
The Windows 10 taskbar is, by default, slightly transparent and tinted to a color you choose. If you know where to look, and you can even increase its transparency with a registry hack. But you can’t make the taskbar completely transparent, so that only your icons show up against your wallpaper.

默认情况下,Windows 10任务栏是稍微透明的,并带有您选择的颜色 。 如果您知道要看的地方,甚至可以通过注册表修改来提高其透明度 。 但是,您无法使任务栏完全透明,因此只有图标会出现在墙纸上。

Unless, that is, you install TranslucentTB—a free, lightweight, and open source application that lets you quickly set your taskbar to be completely transparent. It’s also capable of blurring your taskbar, and even tinting it whatever color you want.

除非安装了TranslucentTB ,否则它是免费的,轻量级的,开源的应用程序,可让您快速将任务栏设置为完全透明。 它也可以使任务栏模糊,甚至可以将其着色为所需的任何颜色。

如何安装和使用TranslucentTB (How to Install and Use TranslucentTB)

To get started, download the latest release. TranslucentTB comes in a ZIP file, so unzip it and put the EXE wherever you like.

首先,请下载最新版本 。 TranslucentTB包含在ZIP文件中,因此请将其解压缩,然后将EXE放在您喜欢的位置。

We recommend you store the application somewhere in your user directory, but the root directory in your C drive is also a decent choice. Wherever you put the application, go head and launch it. You’ll see the effects immediately, as the taskbar becomes blurred.

我们建议您将应用程序存储在用户目录中的某个位置,但是C驱动器中的根目录也是不错的选择。 无论您将应用程序放在哪里,都可以启动它。 随着任务栏变得模糊,您将立即看到效果。

You’ll find an icon for the application in your system tray, which offers two main options: Blur or Clear.


The transparent (Clear) option is nice if you want to see your entire wallpaper. The blurred look is nice if you want the taskbar to be distinct, but also want to see colors consistent with what’s in the bottom of the image.

如果要查看整个墙纸,可以使用透明(清除)选项。 如果您希望任务栏与众不同,但也希望看到与图像底部的颜色一致的颜色,则模糊外观会很不错。

如何在启动时启动TranslucentTB (How to Start TranslucentTB at Boot)

Like the look, but want it to start when you boot Windows? That’s easy. First, press the Windows key and R to launch the Run command.

外观类似,但要在启动Windows时启动吗? 这很简单。 首先,按Windows键和R键启动“运行”命令。

Type shell:startup and hit Enter. A File Explorer window will open to the Startup folder. Drag your TranslucentTB executable to this folder with the right mouse button.

键入shell:startup然后按Enter。 “文件资源管理器”窗口将打开到“启动”文件夹。 用鼠标右键将您的TranslucentTB可执行文件拖到该文件夹​​中。

When you let go, you’ll be asked what you’d like to do. Select “Create shortcuts here.”

当您放手时,系统会询问您要做什么。 选择“在此处创建快捷方式”。

You’ve now created a shortcut to your executable in the startup folder, meaning the application will launch at boot.


访问一些其他选项 (Accessing a Few Additional Options)

If you want TranslucentTB to start transparent, instead of blurred, we need to learn about the command prompt options offered. They’re outlined nicely here, but here’s a quick summary.

如果您希望TranslucentTB开始透明而不是模糊,我们需要了解提供的命令提示符选项。 在这里对它们进行了很好的概述 ,但这是一个快速的摘要。

  • --blur makes the taskbar blurry, which is also the default offering.


  • --opaque makes the taskbar a single solid color (no transparency.) By default the color is black, but you can change it using --tint.


  • --transparent makes the taskbar transparent. With --tint you can add a slight color highlight.

    --transparent使任务栏透明。 使用--tint您可以添加轻微的颜色突出显示。

  • --tint lets you select a color that works with the --opaque or transparent option (does not work with --blur.) You’ll need the hex code for the color you want; this site makes it easy to discover that number.

    --tint ,您可以选择与--opaquetransparent选项一起使用的颜色(不适用于--blur 。您需要使用十六进制代码来表示所需的颜色; 该站点可以轻松发现该号码。

Simply pick the six-digit code for the color you want, removing the “#” from the front.


To test any settings, close TranslucentTB if it’s running already. Next, open the command prompt and head to the folder where you’re storing the application using cd. Then try running TranslucentTB.exe followed by the options you want. For example, if you want a transparent taskbar, this is the command:

要测试任何设置,请关闭TranslucentTB(如果已在运行)。 接下来,打开命令提示符,并使用cd转到要在其中存储应用程序的文件夹。 然后尝试运行TranslucentTB.exe然后运行所需的选项。 例如,如果您想要透明的任务栏,请使用以下命令:

TranslucentTB.exe --transparent

Maybe you, like a friend of mine, really really like the color orange. If so, try this command:

也许您像我的朋友一样,真的很喜欢橙色。 如果是这样,请尝试以下命令:

TranslucentTB.exe --opaque --tint FF8000

You get the idea. If you used the steps above to make TranslucentTB start at boot, you can add the options we’ve discovered here to that shortcut. Simply right-click the shortcut, then click “Properties.”

你明白了。 如果使用上述步骤使TranslucentTB在启动时启动,则可以在快捷方式中添加我们在此处发现的选项。 只需右键单击快捷方式,然后单击“属性”。

Now, in the “target” box, we can add our options after the executable. Like this:

现在,在“目标”框中,我们可以在可执行文件之后添加选项。 像这样:

The program will now start at boot with your preferred options.




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