

比较理想的论文写作模式是,当还在讨论第一问的解题方法时,论文队员先开始写好论文的大致框架,以及problem restatement的一部分内容。等到第一问的解题方法确定了,再着手开始写第一问的相关部分,与此同时,其他队员讨论第二问的解题,等到第一问写完时,最好第二问已经讨论出了结果,依次类推,书写第二问的解决方案,直到完成所有问题。最后,补充完整problem restatement的部分,以及书写conclusion,strengths and weakness等部分。



1.Restatement of the problem \ introduction
(1.1 literatrue review  the task at hand)相关文献评论

your understand of the problem
general account and comment on present researches
brief introduction to your problem solving ideas and methods.
and the principle result you've got

2.Assumptions and Notations

we make the following basic assumptions in order to simplify the problem. Each of our
assumptions is justified and is consistent with the basic fact.

~you are supposed to explain the justification of your assumptions.

We list in Table1 symbols and notations used in this paper. Some will be defined later.

3.Justification of our model(建模方法的合理性论证) \Basic Settings of the Model

4.The Model(s)
maybe you could try to start by some simplified models and improve them to the prefect one.

excellent papers always view the question as a specified example of a common problem.
so try to discuss the solution to common problem, and then give specific solution to this question.

5.Testing the Model\ Sensitivity Analysis \Model Extension

typical sentences: parameters may influence these stuff....
should be emphasized

6.Results / Conclusions

you should state your conclusion at the start of this part clearly.
with some discussion, and point out what is the result, what is your
personal opinion.

if it's about a program, present data from different tests.
explain your algorithm clearly.

you should point out your weaknesses in your conclusion with clarity.

clarify what more you can solve if you had enough time and compute resources.

7.Strengths and Weaknesses
Make it in order and reasonable.

·About abstract:

introduce the problem; overveiw the methodology; highlight the key findings.

all of the key points: the method, the idea.

you are supposed to contain the following contents in your abstract:

discribe the problem in your own words

explain your assumptions and verify their justification

construction of the models and verify their justification

test result of the models and sensitivity analysis(including error analysis)

present all of your conclusions

·Other details:
1.Don't use the same word to describe an object.
2.Nouns that pronouns referring to must be clear.
3.Use simple words and simple sentences.
4.Use precise words.
5.Write sentences in active voice.
6.the word "firstly" is obsoleted, just use "first".
7.Avoid using full quatifier(全称量词)and existence quatifier.Replace with words.
8.Apropriate prompt. such as "The matrix A" rather than just "A" or mentioning the
assumption in former paragraphs.
9. Define a terminology when first using it and use bold font to highlight.






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