
Most audio you listen to is in “stereo”, which means that different things are played in through both the left and right speakers. However, you can have your PC mix the sound to mono, playing everything combined through both speakers.

您听到的大多数音频都是“立体声”的,这意味着左右扬声器会播放不同的声音。 但是,您可以让PC将声音混合为单声道,同时通过两个扬声器播放所有声音。

This would allow you to use just one earbud with your PC, but still hear both the left and right audio tracks. It’s also very helpful if you have trouble hearing through one ear.

这样一来,您只能在PC上使用一只耳塞,但仍然可以听到左右声道的声音。 如果您无法通过一只耳朵听到声音,这也非常有帮助。

Windows 10 (Windows 10)

The mono audio option was introduced in Windows 10’s Creators Update, so it’s built right into the settings, just like on the iPhone and Android.

Windows 10的Creators Update中引入了单声道音频选项,因此它内置于设置中,就像iPhone和Android一样。

To find this option, click the Start button and select the gear-shaped “Settings” icon.


Click the “Ease of Access” icon in the Settings window.


Click “Other options” in the sidebar. Scroll down to the bottom of the window you’ll find “Mono audio” under Audio options. Set it to “On”.

点击边栏中的“其他选项”。 向下滚动到窗口底部,您会在“音频”选项下找到“单声道音频”。 将其设置为“开”。

That’s it! If you ever want to disable this option and re-enable standard stereo audio, just return here and set Mono audio to “Off”.

而已! 如果您要禁用此选项并重新启用标准立体声音频,只需返回此处并将单声道音频设置为“关”即可。

Windows 7和8 (Windows 7 and 8)

Older versions of Windows, including Windows 7, offer no way to actually “mix” both stereo tracks to mono without third-party software.

Windows的较旧版本(包括Windows 7)无法在没有第三方软件的情况下将两种立体声轨道实际“混合”成单声道。

To achieve mono audio for all sound on your PC, the third-party software has to install a virtual audio device. Applications on your PC output sound to the virtual audio device, the virtual audio device software mixes the stereo sound to mono, and mono audio comes out of your PC.

要在PC上获得所有声音的单声道音频,第三方软件必须安装虚拟音频设备。 PC上的应用程序将声音输出到虚拟音频设备,虚拟音频设备软件将立体声混合为单声道,单声道音频从PC发出。

You can do this with the free VoiceMeeter software on any version of Windows. First, install the software and restart your PC.

您可以在任何Windows版本上使用免费的VoiceMeeter软件来执行此操作。 首先,安装软件并重新启动PC。

After rebooting your PC, right-click the volume icon in your notification area and select “Playback Devices”.


Right-click the “VoiceMeeter” device here and select “Set as Default”. This will make all programs on your PC play their sound through VoiceMeeter.

右键单击此处的“ VoiceMeeter”设备,然后选择“设置为默认”。 这将使PC上的所有程序都通过VoiceMeeter播放声音。

Then, launch the VoiceMeeter application from your Start menu.


On the Hardware Out tab in VoiceMeeter, click the A1 or A2 button and select the headphones or speakers you want to play audio from.


Be sure to select one of the “WDM” options instead of the “MME” options. These are different sound driver interfaces in Windows, and WDM is faster.

确保选择“ WDM”选项之一,而不是“ MME”选项。 这些是Windows中不同的声音驱动程序接口,WDM更快。

Click the “Mono” button on the Hardware Out tab in VoiceMeeter.


You’re now done. Applications on your computer will play their audio through the virtual VoiceMeeter audio device, and it will mix that audio to mono before outputting it to your headphones. To stop using VoiceMeeter, return to the Playback Devices window and set your standard headphones or speakers as your default audio output device.

现在完成了。 您计算机上的应用程序将通过虚拟的VoiceMeeter音频设备播放其音频,并在将音频输出到耳机之前将其混合为单声道。 要停止使用VoiceMeeter,请返回“播放设备”窗口,并将标准耳机或扬声器设置为默认音频输出设备。

You can check that your tweak worked by visiting the Left / Right (Stereo) Sound Test page. The buttons here play sound through the left and right channels separately if you’re using stereo audio, so you can run this test before and after making the change to ensure mono audio is coming out of your PC.

您可以通过访问“左/右(立体声)声音测试”页面来检查您的调整是否有效。 如果您使用立体声音频,此处的按钮分别通过左右声道播放声音,因此您可以在进行更改之前和之后进行此测试,以确保单声道音频从您的PC中发出。



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