
So you decided to do it — embark on a journey to become a software engineer. You may have thought this career choice would change your life for the better and allow you some freedom to continue your creative practice .

因此,您决定这样做-踏上了成为软件工程师的旅程。 您可能认为这种职业选择将使您的生活变得更好,并给您一些自由,以便您继续进行创造性的练习。

Soon, you realize that this is no easy feat. The days are long and filled with fast paced tough learning, buggy apps, and tentative deadlines. You might miss writing music, taking a brush to a canvas, or working with video. It can feel a lot different from navigating on your own time, speed, and working on something you’re deeply passionate about. It‘s even more of a struggle if you have no prior experience coding and you’re having to work the logical side of your brain into overtime. Nevertheless, there are things you can do to help keep your sanity so you can push through and realize the art of coding!

很快,您意识到这并非易事。 日子漫长,充满了快速的艰苦学习,错误的应用程序和临时的截止日期。 您可能会错过写音乐,用刷子刷到画布上或处理视频的机会。 与以自己的时间,速度进行导航以及从事您深深地热衷的事情相比,感觉会大不相同。 如果您以前没有编码经验,并且必须将大脑的逻辑方面投入超时工作,那么这甚至会更加困难。 不过,您可以采取一些措施来保持理智,以便您继续努力并实现编码的艺术!

1.练习正念 (1. Practice Mindfulness)

Mindfulness is so important to maintaining mental health and boosting productivity. Take time to feel grateful for the experience of being in a bootcamp. Remember the reasons why you decided to take this path. It might be having a career that challenges you as a thinker or having better quality of life. Find time to meditate in the morning if you’re up to it. Eat foods that keep you energized and satisfied. Pamper yourself with self-care. Look into aromatherapy to boost your mood. Try writing affirmations or keeping a journal to log your feelings and thoughts.

正念对保持心理健康和提高生产力至关重要。 花一些时间对参加训练营的经历表示感谢。 记住您决定走这条路的原因。 它可能是一个职业,给您作为思想家的挑战或生活质量的提高。 如果可以的话,请在早上找到时间进行冥想。 多吃能使您精力充沛和满足感的食物。 呵护自己的自我保健。 进行芳香疗法以改善心情。 尝试撰写肯定声明或保留日记以记录您的感受和想法。

2.活跃起来 (2. Get Active)

Have a lot of frustration building up because your app isn’t working or a topic is too hard? Or frustrated you haven’t had time to work on your craft? Get moving! If you’re into slow and steady movement, try yoga or pilates. Like something a bit more rigorous? Try dance workouts, Zumba, or HIIT exercises. Get outdoors and immerse yourself in nature’s scenery by going for a bike ride, long run, or quiet hike. You may find that when you do sit down again to work, you have better focus, clarity, and stamina to get things done.

是否因为您的应用无法正常工作或主题太难而产生很多挫败感? 还是对您没有时间从事手Craft.io品感到沮丧? 动起来! 如果您缓慢而平稳地运动,请尝试瑜伽或普拉提。 喜欢更严格的东西吗? 尝试舞蹈锻炼,尊巴舞或HIIT锻炼。 到户外去骑自行车,长途跋涉或安静地远足,让自己沉浸在自然风光中。 您可能会发现,当您再次坐下来工作时,您会更好地专注,清晰和耐心地完成工作。

3.更多的沙发土豆? 与您喜欢的媒体断开连接! (3. More of a Couch Potato? Disconnect With Media You Love!)

If you’re not into being active or you’re struggling with mindfulness, set aside small chunks of time for yourself to decompress with media. Taking a break to look at something other than code can give you the little recharge you need and allow for some creative inspiration. You could play a video game to escape for a bit. Or you can set some Netflix and chill time while enjoying your favorite meal. You can decide to spend a few hours twice a week, just to yourself or with friends to watch a popular show. If you’re into social media, break out the camera and take creative pics outside on a walk or indoors to document your coding experience.

如果您不习惯运动或者正念中挣扎,请留出一小段时间让自己通过媒体进行解压缩。 休息一下,看看代码以外的其他东西,可以使您所需的精力很少,并可以激发一些创造性的灵感。 您可以玩电子游戏以逃脱一会儿。 或者,您可以一边享用自己喜欢的餐点,一边设置一些Netflix和放松时间。 您可以决定每周两次花几个小时,无论是自己还是与朋友一起观看热门节目。 如果您喜欢社交媒体,请打破常规,在户外或室内拍摄创意照片,以记录您的编码经验。

4 设置时间专注于工作 (4. Set Up Blocks of Time to Focus on Work)

Burnout during a bootcamp is real. Sometimes you might even feel guilty that you want to take a break when you know you want to become a better coder or get the app working. It’s so important to find a balance between relax time and focus time that works for you. Planning out blocks of time for you to code can help. Figure out how you learn best and what time you’re most productive. You might decide to work on code for a few hours and take an hour break in between each block. Or maybe you like to work for shorter periods of time and have short breaks in between. Maybe your best time to work is late night instead of mornings. If you don’t want to organize time to code, you can plan for creative time or artistic tasks you want to do while you’re in the bootcamp or afterwards. Whatever plan you choose, make sure to stick with it for a while and modify what doesn’t work as you go along.

在训练营期间的倦怠是真实的。 有时,当您知道自己想成为更好的编码器或使应用程序正常运行时,甚至会感到内,感到内want。 找到适合自己的放松时间和专注时间之间的平衡非常重要。 计划一些时间来编写代码会有所帮助。 找出如何最好地学习以及什么时候最有生产力。 您可能决定在代码上工作几个小时,然后在每个块之间花费一个小时的时间。 或者,也许您想工作更短的时间,并且之间有短暂的休息。 也许您最好的工作时间是在深夜而不是早晨。 如果您不想安排时间进行编码,则可以计划在训练营中或之后的创作时间或艺术任务。 无论您选择哪种计划,请务必坚持一会儿,然后根据实际情况修改不起作用的内容。

5.说出来 (5. Talk it Out)

Talking to others about your experience as a budding software engineer is helpful. Talk to friends about any struggles you are having. Let them know that you might need some space and how they can help you succeed. If you’re feeling like family and friends may not understand, talk to people who are in your situation. Reach out to other classmates and vent. You might be surprised that a lot of people feel the same way you do. You can also attend Meetup groups or workshops with other software engineering professionals and ask for valuable advice!

与其他人谈论您作为新软件工程师的经验会有所帮助。 与朋友谈论您遇到的任何困难。 让他们知道您可能需要一些空间,以及他们如何帮助您成功。 如果您觉得家人和朋友可能不理解,请与您所处环境的人交谈。 向其他同学伸出援手。 您可能会惊讶于许多人都对您有同样的感觉。 您还可以与其他软件工程专业人员一起参加Meetup小组或研讨会,并寻求宝贵的建议!

推动通过! (Push Through!)

Take things one day at a time to find the right balance between working hard and rest. A coding bootcamp can be overwhelming at times but you’ll push through it! If you have any additional tips that you recommend, drop it in the comment section below!

一次一天做事,以找到努力与休息之间的适当平衡。 编码训练营有时可能会让人不知所措,但您一定会努力完成! 如果您还有其他建议建议,请将其放在下面的评论部分!

翻译自: https://medium.com/@mcasimirian/5-tips-for-creatives-navigating-a-coding-bootcamp-58b2e19bbcf0




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