“Using a term like ‘nonlinear science’ is like referring to the bulk of zoology as ‘the study of nonelephant animals.’ ”
—Stanislaw Ulam

“使用‘非线性科学’这样的术语就像把动物学的大部分称为‘对非灵长类动物的研究’" —斯坦尼斯拉夫·乌拉姆
Photorealistic rendering attempts to make an image indistinguishable from a photograph.Non-photorealistic rendering (NPR), also called stylized rendering, has a wide range of goals. One objective of some forms of NPR is to create images similar to technical illustrations. Only those details relevant to the goal of the particular application are the ones that should be displayed. For example, a photograph of a shiny Ferrari engine may be useful in selling the car to a customer, but to repair the engine,a simplified line drawing with the relevant parts highlighted may be more meaningful(as well as less costly to print).


Another area of NPR is in the simulation of painterly styles and natural media,e.g., pen and ink, charcoal, and watercolor. This is a huge field that lends itself to an equally huge variety of algorithms that attempt to capture the feel of various media. Some examples are shown in Figure 15.1. Two older books provide coverage of technical and painterly NPR algorithms [563, 1719]. Given this breadth, we focus here on techniques for rendering strokes and lines. Our goal is to give a flavor of some algorithms used for NPR in real time. This chapter opens with a detailed discussion of ways to implement a cartoon rendering style, then discusses other themes within the field of NPR. The chapter ends with a variety of line rendering techniques.


Figure 15.1. A variety of non-photorealistic rendering styles applied to a coffee grinder. (Generated using LiveArt from Viewpoint DataLabs.)


15.1 Toon Shading


Just as varying the font gives a different feel to the text, different styles of rendering have their own mood, meaning, and vocabulary. There has been a large amount of attention given to one particular form of NPR, cel or toon rendering. Since this style is identified with cartoons, it has connotations of fantasy and childhood. At its simplest,objects are drawn with solid lines separating areas of different solid colors. One reason this style is popular is what McCloud, in his classic book Understanding Comics [1157],calls “amplification through simplification.” By simplifying and stripping out clutter,one can amplify the effect of information relevant to the presentation. For cartoon characters, a wider audience will identify with those drawn in a simple style.

正如改变字体会给文本带来不同的感觉一样,不同风格的渲染也有自己的情绪、含义和词汇。有大量的注意力给了一种特殊形式的NPR,cel或卡通渲染。由于这种风格与卡通一致,它具有幻想和童年的内涵。最简单的方法是,用实线来分隔不同纯色的区域。这种风格流行的一个原因是麦克劳德在他的经典著作《理解漫画》( 1157)中所说的“通过简化放大”通过简化和剔除杂乱的信息,可以放大与演示相关的信息的效果。对于卡通人物,更广泛的观众会认同那些以简单风格绘制的人物。

The toon rendering style has been used in computer graphics for decades to integrate three-dimensional models with two-dimensional cel animation. It lends itself well to automatic generation by computer because it is easily defined, compared to other NPR styles. Many video games have used it to good effect [250, 1224, 1761].See Figure 15.2.


Figure 15.2. An example of real-time NPR rendering from the game Okami. (Image courtesy of Capcom Entertainment, Inc.)


The outlines of objects are often rendered in a black color, which amplifies the cartoon look. Finding and rendering these outlines is dealt with in the next section.There are several different approaches to toon surface shading. The two most common methods are to fill the mesh areas with solid (unlit) color or to use a two-tone approach,representing lit and shadowed areas. The two-tone approach, sometimes called hard shading, is simple to perform in a pixel shader by using a lighter color when the dot product of the shading normal and light source direction are above some value, and a darker tone if not. When the illumination is more complex, another approach is to quantize the final image itself. Also called posterization, this is a process of taking a continuous range of values and converting to a few tones, with a sharp change between each. See Figure 15.3. Quantizing RGB values can cause unpleasant hue shifts, as each separate channel changes in a way not closely related to the others. Working a huepreserving color space such as HSV, HSL, or Y’CbCr is a better choice. Alternately, a one-dimensional function or texture can be defined to remap intensity levels to specific shades or colors. Textures can also be preprocessed using quantization or other filters.Another example, with more color levels, is shown in Figure 15.16 on page 665.


Figure 15.3. The basic rendering on the left has solid fill, posterization, and pencil shading techniques applied in turn. (Jade2 model by Quidam, published by wismo [1449], Creative Commons 2.5 attribution license.)

图15.3。左边的基本渲染依次应用了纯色填充、色调分离和铅笔阴影技术。(Quidam的Jade2模型,wismo [1449]出版,知识共享2.5归属许可。)

Barla et al. [104] add view-dependent effects by using two-dimensional maps in place of one-dimensional shade textures. The second dimension is accessed by the depth or orientation of the surface. This allows objects to smoothly soften in contrast when distant or moving rapidly, for example. This algorithm, combined with a variety of other shading equations and painted textures, is used in the game Team Fortress 2 to give a blend of cartoon and realistic styles [1224]. Variations on toon shaders can be used for other purposes, such as for exaggerating contrast when visualizing features on surfaces or terrain [1520].


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