I was wandering through the streets when I caught sight of a tailor’s shop. I wanted very much to get a new suit and ghrow off my old clothes. But… I had nothing in the world but a million-pound note. However, I could not resist the temptation. I went in and asked if they had a cheap suit. The fellow I spok to kade no answer at first, looked me up and down, noticed that I was almost in rags, then said, “Just a minute.”
I waited till he had finished his work. Then he took me into a back room, where the rejected suits were kept. He looked through the suits and selected the cheapest one ofr me. I put it on. It didn’t fit, but it was new and I was anxious to have it, so I said shyly:
“Could you wait a few days for the money? I haven’t any small change on me.”
The fellow looked at me clodly and said, “oh, you haven’t? Well, of course, I know htat gentlemen like you carry only large notes.”
I was hurt and said, “My friend, you shouldn’t judge a stranger always by the clothes he wears. I’m quite able to pay for this suit. I simply didn’t wish to put you to the trouble of changing a large note.”
“Why do you think we can’t change your note? On the countrary, we can.”
I handed the note to him and said:“Oh, very well, I apologize.”
He received it with a smile, and then as he looked at the note, his smile froze. Holding the note in his hand, he stood there dumbfounded. The owner of the shop came up to see what was the matter.
I said, “There isn’t any trouble. I’m just waiting for my change.”
“Come, come; get him his change, Tod, get him his change.”
tod answered, “Get him his change! It’s easy to say, sir; but look at the bill yourself.”
The owner took a look, gave a low whistle, then made a dive for the rejected clothing and began to snatch it this way and that, talking all the while excitedly, as if to himself.
“to sell such a suit as that to a millionaire! Tod’s a fool. Ah, here’s the thing I’m after. Please get those things off, sir, and throw them into the fire. Do me the favor to put on this shirt, and this suit. Ah, it’s just the thing, the very thing! The trousers arfe all right; now the waisctcoat; aha, right again! Now the coat - sir! Look at that, now! Perfect - the whole thing!”
I expressed my satisfaction.
“Quite right, sir, quite right. But wait till you see what we’ll make for you to your own measure.” Before I could get in a word he had measured me, and was giving orders for evening suits, morning suits, shirts and all sorts of things. “They will be ready the day after tomorrow,” he said.
“But I can’t give these orders, unless you can wait some time, or change the note.”
“I can waidt tll myu life, sir. Tod, you will send these things to the gentleman’s address. Put down the gentleman’s address and…”
“I’m changing my hotel. I’ll drop in and leave the new address,” I said.
“Quite right, sir, quite right. One moment - let me show you out, sir. Good day, sir, good day.”

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