Bluetooth gives you the freedom to use devices like keyboards and headphones wirelessly, but it isn’t always reliable. If you run into any issues with Bluetooth in macOS, you can follow these steps to troubleshoot them.

蓝牙使您可以自由地无线使用键盘和耳机等设备,但这并不总是可靠的。 如果您在macOS中遇到蓝牙问题,可以按照以下步骤进行故障排除。

基本的第一步 (Basic First Steps)

Before you head to the Apple Store or start thinking about replacements, follow some of these more common troubleshooting steps first. Many times, the most basic steps can resolve a Bluetooth connectivity issue.

在前往Apple Store商店或开始考虑更换之前,请先执行以下一些更常见的故障排除步骤。 很多时候,最基本的步骤可以解决蓝牙连接问题。

检查配对状态 (Check the Pairing Status)

A good first step is to make sure your device is paired and connected correctly to your Mac. To check, head to the Bluetooth settings menu. Click the Launchpad icon in the Dock, and then click System Preferences > Bluetooth.

第一步是确保您的设备已配对并正确连接到Mac。 要进行检查,请转到“蓝牙设置”菜单。 单击Dock中的启动板图标,然后单击系统偏好设置>蓝牙。

重新连接您的蓝牙设备 (Reconnect Your Bluetooth Device)

If your device isn’t connected to your Mac, turn off your Bluetooth device, and then turn it on again to see if it reconnects. This is also a good time to check the battery level on your device, too. If it doesn’t have sufficient power to function, take the necessary steps to resolve this.

如果您的设备未连接到Mac,请关闭蓝牙设备,然后再将其打开以查看其是否重新连接。 这也是检查设备电池电量的好时机。 如果它没有足够的功能运行,请采取必要的步骤解决此问题。

If your device has enough power but doesn’t reconnect automatically, click the Launchpad icon on the Dock. From there, head to System Preferences > Bluetooth, and then click “Connect” next to your device.

如果您的设备有足够的电源但不能自动重新连接,请单击Dock上的Launchpad图标。 从那里,转到“系统偏好设置”>“蓝牙”,然后单击设备旁边的“连接”。

If you see the Bluetooth icon in your menu bar, you can also use that to connect (or reconnect) your Bluetooth device.


To show the Bluetooth icon in the menu bar, select the checkbox next to “Show Bluetooth in Menu Bar” in the Bluetooth settings menu.


Each paired device has an entry in the Bluetooth menu on the menu bar. To disconnect your device, hover over its name, and then click “Disconnect.” Click “Connect” to reconnect.

每个配对的设备在菜单栏上的蓝牙菜单中都有一个条目。 要断开设备的连接,请将鼠标悬停在其名称上,然后单击“断开连接”。 单击“连接”重新连接。

重新启动您的蓝牙收音机 (Restart Your Bluetooth Radio)

If your device won’t reconnect, you can restart the Bluetooth radio in your Mac. To do so, click the Launchpad icon in the Dock and head to System Preferences > Bluetooth.

如果您的设备无法重新连接,则可以在Mac中重新启动蓝牙无线电。 为此,请在Dock中单击启动板图标,然后转到系统偏好设置>蓝牙。

Next, click “Turn Bluetooth Off,” and then click “Turn Bluetooth On.”


If it’s enabled, you can also do this from the Bluetooth settings menu on the menu bar. Just click the Bluetooth icon, click “Turn Bluetooth Off,” and then click “Turn Bluetooth On” to restart it.

如果已启用,也可以从菜单栏上的“蓝牙设置”菜单执行此操作。 只需单击蓝牙图标,单击“关闭蓝牙”,然后单击“打开蓝牙”以重新启动它。

删除您的蓝牙设备 (Remove Your Bluetooth Device)

If none of the previous steps work, you can try removing the troublesome Bluetooth device from your Mac completely before you consider more drastic steps.


To do so, click the Launchpad icon in the Dock and go to System Preferences > Bluetooth. Right-click your device, and then click “Remove.”

为此,请单击Dock中的启动板图标,然后转到系统偏好设置>蓝牙。 右键单击您的设备,然后单击“删除”。

After the device is removed, you can attempt to re-pair it. First, though, make sure the device is configured correctly. For example, you might have to set up a Bluetooth keyboard to get the correct keys to work.

删除设备后,您可以尝试重新配对。 但是,首先请确保设备配置正确。 例如,您可能必须设置一个蓝牙键盘才能使正确的键起作用。

恢复所有连接的Apple设备的出厂设置 (Factory Reset Any Attached Apple Devices)

Apple hardware tends to work best with other Apple devices, but that doesn’t mean accessories like Airpods will always work perfectly with macOS.


It might seem drastic, but you might consider resetting your Airpods or other Apple peripherals if you’re unable to restore or stabilize Bluetooth connectivity. This might be harder to do with an iPhone, but it’s a simple process for smaller devices (like Airpods).

这可能看起来很激烈,但是如果您无法恢复或稳定蓝牙连接,则可以考虑重置Airpods或其他Apple外设。 使用iPhone可能很难做到这一点,但是对于较小的设备(如Airpods)来说,这是一个简单的过程。

Rather than perform this action for each device, you can do it on all connected Apple devices in the Bluetooth debug menu.


