim, im.shape[:2], 'nearest')return codeimk=3
infile_empire = '../data/empire.jpg'
im_empire = array(Image.open(infile_empire))
infile_boy_on_hill = '../data/boy_on_hill.jpg'
im_boy_on_hill = array(Image.open(infile_boy_on_hill))
steps = (50, 100)  # image is divided in steps*steps region
print steps[0], steps[-1]#显示原图empire.jpg
title(u'原图', fontproperties=font)
imshow(im_empire)# 用50*50的块对empire.jpg的像素进行聚类
codeim= clusterpixels(infile_empire, k, steps[0])
title(u'k=3,steps=50', fontproperties=font)
imshow(codeim)# 用100*100的块对empire.jpg的像素进行聚类
codeim= clusterpixels(infile_empire, k, steps[-1])
ax1 = subplot(233)
title(u'k=3,steps=100', fontproperties=font)
title(u'原图', fontproperties=font)
imshow(im_boy_on_hill)# 用50*50的块对empire.jpg的像素进行聚类
codeim= clusterpixels(infile_boy_on_hill, k, steps[0])
title(u'k=3,steps=50', fontproperties=font)
imshow(codeim)# 用100*100的块对empire.jpg的像素进行聚类
codeim= clusterpixels(infile_boy_on_hill, k, steps[-1])
title(u'k=3,steps=100', fontproperties=font)


6.2 层次聚类


from pylab import  *
from PCV.clustering import hclusterclass1 = 1.5 * randn(100,2)
class2 = randn(100,2) + array([5,5])
features = vstack((class1,class2))tree = hcluster.hcluster(features)
clusters = tree.extract_clusters(5)
print 'number of clusters', len(clusters)
for c in clusters:print c.get_cluster_elements()


number of clusters 2
[197, 107, 176, 123, 173, 189, 154, 136, 183, 113, 109, 199, 178, 129, 163, 100, 148, 111, 143, 118, 162, 169, 138, 182, 193, 116, 134, 198, 184, 181, 131, 166, 127, 185, 161, 171, 152, 157, 112, 186, 128, 156, 108, 158, 120, 174, 102, 137, 117, 194, 159, 105, 155, 132, 188, 125, 180, 151, 192, 164, 195, 126, 103, 196, 179, 146, 147, 135, 139, 110, 140, 106, 104, 115, 149, 190, 170, 172, 121, 145, 114, 150, 119, 142, 122, 144, 160, 187, 153, 167, 130, 133, 165, 191, 175, 177, 101, 141, 124, 168]
[0, 39, 32, 87, 40, 48, 28, 8, 26, 12, 94, 5, 1, 61, 24, 59, 83, 10, 99, 50, 23, 58, 51, 16, 71, 25, 11, 37, 22, 46, 60, 86, 65, 2, 21, 4, 41, 72, 80, 84, 33, 56, 75, 77, 29, 85, 93, 7, 73, 6, 82, 36, 49, 98, 79, 43, 91, 14, 47, 63, 3, 97, 35, 18, 44, 30, 13, 67, 62, 20, 57, 89, 88, 9, 54, 19, 15, 92, 38, 64, 45, 70, 52, 95, 69, 96, 42, 53, 27, 66, 90, 81, 31, 34, 74, 76, 17, 78, 55, 68]

6.2.1 图像聚类

 # -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
import os
import Image
from PCV.clustering import hcluster
from matplotlib.pyplot import *
from numpy import *# create a list of images
path = '../data/sunsets/flickr-sunsets-small/'
imlist = [os.path.join(path, f) for f in os.listdir(path) if f.endswith('.jpg')]
# extract feature vector (8 bins per color channel)
features = zeros([len(imlist), 512])
for i, f in enumerate(imlist):im = array(Image.open(f))# multi-dimensional histogramh, edges = histogramdd(im.reshape(-1, 3), 8, normed=True, range=[(0, 255), (0, 255), (0, 255)])features[i] = h.flatten()
tree = hcluster.hcluster(features)# visualize clusters with some (arbitrary) threshold
clusters = tree.extract_clusters(0.23 * tree.distance)
# plot images for clusters with more than 3 elements
for c in clusters:elements = c.get_cluster_elements()nbr_elements = len(elements)if nbr_elements > 3:figure()for p in range(minimum(nbr_elements,20)):subplot(4, 5, p + 1)im = array(Image.open(imlist[elements[p]]))imshow(im)axis('off')


tree = hcluster.hcluster(projected)


