
Ruby is an object-oriented programming language developed by Yukihiro Matsumoto. Ruby is a dynamic programming language with a complex but at the same time expressive grammar. Ruby also has a core class library with a rich and powerful API.

Ruby是由Yukihiro Matsumoto开发的一种面向对象的编程语言。 Ruby是一种动态编程语言 ,具有复杂但同时具有表现力的语法 。 Ruby还具有一个核心类库,该库具有丰富而强大的API。

Ruby is inspired by other low level and object oriented programming languages like Lisp, Smalltalk, and Perl and uses syntax that is easy for C and Java programmers to learn.


Ruby, a dynamic and open source programming language with a focus on simplicity and productivity, has an elegant syntax that is natural to read and easy to write.


Although it's easy to program in Ruby, it is not a simple language.


Ruby的功能 (Features of Ruby)

  1. Object Oriented : Every values in Ruby is an object, even the most primitive things like strings, numbers and even true and false. So, Ruby is a pure Object Oriented Language. Every object has a class and every class has one superclass.

    面向对象: Ruby中的每个值都是一个对象,即使是最原始的东西,例如字符串,数字,甚至是true和false。 因此,Ruby是一种纯粹的面向对象语言。 每个对象都有一个类,每个类都有一个超类。

  2. Dynamic : Ruby is a very dynamic programming language. Ruby programs aren't compiled like C or Java programs. All things in a program are built by the code when it is run. A program can also modify its own definitions while running.

    动态: Ruby是一种非常动态的编程语言。 Ruby程序不能像C或Java程序那样进行编译。 程序中的所有内容都是在运行时由代码构建的。 程序在运行时还可以修改自己的定义。

  3. Singleton Classes : Every object in Ruby has two classes: a regular class and a singleton class. An object's singleton class is nameless class whose only instances is that object. Singleton classes are created automatically and make Ruby simple and elegant.

    单例类: Ruby中的每个对象都有两个类: regular classsingleton class 。 对象的单例类是无名类,其唯一实例是该对象。 Singleton类是自动创建的,使Ruby简单而优雅。

  4. Metaprogramming : Everything in Ruby are objects. You can use them to learn about them or even modify them, while your program is running. This technique is called metaprogramming.

    元编程: Ruby中的一切都是对象。 您可以在程序运行时使用它们来了解它们,甚至可以对其进行修改。 这种技术称为元编程。

  5. Flexibility : Methods can be added to existing classes without sub classing, operators can be overloaded, and even the behaviour of the standard library can be redefined at runtime.


  6. Variables and scopes : Programmer do not need to declare variables or variable scope in ruby. The name of the variable automatically determines its scope.

    变量和范围:程序员无需在ruby中声明变量或变量范围。 变量的名称自动确定其范围。

    Examples :
    var is a local variable.
    $var is a global variable.
    @var is an instance variable.
    @@var is a class variable.
    例子 :

Ruby:高级功能 (Ruby: Advanced Features)

  • Exceptions for handling errors.


  • Garbage Collector.


  • OS - independent threading, which allows you to write multi-threaded applications even on operating systems such as DOS.


  • You can write extensions to Ruby in C.


为什么要去Ruby? (Why you should go for Ruby?)

  • Ruby is a server-side scripting language.


  • Ruby can be embedded into HTML.


  • Ruby has similar syntax to that of many programming languages like C and Java.


  • Ruby supports mostly all the platforms like Windows, Mac and Linux.


  • Ruby can be easily connected to Oracle, MySQL, DB2.





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