DayDayUp, collects, stores, and uses your personal information as a data controller in connection with and in order to provide and develop DayDayUp’s products, mobile applications, services and websites (together “Services”) according to this privacy policy (“Privacy Policy”).
For questions and information about Privacy Policy and data subject’s rights, please contact us at
For information about our privacy practices related to data from children, please see “Special Note About Children’s Privacy” below.
All DayDayUp Services are governed by this Privacy Policy and by using or accessing a Service You give consent to the processing, use and disclosure of your data. Please do not install or use the Services if you do not agree to this Privacy Policy. DayDayUp reserves the right to modify this Privacy Policy. Your continued use of Services will signify your acceptance of the changes to this Privacy Policy.
How We Collect Your data
Likely situations when you make personal data available to DayDayUp include, but are not limited to: (i) by using DayDayUp’s mobile apps or visiting our websites, (ii) registration for Services, contests and special events; (iii) accessing Services using a third party ID, such as social networking sites or gaming services; (iv) subscribing to newsletters; (v) purchasing a product or services through DayDayUp’s online stores or within the app (or “in-app purchase”); (vi) using “tell a friend,” “email this page,” or other similar features; (vii) requesting technical support; and (viii) otherwise through use of DayDayUp Services where personal data is required for use and/or participation.
The data we process on you may include, but is not limited to: email address, device ID, IP-address, user names and passwords.
DayDayUp may supplement your data with data received from third parties in connection with demographic, advertisement, market and other analytics surveys or services.
DayDayUp uses your information to perform its own analytics and to enable analytics provided by third parties.  We use analytical information for supporting business analysis and operations, business intelligence, product development, improving products and services, personalizing content, providing advertising, and making recommendations.
DayDayUp may also use third-parties, in order to develop and analyze use of the Services.
If you choose to use DayDayUp’s “tell a friend” or a similar service about DayDayUp Services or order a gift certificate for your friend, DayDayUp may store your friend’s name and contact details that you provide to DayDayUp.
Please note that certain features of the Services may be able to connect to your social networking sites to obtain additional information about you. In such cases, DayDayUp may be able to collect certain information from your social networking profile when your social networking site permits it, and when you consent to allow your social networking site to make that information available to DayDayUp. This information may include, but is not limited to, your name, profile picture, gender, user ID, email address, your country, your language, your time zone, the organizations and links on your profile page, the names and profile pictures of your social networking site “friends” and other information you have included in your social networking site profile. DayDayUp may associate and/or combine as well as use information collected by DayDayUp and/or obtained through such social networking sites.
Disclosure and Transfer of Personal Data
Personal data may be disclosed to third parties including third parties located outside the European Union or the European Economic Area in accordance with applicable legislation and this Privacy Policy.
DayDayUp may use third parties to collect and process personal data on DayDayUp’s behalf and in according to DayDayUp’s instructions. DayDayUp is not liable for the acts and omissions of these third parties, except as provided by mandatory law.
Data Retention and Correctness
DayDayUp retains the collected data for the period necessary to fulfill the purposes outlined in this Privacy Policy unless a longer retention period is required or permitted by law. Thereafter DayDayUp deletes all aforementioned data in its possession within a reasonable timeframe. DayDayUp does not verify the correctness of personal data.
Please note that some data may be further retained if necessary to resolve disputes, enforce DayDayUp user agreements, and comply with technical and legal requirements and constraints related to the security, integrity and operation of Services.
Cookies, beacons and tracking
The Services may use “cookies” and other technologies such as pixel tags, local shared objects, hardware-based device identifiers, Operating System-based identifiers, clear GIFs and web beacons. DayDayUp treats information collected by cookies and similar technologies as non-personal data.
Cookies: A “cookie” is a small file stored by your browser when told to do so by a website. Typically websites place a number of different cookies on an end-user’s machine. Some of the cookies are “1st Party,” from the website itself, and others are “3rd party,” belonging to advertising and analytics entities or social networks.  DayDayUp’s cookies do not include personal data and are typically used to quickly identify your device and to “remember” your browser during subsequent visits for purposes of functionality, preferences, and website performance. You can disable cookies or set your browser to alert you when cookies are being sent to your device; however, disabling cookies may affect your ability to use the Services.
Flash cookies & HTML5: DayDayUp may also use Flash cookies (local shared objects) and HTML5 local storage. Flash cookies are small files similar to browser cookies, but which are not stored in the browser and can also be used to remember your settings, to personalize the look and feel of the Services, or for advertising and analytics. You may prevent Flash cookies from being stored by following the instructions provided by Adobe at
Web Beacons and pixel tags: A “web beacon” or a “pixel tag” is an electronic image (often not visible to the end-user) that allows DayDayUp to count users who have visited certain pages or viewed certain advertisements. Additionally, e-mails and other electronic communications DayDayUp sends to you may contain pixel tags that enable DayDayUp to track your usage of the communication, including whether the communication was opened and/or what links were followed, if any.
Third Party Terms and Conditions
Please note that your access to and use of the Services may be subject to certain third party terms and conditions and DayDayUp is not liable for any such third parties’ use of your personal data.
Certain Services that DayDayUp may offer, such as multiplayer gaming, social networking and gaming console services, may use third party services to provide authentication for the Services with a gaming console ID, social networking ID, or gaming network account. In connection with such use, certain personally identifiable user and/or membership data may be transferred automatically to and from DayDayUp.
DayDayUp may disclose your personal data to third parties in connection with a corporate merger, consolidation, restructuring, the sale of substantially all of DayDayUp’s stock and/or assets or other corporate change, including, without limitation, during the course of any due diligence process provided, however, that this Privacy Policy shall continue to govern such personal data.
DayDayUp follows generally accepted industry standards and maintains reasonable safeguards to attempt to ensure the security, integrity and privacy of the information in DayDayUp’s possession.
You may choose to disclose data about yourself in the course of contributing user generated content to the Services.
Any data that you disclose in any of these forums, blogs, chats or the like will become public information, and there is no expectation of privacy or confidentiality with respect to that data.
DayDayUp may store and/or transfer your personal data to its affiliates and partners in and outside of EU/EEA member states and the United States in accordance with mandatory legislation and this Privacy Policy.
Special Note about Children’s Privacy
DayDayUp does not knowingly collect personal information from children under 13 years of age. If DayDayUp learns that DayDayUp has inadvertently gathered personal data from children under 13 years of age, DayDayUp will take reasonable measures to promptly delete such personal data from DayDayUp’s records.
DayDayUp understands the need to provide extra privacy protections to users who are children. To that end, features and services such as social networking plug-ins, behaviorally targeted advertising, and collection of data for the purpose of building user profiles are not available to users under 13. DayDayUp also does not allow our third party partners who engage in such practices to access personally identifiable data from users under 13.
If you have additional questions about DayDayUp’s Privacy Practices related to children under the age of 13, please contact us at
Further information
This Privacy Policy is governed by French law excluding its choice of law provisions.
DayDayUp makes good faith efforts to enable you to review, update or correct your personal data in DayDayUp’s possession.
DayDayUp will need sufficient information from you to establish your identity and to verify your access request, and also to assist us in handling your request.



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