6.3 谱聚类


 # -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
from PCV.tools import imtools, pca
from PIL import Image, ImageDraw
from pylab import *
from scipy.cluster.vq import *imlist = imtools.get_imlist('../data/selectedfontimages/a_selected_thumbs')
imnbr = len(imlist)# Load images, run PCA.
immatrix = array([array(Image.open(im)).flatten() for im in imlist], 'f')
V, S, immean = pca.pca(immatrix)# Project on 2 PCs.
projected = array([dot(V[[0, 1]], immatrix[i] - immean) for i in range(imnbr)])  # P131 Fig6-3左图
#projected = array([dot(V[[1, 2]], immatrix[i] - immean) for i in range(imnbr)])  # P131 Fig6-3右图n = len(projected)
# compute distance matrix
S = array([[ sqrt(sum((projected[i]-projected[j])**2))
for i in range(n) ] for j in range(n)], 'f')
# create Laplacian matrix
rowsum = sum(S,axis=0)
D = diag(1 / sqrt(rowsum))
I = identity(n)
L = I - dot(D,dot(S,D))
# compute eigenvectors of L
U,sigma,V = linalg.svd(L)
k = 5
# create feature vector from k first eigenvectors
# by stacking eigenvectors as columns
features = array(V[:k]).T
# k-means
features = whiten(features)
centroids,distortion = kmeans(features,k)
code,distance = vq(features,centroids)
# plot clusters
for c in range(k):ind = where(code==c)[0]figure()gray()for i in range(minimum(len(ind),39)):im = Image.open(imlist[ind[i]])subplot(4,10,i+1)imshow(array(im))axis('equal')axis('off')



 # -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
from PCV.tools import imtools, pca
from PIL import Image, ImageDraw
from PCV.localdescriptors import sift
from pylab import *
import glob
from scipy.cluster.vq import *#download_path = "panoimages"  # set this to the path where you downloaded the panoramio images
#path = "/FULLPATH/panoimages/"  # path to save thumbnails (pydot needs the full system path)download_path = "F:/dropbox/Dropbox/translation/pcv-notebook/data/panoimages"  # set this to the path where you downloaded the panoramio images
path = "F:/dropbox/Dropbox/translation/pcv-notebook/data/panoimages/"  # path to save thumbnails (pydot needs the full system path)# list of downloaded filenames
imlist = imtools.get_imlist('../data/panoimages/')
nbr_images = len(imlist)# extract features
#featlist = [imname[:-3] + 'sift' for imname in imlist]
#for i, imname in enumerate(imlist):
#    sift.process_image(imname, featlist[i])featlist = glob.glob('../data/panoimages/*.sift')matchscores = zeros((nbr_images, nbr_images))for i in range(nbr_images):for j in range(i, nbr_images):  # only compute upper triangleprint 'comparing ', imlist[i], imlist[j]l1, d1 = sift.read_features_from_file(featlist[i])l2, d2 = sift.read_features_from_file(featlist[j])matches = sift.match_twosided(d1, d2)nbr_matches = sum(matches > 0)print 'number of matches = ', nbr_matchesmatchscores[i, j] = nbr_matches
print "The match scores is: \n", matchscores# copy values
for i in range(nbr_images):for j in range(i + 1, nbr_images):  # no need to copy diagonalmatchscores[j, i] = matchscores[i, j]n = len(imlist)
# load the similarity matrix and reformat
S = matchscores
S = 1 / (S + 1e-6)
# create Laplacian matrix
rowsum = sum(S,axis=0)
D = diag(1 / sqrt(rowsum))
I = identity(n)
L = I - dot(D,dot(S,D))
# compute eigenvectors of L
U,sigma,V = linalg.svd(L)
k = 2
# create feature vector from k first eigenvectors
# by stacking eigenvectors as columns
features = array(V[:k]).T
# k-means
features = whiten(features)
centroids,distortion = kmeans(features,k)
code,distance = vq(features,centroids)
# plot clusters
for c in range(k):ind = where(code==c)[0]figure()gray()for i in range(minimum(len(ind),39)):im = Image.open(imlist[ind[i]])subplot(5,4,i+1)imshow(array(im))axis('equal')axis('off')

改变聚类数目k,可以得到不同的结果。译者分别测试了原书中k=2和k=10的情况,运行结果如下: k=2k=10注:对于聚类后,图像小于或等于1的类,在上面没有显示。

from: http://yongyuan.name/pcvwithpython/chapter6.html

Python计算机视觉:第六章 图像聚类相关推荐

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