cmdb 指南

Getting customers is no walk in the park; in fact, it’s more like a walk through hell.

吸引客户并不是在公园里散步; 实际上,它更像是穿越地狱的旅程。

“The toughest part of working for yourself isn’t the actual work,” as Paul Jarvis reminds us. “It’s the stuff that enables you DO your work, like business, marketing and sales.”

保罗·贾维斯 ( Paul Jarvis)提醒我们:“为自己工作最困难的部分不是实际工作。” “正是这些东西使您能够开展工作,例如业务,市场营销和销售。”

This is a chronic problem for makers. One that usually leads to people giving up on whatever it is they were trying to build.

对于制造商来说,这是一个长期的问题。 通常会导致人们放弃他们想要构建的任何东西。

What if you had an unlimited supply of customers that didn’t require you blogging, cold emailing or doing any other crap you hate to land clients?


How’d you like to learn how to get a steady stream of qualified prospects, sent directly to you whenever you needed it?


Sounds amazing, not to mention, too good to be true, right?


Amazing, yes. Too good to be true, no.

太好了 太真实了,不。

Even better, I’m going to tell you how to get this consistent stream of qualified prospects sent directly to you whenever you need it.


战术? 补充资源 (The tactic? Complementary sources)

As it turns out, quite a few people and companies who are willing to share their customers with you. These are who I call “complementary sources.”

事实证明,有很多人和公司愿意与您分享他们的客户。 这些就是我所说的“补充资源”。

Here’s an example.


In 2005, Google inked a deal with Mozilla.


Google wanted to maintain its position as the dominant search engine, and Firefox was the dominant Internet browser at the time so the two made an agreement.


Mozilla made Google its default search engine, and Google paid for the right.


Was Google excited to be in front of Mozilla's users? You bet.

Google能够在Mozilla的用户面前感到兴奋吗? 你打赌

Was Mozilla happy to receive $53 million for its trouble?Absolutely.


Mozilla was Google’s complementary source of customers.


每个行业都有互补的资源 (Complementary sources exist in every industry)

Harvest and Basecamp.

收获和大本营 。

YouTube and site owners.

YouTube和网站所有者 。

Meebo and G-Talk, Yahoo and MSN messenger.

Meebo和G-Talk,Yahoo和MSN Messenger 。

These are just a few examples of complementary sources. There are thousands, if not millions, more.

这些只是补充来源的几个例子。 还有成千上万,甚至数百万。

Regardless of how forward-thinking an idea is, every startup has a complementary source(s).


Consider the process of purchasing a new home. Your bank offers financing. The appraiser verifies what your home is worth. Realtors help you find the right home. And a title company makes sure you can legally buy the house you want.

考虑购买新房的过程。 您的银行提供融资。 鉴定人验证您的房屋价值。 房地产经纪人可帮助您找到合适的房屋。 产权公司确保您可以合法购买想要的房屋。

Each of these sources want the same thing: you in a new home. They want the deal to close, and they'll work hard to make that happen. They're all complementary to each other.

每个消息源都想要同一件事:您在新家中。 他们希望达成交易,并且会努力做到这一点。 它们彼此互补。

Regardless of the industry you’re playing in, or whether or not you’re a solopreneur freelancing, or an entrepreneur building an app, you have complementary sources you could be utilizing.


If you're a freelance developer then copywriters, graphic designers and marketers are all complementary sources. In fact, it's almost guaranteed that each of these professionals has customers who desperately need your help.

如果您是自由开发人员,那么撰稿人,图形设计师和营销人员都是互补的资源。 实际上,几乎可以保证这些专业人员中的每一个都有急切需要您帮助的客户。

如何找到您的补充资源 (How to find your complementary sources)

步骤1:找出潜在的来源。 (Step 1: Identify potential sources. )

First, you'll need to identify your potential complementary sources.


You'll want to go after complementary sources that have customers willing to pay for your offering(s).


For instance, if you've made an ad blocker, hop on Facebook and forums. Approach admins in charge of anti-ad groups.

例如,如果您制作了广告拦截器,请跳至Facebook和论坛。 与负责反广告组的管理员联系。

Selling a live chat app? Target e-commerce development providers.