The Bluetooth icon has to be visible in the menu bar to do this, so we’ll start there.


在菜单栏中启用蓝牙图标 (Enable the Bluetooth Icon in the Menu Bar)

If you don’t see the Bluetooth icon in the menu bar, click the Launchpad icon in the Dock, and then navigate to System Preferences > Bluetooth.

如果在菜单栏中没有看到Bluetooth图标,请单击Dock中的Launchpad图标,然后导航至System Preferences> Bluetooth。

Click the checkbox next to “Show Bluetooth in Menu Bar” to enable it.


进入蓝牙调试菜单并恢复苹果设备的出厂设置 (Enter Bluetooth Debug Menu and Factory Reset Apple Devices)

When the Bluetooth icon is visible in the menu bar, press and hold Shift+Option and click the Bluetooth icon. The Bluetooth menu appears and includes an additional “Debug” menu and other hidden connection information.

当在菜单栏中显示Bluetooth图标时,请按住Shift + Option并单击Bluetooth图标。 出现蓝牙菜单,其中包括一个附加的“调试”菜单和其他隐藏的连接信息。

Click “Debug,” and then click “Factory Reset All Connected Apple Devices.” This will only work if your Bluetooth device is currently connected to your Mac; if it’s not, follow the reset instructions for that device instead.

单击“调试”,然后单击“恢复所有连接的Apple设备的出厂设置”。 仅当您的蓝牙设备当前已连接到Mac时,这才有效; 如果不是,请按照该设备的重置说明进行操作。

Accept the warning and click “OK” to begin resetting all connected Apple devices.


When the factory reset process is complete on all your devices, you’ll have to re-pair and reconnect them in the Bluetooth settings menu, either from the System Preferences menu or the menu bar.


卸下所有蓝牙设备或重置蓝牙模块 (Remove All Bluetooth Devices or Reset the Bluetooth Module)

From the Debug options, you can also remove all Bluetooth devices from the Bluetooth configuration or reset the macOS Bluetooth module entirely.

从Debug选项中,您还可以从Bluetooth配置中删除所有Bluetooth设备,或完全重置macOS Bluetooth模块。

Again, to do this, the Bluetooth icon must be visible on the menu bar. If it isn’t, click the Launchpad icon in the Dock and navigate to System Preferences > Bluetooth. From there, click the checkbox next to “Show Bluetooth in Menu Bar,” and the icon should appear.

再次,为此,蓝牙图标必须在菜单栏上可见。 如果不是,请单击Dock中的启动板图标,然后导航至系统偏好设置>蓝牙。 从那里,单击“在菜单栏中显示蓝牙”旁边的复选框,然后将出现该图标。

Press Shift+Option and click the now-visible Bluetooth icon to access the Debug menu.

按Shift + Option并单击现在可见的Bluetooth图标以访问“调试”菜单。

删除所有蓝牙设备 (Remove All Bluetooth Devices)

In the Debug menu, click “Remove All Devices” to remove all Bluetooth devices saved in the macOS Bluetooth configuration.


Click “Remove” to confirm the action.


重置蓝牙模块 (Reset the Bluetooth Module)

You can also reset the Bluetooth module entirely from the Debug menu. This will wipe the Bluetooth configuration, reset the Bluetooth hardware, and disconnect any connected Bluetooth devices.

您也可以从“调试”菜单完全重置蓝牙模块。 这将擦除蓝牙配置,重置蓝牙硬件,并断开所有连接的蓝牙设备。

Click “Reset the Bluetooth Module” to begin.


Click “OK” to confirm.


After the process completes, restart your Mac and reconnect your devices. If you use a Bluetooth keyboard or mouse, be sure to reconnect these before you restart your Mac.

该过程完成后,重新启动Mac并重新连接设备。 如果您使用蓝牙键盘或鼠标,请在重新启动Mac之前确保重新连接它们。

检查系统日志 (Check the System Log)

The steps above should help you resolve many common issues. However, if you continue to have problems, you can check the system log to get some more information.

上面的步骤应该可以帮助您解决许多常见问题。 但是,如果仍然遇到问题,则可以检查系统日志以获取更多信息。

It can help you narrow down potential conflicts or issues with your Bluetooth hardware or devices. To access the log, use Spotlight.

它可以帮助您缩小蓝牙硬件或设备的潜在冲突或问题。 要访问日志,请使用Spotlight。

Press Command+Space, type “Console” in the text box, and then press Enter. You can also click the Search icon in the menu bar to launch Spotlight. Click the “Console” option when it appears.

按Command + Space,在文本框中键入“ Console”,然后按Enter。 您也可以单击菜单栏中的“搜索”图标以启动Spotlight。 单击出现的“控制台”选项。

Click the “Reports” entries on the left to look through the System Log. You can also type “Bluetooth” in the search bar at the top to bring up any relevant entries.

单击左侧的“报告”条目以浏览系统日志。 您也可以在顶部的搜索栏中键入“蓝牙”以调出所有相关条目。

You can’t cure a problem directly from the system log, but it could help you diagnose a deeper issue with settings or hardware.




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