出售实时聊天应用程序? 目标电子商务开发提供商。

Building a game? Target smaller games in your same genre.

建立游戏? 定位相同类型的较小游戏。

步骤2:找出问题。 问题出在你的身上。 (Step 2: Find problems. Problems are your “in.” )

Solve these problems in a way that makes sense for your source. Frame working together as a mutually beneficial partnership, and they’ll be thrilled to send customers your way.

以对您的来源有意义的方式解决这些问题。 将框架作为互惠互利的伙伴关系进行合作,他们很高兴为您提供服务。

Examples of problems to solve for sources


Customers have a problem the app or product doesn't solve.


When Basecamp launched Basecamp Next, they removed an important feature – time tracking. Customers were outraged because suddenly they had a problem. They needed time tracking, but Basecamp refused to budge so Harvest stepped in, providing Basecamp customers the feature they needed but weren't getting from Basecamp.

当Basecamp启动Basecamp Next时, 他们删除了一项重要功能-时间跟踪 。 客户感到愤怒是因为他们突然遇到了问题。 他们需要时间跟踪,但是Basecamp拒绝让步,所以Harvest介入了,向Basecamp客户提供了他们需要的功能,但他们没有从Basecamp获得。

They have lots of leads but not enough customers.


Graphic designers struggle to get the customers they need because they let prospects go cold. Savvy freelancers recruit these designers, offering education and support to their customers in exchange for access to their list.

平面设计师努力争取所需的客户,因为他们让前景变得冷淡。 精明的自由职业者会招募这些设计师,为他们的客户提供教育和支持,以换取访问他们的列表的机会。

Lots of customers, not enough sales.


Some companies have a lot of “customers” but not enough sales. Maybe they don't have anything they can sell yet. Maybe they're loaded down with lots of freemium users. Whatever the case, they have an audience that isn't being served. Firefox had lots of users but no money. Google used their audience to promote themselves, helping both parties in the process.

一些公司拥有很多“客户”,但销售量不足。 也许他们还没有东西可以卖。 也许他们有很多免费增值用户。 无论如何,他们的受众群体都没有得到服务。 Firefox有很多用户,但没有钱。 Google利用他们的受众进行自我宣传,在此过程中为双方提供了帮助。

第3步:通过电子邮件发送潜在来源列表。 (Step 3: Email your list of potential sources. )

This step could be (and is) another article in itself. Read this article on how to write a really good email here.

此步骤本身可能是(也就是)另一篇文章。 在此处阅读有关如何写一封非常好的电子邮件的文章。

步骤4:将您的服务作为基本要素呈现。 (Step 4: Present your offering as the essential element. )

There’s always a possibility that your source will try to cut you out after they've seen your plan, and you've done the work. That's why it's vital to position your offering as the essential element.

在他们看到您的计划并且您已经完成工作之后,您的消息源总是有可能尝试将您削减。 因此,将您的产品定位为必不可少的要素至关重要。

If you're a game developer, and you're offering a free download, then customers should get that from you, on your site directly. They only get the free game after they add themselves to your email list.

如果您是游戏开发人员,并且要提供免费下载,那么客户应直接从您的网站上获得该下载 他们只有将自己添加到您的电子邮件列表中,才能获得免费游戏。

Funnel your source’s audience back to you in order to minimize your dependence on them in the future.


结论 (Conclusion)

Complementary sources won't share their audience with you for nothing. They must get something in return, but a lot of the times “something” doesn’t mean money.

补充资源将不会与您分享他们的受众。 他们必须得到回报,但是很多时候“某物”并不意味着钱。

Stop making yourself cringe by thinking of this as marketing. Reframe it as you adding value to lots of people’s lives. Essentially, you're taking a problem your source (and their customers) has and presenting a solution that makes things better for everyone.

将其视为营销,不要再让自己畏缩了。 在为许多人的生活增添价值的同时对其进行重新构架。 从本质上讲,您要解决您的来源(及其客户)所遇到的问题,并提出一种使每个人都受益的解决方案。

Complementary sources are the key. Relieve your source’s headaches, and you'll have all the leads, customers and sales you need to succeed.

补充资源是关键。 减轻源头的麻烦,您将拥有成功所需的所有潜在客户,客户和销售。


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